This is what the democrats tried to put on the GOP

Do not misunderstand, though I think you will on purpose, I am not saying that the media and the DNC got the job for Romney but they sure greased the skids just like they have been doing with Christie.

and Timmie fulfills the prophecy Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD Idiot: It's time for a reality check! I am going to lay this out in a way that even you should be able to understand.

Republican candidates for POTUS lost the General elections in 2008 and 2012 because the modern day Republican Party has now split into two separate, and distinct, factions. An individual who now calls himself a Tea Party Republican, hates the more moderate Republican faction almost as much as they hate those gosh-awful Democrats.

Need I remind you that "HATE" is one thing all Republicans seem to do well. Make that very well?

In simpler terms (for the simple minded JD Idiot's of the world), modern day Republicans are their own worst enemies.

This thread is proof positive that JD Idiot blames the Democrats for the Republican Party's total inability to coalesce behind a single candidate.

Why don't you stop blaming others for your failures and just look within? DUH!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The idiots leading the GOP are totally clueless when it comes to winning the big one. The establishment Republicans are only a few positions different than the Democrats minus the communists. Goth are behind an ever growing government that intrudes into the privacy of the citizens. One only pays lip service to smaller government yet knows that by expanding the government they will get to keep a little share of power.

Unlike the Democrats that embraced the communists and socialists, the GOP is fighting to keep libertarians and conservatives out as much as they can. This is exactly what the Dems want to have happen as they fear the takeover of the GOP more than anything else as it would bring a shift in the power structure.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The establishment republicans have been in office too long. They have lost their awareness of what is important to the American people. The democrats are twice as bad. Take the focus this week. The democrats want to extend unemployment benefits and cover their asses by saying it's compassion. Compassion would be getting the economy going so people can find jobs that pay more than unemployment but that is an alien concept to the party of Alinsky and Carter. Immediately some body here in an examply of knee jerk liberalism will demand to know what the republicans are doing rather than defend their people. They will forget that the GOP has no real voice in the with senate with Reid in charge. So what has the house been up to? Glad you asked. Here is a partial list of bills passed by the house designed to create jobs but still awaiting action in the Senate;

H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act
• Introduced by Rep. Bob Gibbs (OH) on March 2, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 292-130 on March 31, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act
• Introduced by Rep. Fred Upton (MI) on March 3, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 255-172 on April 7, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 37, a Resolution of disapproval regarding the FCC’s regulation of the Internet and broadband industry practices
• Introduced by Rep. Greg Walden (OR) on February 16, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 240 to 179 on April 8, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 2018, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act
• Introduced by Rep. John Mica (FL) on May 26, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 239 to 184 on July 13, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 1315, Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act
• Introduced by Rep. Sean Duffy (WI) on April 1, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 241-173 on July 21, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 2587, Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act
• Introduced by Rep. Tim Scott (SC) on July 19, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 238-186 on September 15, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 2401, Transparency In Regulatory Analysis Of Impacts On The Nation
• Introduced by Rep. John Sullivan (OK) on June 24, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 249-169 on September 23, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 2681, Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act
• Introduced by Rep. John Sullivan (OK) on July 28, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 262-161 on October 6, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
o H.R. 2250, EPA Regulatory Relief Act
• Introduced by Rep. Morgan Griffith (VA) on June 21, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 275-142 on October 13, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 2273, Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act
• Introduced by Rep. David McKinley (WV) on June 22, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 276-144 on October 14, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
Fix The Tax Code To Help Job Creators:
H.R. 674, 3% Withholding Rule Repeal
• Introduced by Rep. Wally Herger (CA) on February 11, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 405-16 on October 27, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
Increase Competitiveness for U.S. Manufacturers:
H.R. 1904, Southeast Arizona Resource Utilization & Conservation Act
• Introduced by Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ) on May 13, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 235-186 on October 26, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
Encourage Entrepreneurship and Growth:
H.R. 2433, Veterans Opportunity to Work Act
• Introduced by Rep. Jeff Miller (FL) on July 7, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 418-6 on October 12, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
Maximize Domestic Energy Production To Ensure An Energy Policy For The Twenty-First Century:
H.R. 1230, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act
• Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 266-149 on May 5, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 1229, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act
• Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 263-163 on May 11, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
o H.R. 1231, Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act
• Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 243-179 on May 12, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 2021, the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act
• Introduced by Rep. Cory Gardner (CO) on May 26, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 255-166 on June 22, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 1938, North American-Made Energy Security Act
• Introduced by Rep. Terry Lee (NE) on May 23, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 279-147 on July 26, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date

