List of conspiracy theories

Badboy_71's Avatar
OKAY! OKAY! I'll admit it! I did all those things! It was me, alright! Now can we change the subject?!!!
dirty dog's Avatar
Sure bad boy its easy, just dont click on the thread.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
OKAY! OKAY! I'll admit it! I did all those things! It was me, alright! Now can we change the subject?!!! Originally Posted by Badboy_71
I thought you were only responsable for world hunger and the lack of peace in the middle east.
Badboy_71's Avatar
Not the middle east. The world hunger thing was to try to get people to move to where the food is. That one just backfired. Sorry!
'New World Order' is basically the idea that the world and hence politics, banking, business, entertainment in most countries is run by the ultrawealthy the Global Banking Elite. These would by families like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Lazards, Bronfmans, and Morgans. The Federal Reserve is a private entity that violates the Constitution and is owned by families such as these (largest shareholder is the Rothschilds).

In fact, JP Morgan was one of the largest figureheads responsible for the creation of the Federal Reserve during the Woodrow Wilson administration. The more you research this topic, the more and more feasible it all sounds. It explains a lot about the rapid deterioration of the economies in America, Europe, etc. and the push for a global currency (Anybody remember Medvedev flashing a sample 'global coin' at last year's G8 summit?)
BiggestBest's Avatar
I think but dont recall correctly that the files on JFK will be released in 2012. I beleive that their was a major government cover up! Why seal records for 55 years????
because it was organized crime?? Dont think so. Originally Posted by i812-)
Now you know what event will trigger the end of the world in 2012.

Perhaps I've said too much ...
'New World Order' is basically the idea that the world and hence politics, banking, business, entertainment in most countries is run by the ultrawealthy the Global Banking Elite. These would by families like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Lazards, Bronfmans, and Morgans. The Federal Reserve is a private entity that violates the Constitution and is owned by families such as these (largest shareholder is the Rothschilds).

In fact, JP Morgan was one of the largest figureheads responsible for the creation of the Federal Reserve during the Woodrow Wilson administration. The more you research this topic, the more and more feasible it all sounds. It explains a lot about the rapid deterioration of the economies in America, Europe, etc. and the push for a global currency (Anybody remember Medvedev flashing a sample 'global coin' at last year's G8 summit?) Originally Posted by bigblue04
Very good summary Blue
dirty dog's Avatar
It has become apparent to me that I am the second coming of christ. Thats the only thing that can explain all these woman chanting "oh god, oh god" while were having sex.
If any of you like learning about this subject, I have been reading a new book called "I Am Me, I Am Free, The Robotics Guide to Freedom" by David Icke. So far I am loving the heck out of this book. He has written quite a few other books that I look forward to checking out when I'm done with this one. Just thought I'd pass this book along in case anyone out there is in search of a new read.

Bottomless Filth,

You are on the right track! I've read 5-6 of Icke's books, and he is right on the money. He has been exposing the NWO for 10+ years. Everyone back then thought he was nuttier than squirrel turds, but now he is the one laughing. Take a look around America and the massive, unprecedented and unconstitutional power grab happening in all arenas by the Federal gov't. the NWO is 100% real and we essentially already live in a Fascist Police State. Yesterday on the news, they were even mentioning a new national ID card for all(which has been in the works for years).

Luckily, people are really starting to wake up and oppose this garbage. The widespread opposition to Swine Flu Vaccines, the Healthcare Bill, and Cap and Trade along w/ the Global Warming hoax are a sign the masses are starting to push back!
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 03-11-2010, 12:13 AM
I don't believe in any of them. Neither do I believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, or the G-spot.