Atxatx1 has made his own rules .

gacgacgac2678's Avatar
lol...what a fucking shitshow
Hollis Wood's Avatar
NEVER pay upfront.
jimmy jump's Avatar
For years I have told ladies they should have two rules:

1) the lady makes the rules

2) the lady makes sure the gent knows all her rules

= = = =

fwiw - for gents who don't like the rules, move on!
Originally Posted by ck1942
Ladies don’t make the rules.
You have the money they go homeless and hungry without.
What they have is your balls.
Remember that when your cuffed in a sting set up by one of those you think has the power. SMDH

Decent looking young people don’t pay for pussy, too many hook up apps. So as the dinosaurs fade to fossil, their pool of suckers is dwindling. Fosta/Sesta be damned, doesn’t matter, their days are numbered, most will not be smart enough to comprehend the reasoning for that statement. That’s why they are hookers.
Act like you have a pair and quit kowtowing to hookers.
Jimmy jump There’s plenty of girls on here that don’t go hungry. This job is just for extra money or because they like get f****d. Guys don’t run shit with me. Never will. And I’m sure plenty ladies agree. They start their shit in my incall they got a rude awakening. Follow the ladies rules. I mean that’s why most can’t get dates or get blacklisted. So if you want to be one of those guys then go ahead and listen to mr jimmy jump and let’s see how well this goes for you. Ladies you make your rules if they don’t follow then blacklist them. And if you feel the need let all ladies know. I myself like to know who the bullshitters time wasters and definitely the one that don’t follow rules. Because I won’t give them the time or day.
jimmy jump's Avatar
Come talk to me after Jan 1st as you lose your resources to communicate with new clients.
Old ones die off, or just stop coming.
You’ll be giving your time to anyone that’ll pay you.
I know you’ll just use OH2, well til the feds come looking for the owners of that site as well.
You know p4 is only accepting 6mo renewals, can you see into the future of why that is?

The rules will be followed by companions if they like to eat and have a roof over their heads.
SAR is hot, I imagine she will be just fine.
Lmao Im definitely not hitting you up. I don’t need your so called resources. I can care less after jan 1st. I’m not high volume. I do this because I like the extra cash I like to suck cock and because I like to fuck. So I’ll be good. I do just find. After seeing how long you have been on here and seeing you don’t have an actual real review up. Also since you think you can help one with resources. You sound like a pimp.
I myself will never go hungry
All I need is my regulars and I’m good. I also don’t plan on doing this much longer. Hell im not even accepting any appointments for a while. So you tell me how bad I need these new resources
Wow, this definitely did turn into a shit show of a thread! LOL.

I think both sides have a point. I think some guys posting or thinking what they think are total asses (not naming names, but I do believe that). At the same time I also think certain girls are expecting a little much or not being totally realistic (and no, I do not necessarily mean girls in this thread - just in general - to be clear).

I understand a girl wanting the "donation" up front. I do. It makes her feel safe before she gives up her body to a "stranger". I totally 100% get that aspect.

On the same token I completely respect the fact that men may not want to give the donation beforehand b/c they are afraid of what might happen (#1 LE sting, even with a known girl - it can happen - it *has* happened #2 get totally taken for $200-$300 b/c reviews say gushing things about the girl but the problem is this particular guy is just one of the few that this girl can't/doesn't "click" with and so he gets a horrible experience).

My personal take on this is that girls asking for money up front is not a very GFE friendly encounter. I do believe it's dangerous for both the girl and the man. It's simply too "businessy". However, I genuinely do respect that some girls feel very unsafe with that situation. And, again, on the flip side my gut feeling and general attitude about *that* is that girls doing that are likely seeing more men than they should. That is not to offend anyone and not about anyone in this thread; it's just a general observation.

