Size Please?

awl4knot's Avatar
It seems as if the folks here are just enjoying your topic! A bell might be annoying but if you could easily remove it, why not try it?

Forgive me for the suggestion, but a little tag with either a pet name or her real name on it would be interesting to have connected to her collar. Just for fun since the collar is going to her.

EW Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Here's the rub with a name tag. I only know the recipients' (if it's a hit, why limit to one lady?) nom(s?) de guerre and putting it on the collar might limit it's usefulness in her real life. Of course, I am assuming that providers sometimes do things in real life that they do for pay. So if the collar had "Bambi" on it, and her name is Gertie, there could be a problem.

I think I will go with the bell. What the hell, I only be listening to it once every quarter if I am lucky.

My live model is bigger than my intended recipients, but now I will have to get her one too. You know how girls are: one gets something and then all of them want it. It is a small price to pay for her willingness to help a monger in need.

Thanks for your help. I will report back.
TexEngnr's Avatar
Not pressing the point, just presenting options . . .

Along with the bells I bought at Michael's, I also bought a package of split rings. This made it easy to add and remove collar adornments as suits the situation.

(Michael's is my favorite toy shop. So many items with creative uses for those with kink on their minds.)
awl4knot's Avatar

(Michael's is my favorite toy shop. So many items with creative uses for those with kink on their minds.) Originally Posted by TexEngnr
This is obvious and I think you should tell management how much you appreciate the store. Here's the link to their customer comment page:

Thanks for the help and ideas. This is going to be a great gift.

TexEngnr's Avatar
I never thought of posting in their customer comment page, they even have a place for photos of customer projects.

Tempting, but probably a bad idea.

But do please post a photo of the collar you end up with, I think Another Realm might be more receptive than Michael's.
I prefer adding weights to nipple clamps...♥
TexEngnr's Avatar
That too.
LOL....By the title of the thread I sure thought the subject was going to be something else. LOL
Doc_rob's Avatar
Don't forget to stop by the Dollar Store for a package of chip clips. They work fairly well as nipple/pussy clips, mainly because they provide just enough pressure to make her squirm.