ok...Lets get cyber naked.

Hottassamelia's Avatar
I like your 3-word story game better dear.
Have a great weekend!

pyro Originally Posted by pyro
Oh dont tease me...
We can make that happen!
Okay! I'll out myself.

I am Lesbian!!!
sixxbach's Avatar
I'll bite!! I have the hots for you!! Know you already knew that.OK Ok 6-21-1990
I stopped DRINKING.Yes thats 20 years and 5 days how or 7305 one day at a times.
It's a long time between drinks is all I know.LOL AND YOU ARE HOT!!!!
DO I get any special on that????LOL
Sorry Baby know wine from me. Originally Posted by levibob56
wow congratulations!

Lifetime zero alcohol consumption, no kidding. Originally Posted by 78704
wow....... how do you cope?? lol
I helped kill James Bond.
In 1969 I got third place in the State Championship in the 120 Yd High Hurdles in my home state.

My most memorable vacation ever was climbing to the top of the Pyramids of Egypt at night. That same night we explored in the caves/tombs of many buried near the Pyramids using only a candle. I felt like Tom Sawyer/Indiana Jones
rrrabbit's Avatar
Boobies ! I LIKE BOOBIES !

Betch'a you won't forget that one.

SofaKingFun's Avatar
I am Craig.

78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 06-27-2010, 04:04 PM
wow....... how do you cope?? lol Originally Posted by sixxbach

Barbell, Barton springs pool, chocolate milk, pretty girls.
I'm afraid of small heights. I can handle big ones, such as roller coasters and buildings, but 5-100 ft and I'm terrified.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I've gone on a few pseudo-vagabond trips to foreign countries all by my lonesome, often hitchhiking and sleeping in ATM booths, beaches, and parks so I could save my money for important things like museum tickets and beer. I could go for extended periods without a shower, just using the ocean as my bath. One time I avoided being attacked by a band of gypsies who attacked and robbed my neighbors down the beach because they mistook me for a homeless man. Now I have trouble being comfortable at anything less than a 3 star hotel.
BladeRunner's Avatar
I am a "classically trained" (that means BEFORE the internet!) Dominate (ie: BDSM lifestyle), but walked away from it due to far too many now thinking they are in the lifestyle just because they watch crap online, "play" at it online, have read all the "Gor" novels, or some other primarily internet based crap.
Hottassamelia's Avatar
wow..Im learning a LOT about you friends...

although some is a little scary.

But anywho...Ill go next...

I sleep walk
..sleep talk
...sleep climb..
yep,thats right folks,sleep climb.
My mom would find me in all sorts of "high" place..just sitting up,asleep.
extra locks had to be put on the doors...
real fun.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I have been pronounced dead twice in my lifetime apparently I am one stubborn chick
knotty man's Avatar
ive only been pronounced dead once.... but i dont date that girl anymore
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 06-29-2010, 12:44 AM
I am afraid of nothing..

..except aliens! (Those grey ones with big eyes and scrawny bodies!)