The girls who see men they know or that they have screened heavily, spoken to heavily online, PM's, flirted with, exchanged pics or texts (possibly), maybe for days or even weeks before finally setting a meeting have much less chance of this happening. Neither party would engage in such behavior just to "dupe" the other. It's a win/win almost certainly in those cases. This is why I encourage all women to heavily interact with their potential "partners/clients". Don't just see *anyone*.

This should not be an illegal trade or line of "work". It shouldn't. The main reason it is b/c unfortunately not everyone is a UTRHottie, Kelly512, KBF, Ariel, Ambree Austin, Ivana Fucx, Kate Kennedy, Seductive Selina, Gigilicous, and many others which I don't have room or memory to list (these are just what popped into my head right away). There are many others over the years I have known that were really good too that I simply don't recall the handle name. Please do not get upset if your name is not in the list. I couldn't list them all. Nor could I remember certain ones. That was just a small sample.

Many of them are girls that are very professional, some with actual successful outside careers. I've even known a few years ago that were *HIGHLY* successful in their professional private career/business life but they just loved sex and why not make an extra $200-$800 a day to spend 1-4 hrs with a single regular or two, or the odd anonymous one here and there? Many own or rent a nice home, are/were relatively or very low volume (typically a smaller(ish) set of "regulars"). And for them this really was just a, "Hey I can get some extra cash to stash and I like to fuck so why not?".

I 100% would do that shit in a heartbeat if I were a girl. BUT like I've said elsewhere I would NOT just see *anyone*. No. That would be the beauty of such a "business" for me. It would be like me as the male version getting to go to a nightclub or library or park, for example, and "pick out" the hottest girls I liked, the ones which interested me personally, intellectually, physically, and then if I so chose they would entertain me and pay *ME* for my time and body. They pay with cash. I pay with my body and time. But it would be on my terms and I would be highly selective.

The problem lies in the fact that many girls are quite high volume and they see lots and lots of men. Not all men are nice. And these girls don't have other careers or businesses. Many live out of hotel rooms and various other things. They may be on drugs. Not everyone. I'm just saying this is common. Sex work is still very taboo b/c there is in fact a large percentage of people who do this who really don't want to be doing it, they wouldn't "choose" it, or are doing it only b/c without it they would be on food stamps or worse. There does still exist an actual seedy underbelly of the prostitution world. There do still exist those stereotypical "TV pimps" that beat their "bitches" and take all their money. There do still exist streetwalkers who have no choice. There do still exist sex trafficked women. That is the sad side of sex work. *That* is largely why it's still illegal.

Please understand that I am not saying this to offend anyone. I truly mean that. I'm simply highlighting a sad fact of the matter for many girls in this hobby culture or any type of SW. I've been around and seen a lot of things. I've seen a lot of sad things. I've seen a lot of neat cool things with respect to this "hobby". We *ALL* pay in all relationships or transactions or endeavors in life with some form of payment; whether it's emotions, money, time, giving ourselves, consoling, confiding, partnering in business, sharing, etc. I've also been a regular 'ol hobbyist that simply pays a basic donation for a girls time and "services". A safe, clean, and decent hobbyist who does not push or disrespect a woman's boundaries. E-v-e-r. No matter if it was paid or unpaid. You don't do that.

So, to make a long story short(er) here is how I feel about this. I can't please both sides and I won't try. Some women will not like what I am about to say. I am sorry. Some men will not like what I am about to say. I am sorry. This is just how I see it. And I've been around a lot.

#1 My belief is that a woman who goes into this work should really only do it if she truly enjoys the idea of anonymous sex and wants to make extra money. You should not do this to make your *entire* living. The caveat is unless maybe you are just a "manager". I like that word much better than either the female or male alternatives. And I feel if you go that route it is your duty to make sure those women are protected, safe, that they are not getting into drugs, and they that a have a plan for their future. It's not a sustainable thing and it should only be to put extra money in a bank somewhere or buy your kids a nicer life while you can do it.

