Optimistic Observations

And to be fair, i'm sure if basketball, hockey and baseball could carry on with each player playing from their own living rooms, i'm sure the media would be perfectly ok with that. Originally Posted by Doove

Oh my!!!
I heard the "bad look prophecies" for a month leading up to the draft....

And I'm quite convinced that the media would be anything but okay with any interference to their fabricated.... disruptiondemic

But thanks for your response that involved no name calling or irrelevant meme's....
Not all are able to clear even that low a bar....
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  • Doove
  • 04-28-2020, 02:59 PM
Perhaps you can cite an example.

And near 60,000 dead (that we know of) in just a little over a month. *With* unprecedented social distancing going on. But sure, pretend there's nothing to see here, it's all overblown, all to defend what Trump said when he said there were only 15 cases that would soon be down to zero in a couple weeks. Have at it, i suppose.
pretend there's nothing to see here, it's all overblown, all to defend what Trump said when he said there were only 15 cases that would soon be down to zero in a couple weeks. Have at it, i suppose. Originally Posted by Doove

Time will be the final judge of how over or under blown this period will become.
For the record.... I'm betting the over.

Perhaps you can cite an example.
. Originally Posted by Doove
Aside from the droning on and on about it on WGR and the national ESPN shows that they carry.... here are three:

Again, it’s an optics thing. The pandemic’s upward arc is expected to peak right around the time of the draft. The tsunami will be at its worst, after which the deaths and the threat will remain for weeks or even months as we try to contain this threat such as American has not seen since the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic.

American culture has existed on a split screen. On one hand, movies and theater and travel and every other sport ground to a halt. On the other, the NFL and its insiders carried on as if the coronavirus were a minor medical story.

ESPN’s Adam Schefter appears to disagree with the NFL’s plans to move forward with the draft as scheduled for April 23-25 in spite of the coronavirus pandemic.

“The draft is happening only through the sheer force and determination and lack of foresight from the NFL, frankly,” Schefter said this week on the network. “They are determined to put this on while there is carnage in the streets.”

As far as Trump goes, he doesn't need me as an apologist for him... and this is an optimism thread, no matter how bad Zollner wants to showcase his TDS....

What will make you optimistic Doove?
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  • Doove
  • 04-28-2020, 04:09 PM
Congratulations. You were able to cite 1 opinion piece that suggested holding the draft was a bad idea, and 2 articles arguing that it was a perfectly fine idea, with a couple opinions inside them that disagreed. So much for "the media" being against holding the draft.

What will make you optimistic Doove? Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar

When we have a President who reads his f'ing PDB.
lilylivered's Avatar
We have to get back to work no matter what, warehouses will empty, usually have a month supply, been 5 weeks. If we dont open up now there will be shortages which might take months to recover from.

People die from this, and if you are scared, then stay the fuck home.
Open it up.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Here's some optimism from me anyway.

This sniffles hysteria has not touched me with a ten foot pole.

Selfish? Yes.

Sweden hasn't shut down it's economy and they're fine.

Different population density than major American cities but major American cities are swarming with parasites and leeches.

Insensitive? Yes.

Don't like it? GFY.

We need to get back to making F-14s and big mother fucking bombs to threaten countries full of bad people with.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Don't worry folks, the senile serial rapist is coming to save you.
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  • Doove
  • 04-28-2020, 06:52 PM
Jessica Leeds

Ivana Trump

Kristin Anderson

Jill Harth

Lisa Boyne

Mariah Billado

Victoria Hughes

Temple Taggart

Cathy Heller

Karena Virginia

Tasha Dixon

Bridget Sullivan

Melinda McGillivray

Natasha Stoynoff

Jennifer Murphy

Juliet Huddy

Rachel Crooks

Samantha Holvey

Ninni Laaksonen

Jessica Drake

Summer Zervos

Cassandra Searles

Alva Johnson

E Jean Carroll

Karen Johnson

And that doesn't even include the 13 year old. Or Ivanka. So...

What's that you were saying about serial rapist, NBT? You Trump people are a treat.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Lucy Flores

Amy Lappos

Caitlyn Caruso

D J Hill

Ally Koll

Vail Yount

All while Dementia Joe was an elected official.

Every single one of them involving physical touching.

Each one documented, many corroborated.

This Tara Reade thing is a fatality.

Even though mainstream liberal media will run away from it like it's a bad case of the sniffles.

You knee-jerk democrat party sheep are not a treat.

Especially to women who are sexually assaulted by your senile presidential nominees.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Here's a critical difference folks, and this is an important distinction.

The left-wing clowns pretend that juvenile behavior by elected officials is immediately disqualifying, whether it actually happened or not, provided the alleged bad guy is a member of the republican party.

Of course there's no better example than Kavanaugh but there are many more.

They will go to whatever ends they need to go to in order to sanctimoniously condemn 60 year old boys for their Denace the Menace behavior, again as long as the combination senior citizen/juvenile delinquent is not a pitiful democrat piece of shit.

This is textbook hypocrisy.

Even the ultra left wing Sanders weirdos are pointing this out.

I'm going to get a Tara Reade t-shirt and wear it the next day after I get my Russian Bot t-shirt.

Keep in mind weirdos, I am not a member of the idiotic republican party.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Here's a standard example of how democrat party operatives behave when they think they're not going to get caught:


You can draw a straight line between the Hillary Clitoris campaign and these pigs.

This is another bad video to click on if you're an advocate of the swamp agenda or if you approve of what the democrat party actually thinks of women.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-28-2020, 07:40 PM
Project Veritas
Pretty much gives the game away.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Project Veritas
Pretty much gives the game away. Originally Posted by Doove
Yes it's awful to see unedited reality and to see the democrat party and their media machine pals get undressed live and in living color.

Also best that one refuses to look at things that may present an opposing perspective, if you're a knee-jerk democrat.

Don't worry - orange man still bad. Whoopi and Joy Behar said so.

Willie Wanker's Avatar
Here's a standard example of how democrat party operatives behave when they think they're not going to get caught:


You can draw a straight line between the Hillary Clitoris campaign and these pigs.

This is another bad video to click on if you're an advocate of the swamp agenda or if you approve of what the democrat party actually thinks of women. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

I Just watched the PV video. James O'Keefe never disappoints.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-29-2020, 04:57 AM
Also best that one refuses to look at things that may present an opposing perspective, if you're a knee-jerk democrat. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

Yeah, i saw it was from Project Veritas by my refusing to look at it. Drink some Clorox, did ya?

Also, anyone who comes to the defense of Donald Trump by calling Joe Biden a senile serial rapist probably ought not throw around terms like "hypocrisy". It's bad form.