Show me your papers

It's here. The Nacht und Nebel Decree is finally rearing it's ugly head. Bush started it with the Patriot Act and Obama finished it with the NDAA 2012. Welcome to the new American Era. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

Oh Hell I thought this was about zig zags
] Oh yeah, we're safe from bus riding terrorists, but Liberty is dead and we are under attack by our own civil servants. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Truer words have never been spoken!

They actually enforce their immigration laws.
New Zealand will only accept who they want, when they want them.
Not one of the easiest nations to immigrate to. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Well, I'm sure when I get ready to go they will welcome me with open arms. No criminal history, advanced degrees and by the time I'm ready to move I'll have several publications under my belt. Who doesn't welcome intellectuals?
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
It's a private island in Belize for me. 350k for 12 acres! Solar Power plus generators. Reverse osmosis waer systems....Yep. I'll know when it's time to go!
It's a private island in Belize for me. 350k for 12 acres! Solar Power plus generators. Reverse osmosis waer systems....Yep. I'll know when it's time to go! Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
You're kickin' right then! I wonder how much the south face of a mountain is for me. I'm much more of a mountain girl than a beach girl.

Still, I'd like to keep my liberties here in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.
They got people on minor offenses because they did bag checks and ran ID's. It's a Fifth Amendment issue if nothing else. If there is no suspicion then the authorities have NO FUCKING RIGHT to question you or ask for ID. These people were on a bus, they weren't driving. Why did the police need to see their DL.

Secondly, this "cop" is head of the METRO po-po not the real HPD. It's like being the Chief of Police for the University of Houston or something. Big deal! It was his 15 minutes of fame; unfortunately Liberty got in the way of his ego. And he said he's going to do it again. Oh yeah, we're safe from bus riding terrorists, but Liberty is dead and we are under attack by our own civil servants.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
If I might interject here, it is the law that every citizen of the US must carry a picture ID or get a ticket. Also, if an officer asks for your ID, by law, you must show it to him.

It's only a preview of what's to come in our near future with no privacy whatsoever to protect the US citizens from terrorism. But, hopefully, some of you have read between the lines in order to understand which side I am on.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Belize welcome immigration provided you can prove that you have a minimum income that is determined by the government and will not be dependent upon the government.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Olivia? The Patriot Act was written by Senator Joe Biden. It was passed during the era of Bush because of the terrorist attacks but Biden had written it in 1995 before there was a 9/11. So you should question his intentions for a 1995 law that you disagree with. You can disagree with the stampede to pass the act in 2001 but blame the person who wrote it.

This kind of stuff has been done before. In 1999 I was house hunting north of Kansas City when a sign came up on I-35 saying that there was a drug enforcement stop in the next mile. Interesting but the next exit was my exit. I exited the interstate and there they were...the county police waiting to ask why I got off the interstate. I had the clippings, the real estate office papers and a clean record. That was 1999.

Oh, that little German implication was unfair and beneath you.
Actually, Belize and NZ have very similar immigration policies.

Yes, round trip tickets are required unless you actually intend to immigrate. If you actually intend to immigrate, you have to show intent (and resources) to invest.

Isn't it more fun to just pick out the parts that support your argument?

Olivia? The Patriot Act was written by Senator Joe Biden. It was passed during the era of Bush because of the terrorist attacks but Biden had written it in 1995 before there was a 9/11. So you should question his intentions for a 1995 law that you disagree with. You can disagree with the stampede to pass the act in 2001 but blame the person who wrote it.

This kind of stuff has been done before. In 1999 I was house hunting north of Kansas City when a sign came up on I-35 saying that there was a drug enforcement stop in the next mile. Interesting but the next exit was my exit. I exited the interstate and there they were...the county police waiting to ask why I got off the interstate. I had the clippings, the real estate office papers and a clean record. That was 1999. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Joe Biden is an idiot. That is something that most people in the world agree with. You may not; but then again it would be a consider the source thing as far as I’m concerned.

OK, Biden wrote a similar bill – big deal. It didn’t pass. You know why? I’ll tell you why, because it was a Liberty killing piece of proposed legislation. People should be streaming this video everywhere and screaming from the mountaintops that Liberty is dead.

And you can’t seem to comprehend something – I’m not a fucking Democrat nor am I a fucking Republican. I am on the side of the Republic and We the People. Stop trying to play stupid with me. Everyone on this board knows I’m an Independent and that I share no love with and break no bread with the two parties or the dogmatic morons that peddle their master’s sound bite ideology.

Oh, that little German implication was unfair and beneath you. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Baby, you don’t have to put me on a pedestal. It doesn't work anyway.

If I might interject here, it is the law that every citizen of the US must carry a picture ID or get a ticket. Also, if an officer asks for your ID, by law, you must show it to him.

It's only a preview of what's to come in our near future with no privacy whatsoever to protect the US citizens from terrorism. But, hopefully, some of you have read between the lines in order to understand which side I am on. Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
It's our right to privacy and the rest of the Constitution and Bill of Rights that protects us from the State.

We had the intelligence to thwart the 9/11 attacks, but our agencies were too busy protecting their fiefdoms to share with one another. Boom was the result. We did it then without Liberty killing and Habeas Corpus denying pieces of legislation, we can do it now that our eyes are [supposedly] open.
Joe Biden is an idiot. That is something that most people in the world agree with. You may not; but then again it would be a consider the source thing as far as I’m concerned.

OK, Biden wrote a similar bill – big deal. It didn’t pass. You know why? I’ll tell you why, because it was a Liberty killing piece of proposed legislation. People should be streaming this video everywhere and screaming from the mountaintops that Liberty is dead.

It's our right to privacy and the rest of the Constitution and Bill of Rights that protects us from the State.

We had the intelligence to thwart the 9/11 attacks, but our agencies were too busy protecting their fiefdoms to share with one another. Boom was the result. We did it then without Liberty killing and Habeas Corpus denying pieces of legislation, we can do it now that our eyes are [supposedly] open.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I'm playing Devil's advocate here. But, there's an arguement that since it doesn't explictly say that we have a right to privacy in either the Constitution or the BOR, which means that we don't innately have those rights.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I want ti immigrate to Olivia's.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let me put it more plainly; Joe Biden wrote the Patriot Act when there was no war on terrorism. Why? It didn't pass but in 1915 the Espionage Act didn't pass either. In 1917 it did pass. So the question is why did Biden write the act and how did any democrat support it when there was no just cause?
You can complain now about it but at least we can point to a reason why it was supported by both parties NOW (or at least in 2001). What kind of mindset would do it then and why is that person one heartbeat away from the White House?

and yes, Biden is an idiot (no one said anything different)