#2 A woman is free to have her policy and do as she wishes just as a man is free to not agree to it to and to not see her. If the woman is seeing a number of men, very, very anonymous men, whom she doesn't know at all, has light screening, or no relationship at all, etc... and she wants the "donation" left on a dresser then fine. She should make this well known ahead of time in some form or another. It's risky but if she wishes to do that then so be it. Take it for what it's worth. You either see her or you don't. My personal opinion is that you are *both* taking a risk in that situation though. I personally prefer not to have this situation and it's why I highly promote not just more simple screening, but more interaction, more discretion in who you sleep with. Then you do not have wonder and worry about being "ripped off" by some A-hole that wants to treat you like dirt or less than human.

#3 Guys don't be dickheads. Don't steal from a girl. Don't treat her like less than a human b/c she has sex with you for money. After all you are there with her doing it too. So what does that say about you? Do not push a woman's boundaries. This goes for all aspects of life. It should be even more crystal clear with a "stranger". You really are being a vile person if you think you can treat a girl badly simply b/c she is a "hooker". Yea, she is. And *you* are a "John". She is no less or more than you. Your job as a man should be to make her feel safe. You are the more dominant one in the situation. Physically much more dominant. You could easily do anything you wanted. A girl who doesn't know you from Adam is nervous. You need to make her not nervous. The more you do to make that happen the better time you will have. The more she will relax and the better chance you have of having a nice time with her. And she will love spending time with you again. She will want to see you again b/c not only are you a gentleman, clean, nice, the sex may be very nice, hell it may be fantastic, but you also make her feel safe and you treat her like a person. This goes a long, long way.

In the end I don't think girls, if they are doing their homework correctly, and being selective, will need to worry about being ripped off. There are some that will argue, "Oh it doesn't matter if you pay after the deed is done. It's still prostitution. So I'm gonna be safe and just ask for it up front b/c either way I'm screwed in that regard.". Not exactly. Yes, technically speaking it's a form of prostituting. Technically.

However, there are a couple of issues that would not hold up in a court of law and therefore no LE agency would ever engage in attempting a bust. No DA or prosecutor would take the case. Not only that, there are VERY VERY few if any LE officers that would actually go so far as to perform the acts and then try to arrest for "prostitution" due to money left on a nightstand. It's virtually nil. That's the stuff you see in movies where a huge undercover DEA agent trying to bust a billion dollar drug cartel gets hooked on cocaine or heroin b/c is *deep* undercover. Much of that doesn't even exist in real life either.

The first major issue is that if you never asked for any money it's not prostitution. How could they prove it. There is no possible way they can prove you engaged in prostitution in that scenario. You did not ask the man and he did not ask you. Not a single word was uttered about it and no money exchanged hands before any act of sex (therefore no prostitution occurred). He simply left some money afterward. This is no different than a guy who picks up a girl at a club and leaves money b/c he felt like it and she needed money for an hour long ride, he owes her for drinks, for dinner, b/c he bumped into her car (this is how they met - and he wants to pay for the damages), a bet he lost, a game they played, a dress he wants to buy her for their date tomorrow night at the same club or dinner party, etc, etc, etc. That's why this would not hold up in court. Nowhere did anyone ask for or proposition anyone for a sex act in exchange for money.

Secondly no officer of the law would take it that far. They would not have sex. Not for a simple sting like that which would get out instantly and law officers themselves are technically speaking a type of "hooker" (in essence - that's why about all you might see in a movie is a female cop as a streetwalker might flash her boobs but even that is something they don't like to do - it just isn't gonna happen).

I guarantee you all. On both sides. If you don't ask at any point, and money is just inconspicuously left afterward, the chances of either of you EVER going to jail or getting in any kind of trouble are virtually 100% NEVER. However, again, I get it that girls do not always feel comfortable with this situation. As a girl you make the decision on what you want to do. I would personally advise you against it. I would. But if you do choose that form of "payment" upfront, yes, the gentleman should be a gentleman and honor the fact that you made that known up front or simply not see you in the first place.

