Your thoughts on Pimps/Managers/BF

I don't make a distinction I only ask they stay out of sight out of mind. If a lady does not care who am I
I guess that if a provider has a "boyfriend" outside the hobby that is one thing (no biggie), but I suppose if the boyfriend is also a mooch, setting up her appointments, screening, taking a cut of her work result/cash, he's definitely something else. It is sad that some of the gals may truly think that "boyfriend" is really looking out for their interests when in some cases, to him she is disposable income and a hole to conveniently use when not rented out. When you see shared incalls, parties, drugs, drama and a group of dude leeches hanging onto the providers, that's not a good thing either as it raises the risk profile/LE exposure for the incall and all involved. From reading other forum posts there seems to be a bit of that crap going on in our fair city already and that's not good for anyone except the mooching dude leeches (until the free pussy runs out or they go find themselves another provider to sucker/use).

Yet... in jest, one of the best old TV series pimp's was Rooster! ha

mtabsw's Avatar
Not to derail this thread, but I avoid being anywhere in sight of the incall until the time and/or get the final "I'm ready" text or call.

First time visits I give my status and deadline - "Hi - I'm hanging out about 5 minutes from you for our 1pm - I'm on a schedule too so if you don't contact me by 1:15 we'll have to reschedule"
rcinokc's Avatar
I always assume they have a manager of some sort, but as long as I don't see any sign of him, I can live with it. If you start trying to figure out who is and isn't pimped, then avoid the ones that you think are, you'll go nuts, and never get laid.
dallasfan's Avatar
The female pimp is in now. So it's harder to tell.
Papa Noel's Avatar
I had a session recently, and the provider was traveling with another girl. So, today I reach out to the other girl and see if she could meet up. We agreed on 3:30. Her incall is pretty close to me (I already knew where it was at since I had been there previously with the first girl). On my way there, she asks if we can push to 4:00. I replied that I would try and wait, but I was on a time crunch myself. I get there at 3:30, but she's not there.

While sitting there, I was watching the activity. I noticed a black dude standing in an open door way (next to the room I had used with the other provider). He was just standing around looking and scanning. I then see the provider who I was supposed to meet, come walking from across the street, up to her room. Previous to her getting there, there was another woman I had not recognized, come from that room to the room below. After she walks in the room, I see a Hispanic dude look out in the parking lot. I then get a text from her saying to give her 15 more minutes.

At this point, it was off for me. Seeing the dude in the room canceled my plans, and I didn't want any part of that scenario. I thought these were independent girls, but looks like they had a PIMP/Manager/BF with them.

It's a shame, because I really wanted to see the provider. So I'm asking the group what their thoughts on the situation are. If you find out the girls is working for someone, do you proceed, or back out? Is a pimp to be expected? Originally Posted by YouTellMe

You forgot or left out husbands...........
I thought what happened to Lester in the movie Casino was wonderful.
If i know a girl is pimped, i wont't see her. i cannot bear the thought that i'm an instrument of a woman's exploitation. may be there are pimps out there that won't exploit women, but i'm not going to try to find out if he is part of that tiny minority. Originally Posted by lukeskywalker7667
Thank-you for supporting your local independent providers!
I guess that if a provider has a "boyfriend" outside the hobby that is one thing (no biggie), but I suppose if the boyfriend is also a mooch, setting up her appointments, screening, taking a cut of her work result/cash, he's definitely something else. It is sad that some of the gals may truly think that "boyfriend" is really looking out for their interests when in some cases, to him she is disposable income and a hole to conveniently use when not rented out. When you see shared incalls, parties, drugs, drama and a group of dude leeches hanging onto the providers, that's not a good thing either as it raises the risk profile/LE exposure for the incall and all involved. From reading other forum posts there seems to be a bit of that crap going on in our fair city already and that's not good for anyone except the mooching dude leeches (until the free pussy runs out or they go find themselves another provider to sucker/use).

Yet... in jest, one of the best old TV series pimp's was Rooster! ha

Ha! Originally Posted by SD2011
SD2011, What if the girl's pimp was a female (Madam)?

Would that change your perspective?

I know some managers are women. Yes, call me a sexist, but those don't bother me, especially if they're nice looking and do doubles!
I know some managers are women. Yes, call me a sexist, but those don't bother me, especially if they're nice looking and do doubles! Originally Posted by SD2011
Yeah, that lady in the outfit was hot indeed!
Yes indeed she was!! lol
scurryken's Avatar
As long as I don't see the pimps who cares. I think some guys on here would be surprised to find out some of their ATF ladies have management.
I need that outfit for Halloween. HoTT!!

If you think you haven't seen a girl that's managed you are fooling yourself.

I agree with Morgan. Very few ladies who go into providing can actually juggle all the balls of running her own business. (pun intended) Lol
The less people involved in any transaction the better. Wether it's business or booty.