"I Never Dated A Girl Without The Permission Of Her Mother"

I care about facts, not sources.

Common sense on this one does not make Moore look to good.


. Originally Posted by WTF
I care about facts too, but when a flimsy source like the OP post something without a credible link I have a tendency to question it. It just so happens, I did my own research and that statement is true.

I care about facts too, but when a flimsy source like the OP post something without a credible link I have a tendency to question it. It just so happens, I did my own research and that statement is true.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Yup... "Old School" not "0zombie school" like WTshitF...

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
"I Never Dated A Girl Without The Permission Of Her Mother"

If he said that then he should be toast....what 32 year old man needs the permission of the Mother of someone he is interested in dating.
Originally Posted by WTF
what part of consent do you not get??? its alabama law. for something like that, he had to ask their parents.
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by WTF View Post

Common sense on this one does not make Moore look to good.

Like WTF's prediction that Zimmerman would get convicted of "something" in the trial over the death of Martin????????
What am I missing here.

Did he or did he not want to date, (and probably fuck), a "something that we are not even allowed to discuss on a Whore Board"?

Ifthe answer is "yes", then what in the hell is this discussion about. He's not only toast, he's a pervert.

I still think this is some type of religious thing. Many of these ultra evangelical groups look at the Bible and see numerous accounts of grown men marrying what by today's standards are untouchable. It's the old "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed" thing. The Bible might have condoned it, but the Laws of the United States don't.

We all know that the Washington Post is a Rag. They will print anything with impunity, hiding behind the sacred freedom of the Press. This is just another example of what happens when a News Organization, with First Amendment Protection, sells out to one political idealology and one political party.

I say elect Moore, and if something of more substance arises, kick him out and have the Governor appoint a new Senator. The reason I say this is because it is obvious that the Post planned this tomam"T", knowing the regarding changing Candidates and Ballots after 76 days.
I B Hankering's Avatar
This has all the earmarks of a George Soros and/or David Brock smear. It's the same tactic David Brock has employed against Trump, Bill O'Reilly, Charles Payne, Eric Bolling, Sean Hannity, etc. Brock is targeting Hannity again for his "innocent until proven guilty" stance on Moore.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-13-2017, 06:21 AM
This has all the earmarks of a George Soros and/or David Brock smear. It's the same tactic David Brock has employed against Trump, Bill O'Reilly, Charles Payne, Eric Bolling, Sean Hannity, etc. Brock is targeting Hannity again for his "innocent until proven guilty" stance on Moore. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Don't forget Louie CK , Bill Cosby . Harvey Weinstien.....these three men and all the men you mentioned are all good men! The fucking newspapers hiding behind their bullshit freedom of speech are just trying to hurt these guys...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-13-2017, 06:25 AM

Like WTF's prediction that Zimmerman would get convicted of "something" in the trial over the death of Martin???????? Originally Posted by LexusLover
People that have the balls to make predictions , get some wrong.

People like you who only Monday Morning second guess come on whore boards and tell us what we already know....except that time you predicated the Las Vegas Shooters MOTIVE.... damn that was a doesy.
LexusLover's Avatar
What am I missing here.

Did he or did he not want to date, (and probably fuck), a "something that we are not even allowed to discuss on a Whore Board"?

If the answer is "yes", then what in the hell is this discussion about. He's not only toast, he's a pervert.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
#1: I'm not familiar with Alabama law today on the topic and clearly not familiar with Alabama law on the topic 40 years ago, and I doubt any of the media loudmouths are and I doubt any of the loudmouths on here are who are "convicting" Moore on WHAT IS PUBLISHED IN A NEWSPAPER!!!!

#2: I know of no written, published CRIME that convicts someone purely on what one "THINKS" or "WANTS" (in their thoughts), without any action taken in furtherance of those "thoughts," and I loath the day when any such crime becomes "law" and is enforced!

The only people in here who would agree that "Moore" is "guilty" of anything for which he is currently being "accused," based on what has surfaced IN THE MEDIA are the same people in here who make up shit about posters in here and accuse them of various behavior without any FACTS to support it .....

Today ... TODAY ... there are media "pundits" claiming Trump said he BELIEVES PUTIN when PUTIN SAYS neither he nor Russia tampered with the U.S. elections ... even after Trump has said specifically and directly the opposite!

Although there are some on here who don't act like it, I suspect that most, if not all, were having sex with members of the opposite sex 40 years ago in the civilian world! If so, and those persons had multiple partners I suspect there may be some whose names they don't remember and/or whose PARENTS they never met or don't remember! If one was fucking only 1-2 people back then, then PERHAPS they can "recall"! If you don't like Moore, fine, but don't make up shit about him, or anyone else.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Don't forget Louie CK , Bill Cosby . Harvey Weinstien.....these three men and all the men you mentioned are all good men! The fucking newspapers hiding behind their bullshit freedom of speech are just trying to hurt these guys... Originally Posted by WTF
Brock and Soros didn't target those individuals, but Weinstein and Louie CK are probably casualties of the feeding frenzy, Brock, et al, have created.

FWIW, there's more than a few mongers here that have engaged a provider who is/was 30 or 40 years their junior. There's no evidence other than "she said" (which Brock's/Soros's money can buy) to convict Moore of the worst charge, and it's pure hypocrisy for someone here to criticize Moore for attempting to date someone of age who is twelve - fourteen years his junior.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-13-2017, 07:39 AM
and it's pure hypocrisy for someone here to criticize Moore for attempting to date someone of age who is twelve - fourteen years his junior.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Hopefully none of you fuckers are running for a US Senate post!

I just think it strange a Trump voter accuse Moore of this and anyone call it a hit piece. Why would a Trump voter turn on Moore?

Next if you believe bambino's take and that it is a hit piece by the GOP, you'd have to believe the GOP is in bed with the WaPo.

That whole tighty whities thing does not help ole cowboy Roy in my book! That is a detail one would remember... Sounds like he got caught with his pants down but his drawers on!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It appears for the most part they are on the "left side"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
And with that .... we crown the 2017 DOTY, LLIARMAN!
LexusLover's Avatar
^^^The Two Amigas Echoes^^^

Pero posiblimente es mejor ....

"Las Dos Amigas Ecos"
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What your point LLiarMan?

Are you that lonely?
bambino's Avatar
This has all the earmarks of a George Soros and/or David Brock smear. It's the same tactic David Brock has employed against Trump, Bill O'Reilly, Charles Payne, Eric Bolling, Sean Hannity, etc. Brock is targeting Hannity again for his "innocent until proven guilty" stance on Moore. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I’m guessing it wasNcConnell and the Republican establishment that’s behind this.