"Mercianna lying" and" This is spycee"

People that cannot spell, use punctuation, use correct grammar and make complete sentences should not attempt to communicate electronically. At the very least they should get an educated POS pimp.
Read the post and lost 10 IQ points
Something like this?
Read the post and lost 10 IQ points Originally Posted by LuckJack
Funny thing is if she has a pimp or deadbeat he is probably the one that was offended by the alert. So this could be him posting. That makes this even more funny. :-) I agree I cant imagine its been any sort of positive exposure either way.
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  • 200K
  • 03-04-2012, 04:57 PM
The outcome of her starting this thread is her not getting any more donations from eccie members, and Mercianna getting increased exposure and thus, more donations from eccie members!

...that's good, I would think!

Yes, we all make mistakes & have skelatons in our closets(or buried by the pecan tree), but move forward!
Merci!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG. What in the world?

This is my suggestion to the OP (whomever HE or she might be)...
1. Leave your "man" alone. If he isn't going to be smart enough to proofread for you... he's just as illiterate as you.

2. Leave Merci alone. She has been nothing but good to alot of people on the board.

3. Go back to night school or SOMETHING! Learn how to spell, dot you "I's" and cross your "T's" before posting on an adult board. I have read some messed up posts before but I think I had to reread this one some many times before my eyes blurred and brain fuzzed up. WOW!!!!!!!!!!

4. I don't know what is the REAL reason behind the post nor, do I care. What I do know is...
You probably just screwed yourself on this board. That was the most uneducated, full of malice post I think I've ever read. Well, minus some of the "other's" from the board personally. I say you get up early in the a.m... go to the nearest G.E.D. class offered and see if they offer classes starting immediately. Then, go to the nearest Mickey D's, Taco Bell, or Burger King and apply. Because since you've been "out of town getting your MAN (and I say that very lightly because a REAL man needs NO female making money for HIM) money.... you will need what little check those company's can offer you. You have completely sabataged YOURSELF on the board by bringing this silly issue to the public.

Merci, hold your head up girl. You know WE ALL have haters. ALL OF US. You have been nothing but nice, sweet, and caring when I needed you to be. You're awesome. Haters come a dime a dozen, while I don't know what you're hourly rate is... I personally can buy a whole hell of a lot of them with mine. So, stay strong girl and by all means... do like I did a few weeks ago....
1. Get your phone in hand.
2. Pen in the other.
3. Calendar out.
4. Lingerie out.
5. Turn your bed down.
and get ready to work your ass off. You just got great free "bad" publicity. LOL...
All publicity is good... bad or good. Enjoy it.

OH yeah... just like to add this as well... HMMMM????

200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 03-04-2012, 06:41 PM
Amber Rain, I've never met you, but you do sound GREAT!

I would like to nominate you for ECCIE MEMBER OF THE WEEK!

Great respose, since it is Sunday, would like to shout AMEN!

Karma will take over!
LMAO... AWWWWWWWWWWWWW thank you thank you!!!!!!!! Bowing to the crowds. I'm here all week, folks. LOL.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Thank you sweet Amber Rain...I wasn't worried about this post one iota. You are absolutely correct that she just sabotaged her own self. Sad thing is that she would so maliciously attack me when she knows all I tried to do is help her and give her good advice. Just goes to show you that it is absolutely true what I heard about "ho's" & "escort's". An "escort" will treat you right as long as you treat her right. A "ho" on the other hand, it doesn't matter how sweet you are to her, or how much you try to treat one like a lady, she will still screw you over each and every opportunity she gets.
Thank you sweet Amber Rain...I wasn't worried about this post one iota. You are absolutely correct that she just sabotaged her own self. Sad thing is that she would so maliciously attack me when she knows all I tried to do is help her and give her good advice. Just goes to show you that it is absolutely true what I heard about "ho's" & "escort's". An "escort" will treat you right as long as you treat her right. A "ho" on the other hand, it doesn't matter how sweet you are to her, or how much you try to treat one like a lady, she will still screw you over each and every opportunity she gets. Originally Posted by mercianna

Exactly... some of them .. have NOTHING better to do.. or no skills to do ANYTHING else but this. So, continue to be YOU, girl. The true ones will forever be in your inner circle.. and let the "other" type... keep on a trucking in the caddys with rims. LOL
KittyLamour's Avatar
So true. I am so glad to have friends like you in mine...the rest....well...200K hit that nail on the head..."karma will take over."
Grunt.....me no understand whut crazee gurl talkeeng abowt. Maybee shee need sum help with hur edgycayshun or hur man need to hump her more 2 git rid of thee tenshun she got between ears and legs. I now gunna tern bak on crazee gurl so she no see mee standin here and how my udder head had pulled bak far to hyde from her!

Abject stupidity and the need to ridicule those with an abundant portion can sometimes overwhelm my common sense and make me post in topics like this.

Sigining out of ths topic.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Thank you txcwby6 for making my day a little brighter. Too Funny!