Respect. Word things with our Queens

NordicJag's Avatar
What in the second paragraph was racist. Please explain I’d hate to just label you before hearing you out. Originally Posted by Whosthebest
Quote from Pitroom," white folks have always viewed black skin as objects."

I have not and there are many who have not. A general statement like this is racist.
Whosthebest's Avatar
Quote from Pitroom," white folks have always viewed black skin as objects."

I have not and there are many who have not. A general statement like this is racist. Originally Posted by NordicJag
Thanks I figured it was just some foolishness jag. Words have definitions. Plus did he say all whites? Nice try but as usual pathetic
NordicJag's Avatar
Thanks I figured it was just some foolishness jag. Words have definitions. Plus did he say all whites? Nice try but as usual pathetic Originally Posted by Whosthebest
He did not say some white folks or qualify it in any way. Therefore, the term "white folks" is all inclusive and is the definition of racism. No foolishness at all.
Whosthebest's Avatar
He did not say some white folks or qualify it in any way. Therefore, the term "white folks" is all inclusive and is the definition of racism. No foolishness at all. Originally Posted by NordicJag
So all inclusive is the definition of racism?seems you have an extreme lack of understanding as to what a definition is. It’s ok you just don’t seem to have a good understanding of things and that’s ok
Demolition's Avatar
White people always love to tell black people how we are supposed to feel once they do some bullshit. It's because they feel like they've conditioned us black folks to simply always shut the fuck up. Not this black person. I've seen increasing incidents of just outright bullshit statements. I've told you'll before I'm going to get what I want pussy wise when I want it but since my fellow brethren seem to think it's unimportant to protect black women I'm fully up for the job

I repeat absolutely no woman wants to sell pussy. Absolutely none. They do it because it's few options that offer the same financial benefits with the least amount of physical time involved. There might be .1 percent of those who actually like this or less.

As someone who regularly encountered bullies in high school I'm readily equipped to handle and dispense bullies at my elder age.again at Escape 20 years ago there was never a mention of race. Just come in and buy some pussy. It seems like we have gone backwards and that's disturbing. I rarely ever talk about race issues but the Coed thread that was conveniently moved to protect an obviously white member as I, an openly black member, got points is some next level bullshit. You UC even stated you were moving the post to keep the member from getting points. In the open. In Coed. So again, I understand you'll just want us to shut up and play along and pay, and others want our black women around just to satisfy a fetish as if a woman is some kind of circus mutt, but I am not of that ilk and i thought you UC were not. What I saw was a obviously offensive statement that should have seen repercussions on the Op who dared to think it was okay to put that out as opposed to me and I will forever stand on that. I get it, we are supposed to just shut up, pay, and take whatever. To those who put out racist statements you are not okay and black folks ain't putting up with that shit anymore, just check the Riverboat incident. Again, the Op of that Coed iso, which is not allowed, I would love to meet up with you and discuss why that statement was so out of bounds. I'll even pay for dinner and drinks. It will be a civil conversation of course but one I believe you sorely need. Originally Posted by Pitroom
If you were "the Hobby" as you claim to be, none of this would matter as pussy would be crawling over to you, your imaginary $300 overnighters would be real, as so forth...
I'm not going over and over the point with you'll . The original post said Black AF. Which obviously means black ass fuck. To say that to a black woman's face or even perhaps in pm would not go over well. I believe the original poster understands now and won't make a similar faux paus in the future so my job is done. I am @thehobby so it's my business to protect the integrity of the hobby, to make sure all folks are treated fairly, to advance the hobby, to educate, to enlighten. I believe I have done that here and I don't think anyone else will use that language and that's all I wanted. Thanks family
Michael8219's Avatar
Black as fuck. Look I know you'll are baiting me to a ban
. Same difference. Black as Fuck. Anyhoo. @thehobby signing out
a1soundman's Avatar
I'm not going over and over the point with you'll . The original post said Black AF. Which obviously means black ass fuck. To say that to a black woman's face or even perhaps in pm would not go over well. I believe the original poster understands now and won't make a similar faux paus in the future so my job is done. I am @thehobby so it's my business to protect the integrity of the hobby, to make sure all folks are treated fairly, to advance the hobby, to educate, to enlighten. I believe I have done that here and I don't think anyone else will use that language and that's all I wanted. Thanks family Originally Posted by Pitroom
Let it rest, the Messiah has spoken. PR I don’t think I have ever seen someone so full of himself. You’re an expert at twisting phrases to marry up your meaning.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Guys, you can stop harassing Pit now.
NordicJag's Avatar
Guys, you can stop harassing Pit now. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
He obviously wants us to harass him or he wouldn't say the things that he does.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
He obviously wants us to harass him or he wouldn't say the things that he does. Originally Posted by NordicJag

Well, well, well, look who got banned tonight. He will be back within a day or two, be on good behavior for a few months, then go right back where he was. It's in his nature and he can't help it. Also watch for his increased postings on oh2.