guideline question

It is also a stretch to be banning someone for mentioning that it's not okay to say that he knows a provider from such and such town that he ran into at a local watering hole....

but we can argue that in Upset.... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
This is fuckin great....
We all knew that there were two hooks in red edit town....
What I just found out is that there are in fact... THREE....
And... the one that Franklin knows is some pretty utr chick... who, as far as I know... is not a member here.
I freaking LOVE this place.... whoda fuckin guessed... three fuckin hooks in Red Edit Town!!!!
whoda fuckin guessed... three fuckin hooks in Red Edit Town!!!! Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
And all we had to do was ban a member to find out!!!!
Ban more members!!!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
LOL Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Oh sure... it's all fun and games until someone gets an eye poked out with a hard red edit nipple

And now it turns out that there are a dozen hooks in red edit town... and everyone knows except google and the modtards....

Thank God that the entertainment value is soaring on this site.....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Sorry, its just funny some one got banned for naming a town thinking of a UTR
Sorry, its just funny some one got banned for naming a town thinking of a UTR Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Don't be sorry.... It's freaking hysterical and I am supremely amused...

edit add: WOTS must be covered in the first chapter of the mod handbook...
Sorry, its just funny some one got banned for naming a town thinking of a UTR Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Modtarding for dummies....
I'm on it....................