When white folks demand reparations ,

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The Irish did not have to experience 40 acres and a mule or put up with JIM Crow segregation. Originally Posted by adav8s28
I don't know what you mean by "experience". The promise of 40 acres and a mule was a promise made by a general (Sherman) and was not the policy of the US government...ever. As for the democratic policies of segregation, lynchings, and chain gangs...the Irish were not exempt.
how can one repeat a phrase and think it totally reversed as to meaning or intent? miscomprehending something so straight forward is amazing

the only thing i can come up with was a phrase was heard and only its association with black people was had, and in the hearers thinking bad things only are so associated

how does one experience 40 acres and a mule in a bad way?

the irish would have loved 40 acres and a mule

dont throw me in that briar patch
adav8s28's Avatar
The promise of 40 acres and a mule was a promise made by a general (Sherman) and was not the policy of the US government.... Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
JD, who was General William T. Sherman employed by? As usual you are wrong again. It was more than just a promise. Andrew Johnson tried to change what Sherman started. Here's the point JD. Did the Irish pick cotton along with other enslaved black people? Did the Homestead act (which was an official US government policy) apply to Irish people or just freed blacks who had been forced into slavery?

The Irish have had some tough moments in their history. They did not have the same experience as the black people who came over in the "Triangle Trade" and were forced into slavery.

There are three subjects you should not be teaching at the school you say you teach at. That would be Finance, Science or HISTORY!

He can’t add or read either so he might wanna not teach those as well.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
JD, who was General William T. Sherman employed by? As usual you are wrong again. It was more than just a promise. Andrew Johnson tried to change what Sherman started. Here's the point JD. Did the Irish pick cotton along with other enslaved black people? Did the Homestead act (which was an official US government policy) apply to Irish people or just freed blacks who had been forced into slavery?

The Irish have had some tough moments in their history. They did not have the same experience as the black people who came over in the "Triangle Trade" and were forced into slavery.

There are three subjects you should not be teaching at the school you say you teach at. That would be Finance, Science or HISTORY!

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forty_acres_and_a_mule Originally Posted by adav8s28
Sherman was not authorized by congress to make such an offer. Did you study your history? No one said anything about the Irish and Africans having similar experiences. That is your conceit showing. The Irish, the Chinese, the Poles, Catholics, Jews, Russians, the Southerners, the Carpetbaggers, the French, the Italians, the Serbs, etc. everyone has been enslaved including white Europeans. Everyone has been shit on and some time.
Ask yourself how some groups have risen above it (Jews, Asians in general, etc.) and have been successful after climbing out of the shit. Why do some people lay in the shit and just complain rather than get up?
VitaMan's Avatar
If you have been on a 12 hour airplane flight filled with people from all over, you understand why it was the Germans and Japanese that started wars.

Ethnicities have different traits. But I will put that statement under my humble opinion.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
??? That smells kind of racist. How about this; I was moved out of my three-man barracks room so that Iranian officers could have individual rooms which they trashed in San Diego.

My ship (the USS Guam) rescued 181 people from the American embassy in Somalia. They put the women up in the berthing area for the flight deck crews. They shit down the shower drains, stood on the toliet seats, and generally trashed the area.

So, tell me something I don't know MAGA man. I expect I have more experience with foreign nationals than you will ever have.
VitaMan's Avatar
Play the race card, big fella.

Glad you got your government paycheck. Just like Sherman.

I have more business experience in the real world with foreign companies than you ever will have.

But you have plenty of experience following orders.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I have experience LIVING with people from other countries. Did I hear an attack on the military? And after your racist rant too. I bet you smell Walmart people don't you?
VitaMan's Avatar
Ask yourself how some groups have risen above it (Jews, Asians in general, etc.) and have been successful after climbing out of the shit. Why do some people lay in the shit and just complain rather than get up? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

biomed1's Avatar
And We're Done