The GOP is afraid to rock the boat and have boughten into the democratic vision of the world.
The establishment republicans have been in office too long. They have lost their awareness of what is important to the American people. The democrats are twice as bad. Take the focus this week. The democrats want to extend unemployment benefits and cover their asses by saying it's compassion. Compassion would be getting the economy going so people can find jobs that pay more than unemployment but that is an alien concept to the party of Alinsky and Carter. Immediately some body here in an examply of knee jerk liberalism will demand to know what the republicans are doing rather than defend their people. They will forget that the GOP has no real voice in the with senate with Reid in charge. So what has the house been up to? Glad you asked. Here is a partial list of bills passed by the house designed to create jobs but still awaiting action in the Senate;

H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act
• Introduced by Rep. Bob Gibbs (OH) on March 2, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 292-130 on March 31, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act
• Introduced by Rep. Fred Upton (MI) on March 3, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 255-172 on April 7, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 37, a Resolution of disapproval regarding the FCC’s regulation of the Internet and broadband industry practices
• Introduced by Rep. Greg Walden (OR) on February 16, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 240 to 179 on April 8, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 2018, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act
• Introduced by Rep. John Mica (FL) on May 26, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 239 to 184 on July 13, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 1315, Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act
• Introduced by Rep. Sean Duffy (WI) on April 1, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 241-173 on July 21, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 2587, Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act
• Introduced by Rep. Tim Scott (SC) on July 19, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 238-186 on September 15, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 2401, Transparency In Regulatory Analysis Of Impacts On The Nation
• Introduced by Rep. John Sullivan (OK) on June 24, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 249-169 on September 23, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 2681, Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act
• Introduced by Rep. John Sullivan (OK) on July 28, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 262-161 on October 6, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
o H.R. 2250, EPA Regulatory Relief Act
• Introduced by Rep. Morgan Griffith (VA) on June 21, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 275-142 on October 13, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 2273, Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act
• Introduced by Rep. David McKinley (WV) on June 22, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 276-144 on October 14, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
Fix The Tax Code To Help Job Creators:
H.R. 674, 3% Withholding Rule Repeal
• Introduced by Rep. Wally Herger (CA) on February 11, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 405-16 on October 27, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
Increase Competitiveness for U.S. Manufacturers:
H.R. 1904, Southeast Arizona Resource Utilization & Conservation Act
• Introduced by Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ) on May 13, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 235-186 on October 26, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
Encourage Entrepreneurship and Growth:
H.R. 2433, Veterans Opportunity to Work Act
• Introduced by Rep. Jeff Miller (FL) on July 7, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 418-6 on October 12, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
Maximize Domestic Energy Production To Ensure An Energy Policy For The Twenty-First Century:
H.R. 1230, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act
• Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 266-149 on May 5, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 1229, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act
• Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 263-163 on May 11, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
o H.R. 1231, Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act
• Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 243-179 on May 12, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 2021, the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act
• Introduced by Rep. Cory Gardner (CO) on May 26, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 255-166 on June 22, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date
H.R. 1938, North American-Made Energy Security Act
• Introduced by Rep. Terry Lee (NE) on May 23, 2011
• Passed the House by a vote of 279-147 on July 26, 2011
• Senate has taken no action to date

The GOP is afraid to rock the boat and have boughten into the democratic vision of the world. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

WTF is a broughten? Is it like brought?
Instead of fantasizing and boring us with speeches about what the American people do and don't believe, which you have no clue about, by the about you two dimwits telling us who you will vote for in the next presidential election?

Which one of the clown posse of candidates that the republicans rotated through the last two election cycles will it be?

Or will it be one of the newcomers? Paul? Cruz? Uh huh.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-10-2014, 04:18 PM
WTF is a broughten? Is it like brought? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
he's showcasing his intelligence .... teachers are like that.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
OMG! The spelling police! You'll never take me alove coppers!

I got your number JD
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm surprised you can cunt.

I'm surprised you claim to be a teacher.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't claim, school starts next week
Get them rest rooms spotless then.