Be safe everyone. And be nice to the girls. Girls be nice to the guys. The vast majority are just unhappy with their marriages, or they are unfulfilled in some way but still love their wives (sex and love are not equal), or maybe they just needed some affection, and most of them really do just want the touch of a woman and her affections. If you go into it with that attitude I also guarantee you, just like the guys, you will come out on the other side a happier person!

jimmy jump's Avatar
All I need is my regulars and I’m good. I also don’t plan on doing this much longer. Hell im not even accepting any appointments for a while. So you tell me how bad I need these new resources Originally Posted by SweetArielRae
Blah blah blah regulars die, get arrested, get married, don’t like you anymore, so on and so on.
The days are numbered.
Grace Preston's Avatar
You *are* aware, Mr. Jump... that there are jobs out there that exist that do not involve having to suck or fuck, leaving ladies with said job the option to see people in this world for extra cash when they have the time, or not. Right?
That’s the thing he thinks just because were hookers that this is the only line of work we can do. Maybe to some ladies this is their full time job. But not most. Some of these ladies have real jobs. Some clients need to learn to just be clients. And quit trying to tell others what they should do and not do
For me personally, I've done so well in the hobby that I'm retiring next year - hell, I'm already semi retired. Thank you so much my Austin Gents. I just wanted to say - if it's someone new - I get the donation up front - for regulars - it's usually after - never had an issue. The secret is to trust your gut and screen folks. It's like getting an apartment - do you want to live in a dump ( those apartment owners do not screen) or - do you want to live in a nice place ( screening required and not everyone qualifies) -- the choice is up to you!!
jimmy jump's Avatar
You *are* aware, Mr. Jump... that there are jobs out there that exist that do not involve having to suck or fuck, leaving ladies with said job the option to see people in this world for extra cash when they have the time, or not. Right? Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Yes I’m aware that maybe 1 in 10 are smart enough to find other work.
But the other 9 will brag how they like to suck strangers cocks all the time complaining daily around the board about it.
And if they don’t need the money and still suck strangers cocks, that’s just sad.

Wall of Text
-mg Originally Posted by mathguy

There's a lot here. I wanted to be clear I was responding to you but that's too much text to have on here twice. I definitely consider you to be one of the more level headed hobbyists though.

The flip side of what's being presented here is that while a girl needs to take steps to ensure she is safe and doesn't get robbed so do I. Guys get ripped off by girls all the time and them being a poster here changes nothing. Plenty of girls here rip off guys, have their "manager" threaten guys or even just present the absolute shittiest service as soon as the money changes hands. Would I refuse to pay the agreed amount if a girl did a dead fish impression? Hell no. But it's still a valid concern.

During the first steps of an encounter a client should put a girl at ease but it's a girl's literal job to put a guy at ease. A girl asking for cash upfront (and I'd wager unkindly going by some of the women who advocate for it) does not put me at ease. It usually makes me think "How likely is it I'm going to get screwed in the wrong way?" Mystique X asks for money upfront and I have NO problem giving it based on her delivery. If a girl has these kinds of problems she should start there. A lot of these girls just seem to full on hate their clients based on how they talk on the board and I would wager it shows in the encounter.

These days if a girl is asking for cash upfront instead of in a neutral location I'll do it if it's a negligible amount and/or I judge it to be low risk. If neither of those conditions are met I turn right around and walk out. So long as a girl is not putting off vibes like she's an asshole or isn't trying to charge 250 for hhr there's no problem.

Funnily enough there are three girls on your list I would never ever see. And not just me they have a terrible reputation as far as being above board. But this isn't the place to call anyone out.

Also the idea the cops won't give money is pure bunk. Though to be honest the idea that a cop wouldn't go all the way with an encounter and then arrest a girl is wrong too. Most cops are regular folks but there are plenty enough that are dirty.

Here's an idea: screen. Not that wanting to know your private info bullshit. Plenty of guys are like me and won't ever see a girl who is asking for that. Go through the board so you know who is coming.