Ladies, are you struggling with literacy?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

I think on the P - the community got more upset over the dumb broads than the mods did.
Maybe that's what made the difference. Originally Posted by tntangie
I'm glad to see you posting as well but I also feel that you have a myopic view of what the ladies were on the old board.

It's easy to reminiscence. If I remember right, I was one of the first people to post about the importance of grammar and for that, I was crucified. Remember? You were around during that time.

Then, it got better!

But it took years to have some of the acceptance about many topics (alternative sexuality and male bisexuality being the main ones) that we have here. On the old board, men who ventured into "another realm" and admitted to playing on the wild side were often ostracized, to say the very least.

There were plenty of stupid ladies on ASPD. But during the heyday of that reign, computer use and ownership was not a given for the general populace. Now, it is.

Point being, is the face of escorting online has changed. The number of ladies in this business, and the educational level of those that have access to a computer, have flip flopped.

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting to see signs of ladies having the ability to read and understand what they're seeing. The other issue to consider, is the ladies who DO understand what a topic (or in this case, an ISO) is about, they will go ahead and answer it (even if it's not germane) because they just don't give a crap.

They're going to claw and do what they do to get a few quarters to rub together. I don't like it anymore than anyone else commenting on it in this topic.

But it ain't changing anytime soon. (I used the word "ain't" for emphasis!)

bojulay's Avatar
People actually read the ISO section?
Yes, my darling Elisabeth...
You have been the apple of our grammatical eyes. And even when we hated it - you would correct us. But you've stuck with it, through and through. And now look at you. You could get paid big bucks for writing ads, stories, naughty stories, all that good stuff.

Even when we didn't get along - I've always respected you. Even when I had to grit my teeth to say it. That's what makes genuine people the best of the best. They aren't fake. They stick with it - even when others don't like them.

We could have a VIP ISO section. Bwah ha ha.

"Must pass simple math and grammar test to get in"

Guys that want that kind of girl - go post in there.

Girls that want that kind of guy - try to pass the test and see if it's worth it.

It may work for a week and die a slow death - or it may actually be worth something. Hell, I'm obviously not talking out my ass here. Some of us are actually irritated by this bullshit.

Then I say, to all the rest - go rot in the the bowls of ISO hell, scratching and clawing over one another's incompatible asses - and good luck to the winner.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Sadly, much like the "Wash your ass, dick, vagina" threads, those who NEED to hear the message the most are not going to be the ones who read it.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Thanks, Angie. But remember the back and forth fights that used to take place between some of us?

They were often vicious (with a gentle nod to sometimes, missing that trait!). And more often with an intellectual bent because back in the day, there existed just more of a smart crowd who were new to this world and the topics, that now we find obnoxiously trite, were new and exciting to read about.

I actually miss some of those back and forths that made one think.

Those guys (from the past) are still around but many are bored with boards such as this one and although they are still messing around with us "bad girls" (God, bless them!) we're not seeing the incredible philosophical stuff that we used to read (for those who are new to these boards, there are places to find some of these topics) and have long back and forths about (grammar being one of the many topics presented).

Now, general coed discussions just don't have that same grit.

And I do agree with you. Sometimes, I'll read some of these ISO's that are just debasing to begin with (why would anyone answer the question in public?) and then there are the same throngs of ladies raising their hands to partake of the offerings.

Glad you're back, Angie. You've always been a poster that I completely enjoy waiting to see what you have to share with the members here.


P.S. Just a little teasing: There is a typo in your last sentence but I have this funny feeling that you did that for effect.

I think you did hit on one of the major changes/evolutions that have occurred over the years since I discovered ASPD.

Access to Al Gore's wonderful invention, the World Wide Web, has gone from a novelty, something reserved for geeks, to something that required significant investment in computing technology and skillsets, to something the masses have access via WIFI, public access libraries, the WIFI access at so many coffee shops, telephones with internet access, and probably the IPAD. Not sure of the actual impact the IPAD has made, since a decent laptop can be had for the price of an IPAD, but all of the hype of the IPAD has resulted in a larger audience having access to our world overall.

This has resulted in not only an influx of what previously might have been ladies walking Harry HInes as well as their pimps. I often wonder how many of the replies to ISOs are actually a pimp trying to market their stable.

In any event, Angie, Kayla and EW have often been the voices in the wilderness trying to educate the ladies.

I do wonder, in a parallel sort of comment, how many guys here are of the same generation as these ladies we speak of, and they find the literacy and posting styles of these ladies to be completely in line with their expectations? (Generation in this context might not refer just to age.)
Just making sure you were watching me - since Miss Grammar was here.

Tee hee. (I did win some kind of damn English award. How the hell that happened, I'll never know. I was a fucking raging bitch to all those mother fuckers in my class!)

And what if they are what I said they are...

At the rate these dumb asses are going - how are they gonna know the difference.
pmdelites's Avatar
a valiant effort, angie!!!
and something that i see you been crusading for for some time...
[see post #5 in this thread rom 07-06-2011 ...]

i have some pet peeves, too, and gently inform some folks of them now and again.
some will learn and apply the lesson. some wont.

but, as tiger cat, little miss, ~ze~ and others said, it's another screening criteria for us guys to use and you women when someone uses them as a reference.
pmdelites's Avatar
I missed all my hooktards and fucktards too!

It's all in good fun!

Where else do I get to be mean, naughty, and eventually get paid for it?

(then again - some of you get to see the kind and gentle side of me as well....shhh, don't go tellin' everybody) Originally Posted by tntangie
pls do let me know when you are re-entering our little p4p sub-culture.
you are still on my gcho list!
or perhaps lunch?

P.S. Just a little teasing: There is a typo in your last sentence but I have this funny feeling that you did that for effect. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
"Then I say, to all the rest - go rot in the the bowls of ISO hell, scratching and clawing over one another's incompatible asses - and good luck to the winner."

maybe she DID mean "bowls" :^)
ShysterJon's Avatar
This thread is chock-full of people I know, so I'll just say...

Ladies, thank you for posting about how some other ladies post too much. Hahaha.

If the girls in ISOs over-posting annoys you, you can each kick in a sawbuck and I'll go see them one at a time and write reviews like the one I did of Deejah.
Big +1 with tigercat.

...and then, if more diversity begins to use the www, then doesn't it, and our board, also slowly become a reflection of our society and culture?? (Not just a tool we use)

That being said, I do a Lot of my replies here on my phone, and I try to not have it sound totally illiterate, whether it be me or that damn autocorrect.

As long as I can understand someone's sentences, I'm generally cool - proper English or hoodrat. It's the difficult to read color fonts that bug me.

ISO: From before eccie thru the present, this forum has changed a lot. It's purpose has seemed to evolve. I'm ok with it, but you are right that it's a growing pain in the ass to read thru.

Invisible1's Avatar
The more I read the better you get. I love it when you profess the obvious and make it seem all brand new and shiny.
TNT....will you give me a piggyback ride? Let's run around the room, whoop and holler and do it naked at that!
Gotta luv you girl ! Saying it like it is. YES !
I guess the mods need a bit of education too! (don't hate us becuz we are honest)! ....oh, and beautiful with brains....ha!

ECCIE does seem to be "growing up" in the last year or so, but maturity takes time.

Backpage girls, with little knowledge, no inclination to do their homework and plastering the board with nonsense. Uuuuugh !
OR...the pimps out there posting as much crap as possible to get their business. Uuuh hem....I won't mention names, but noticed a post to this thread that makes me think so.

Yes, they should clone this thread to the ISO section.....and maybe some gals will catch a clue?


Sometimes they ARE literate but just don't care that they don't come near what the ISO is for and go ahead a post a(n ad) response.

Here's an example where the OP wanted a busty brunette and the provider responded that she did not meet either criteria! "but..."

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 08-15-2012, 10:26 AM
Most guys don't give two shits about what the chicks have to say anyway. Some of them can't type or spell for shit who cares? This ain't a job interview, its a suck my Dick interview. The pics do most the talking, and that will win you cock in the mouth and money in the pocket. If this was E-harmony we would care much more what the chicks said and how they said it. But it ain't, its a hooker board expectations are set pretty low as far as smarts. What matters is can you fuck and do you look good. You can sit around smelling your own farts thinking "I'm better then that non spelling hoe" in the end ya both got Dick in your mouth.