What corruption looks like

adav8s28's Avatar

I realize this goes beyond some childrens attention span.

There is a mountain of first hand information to convict Joe B of treason. The only reason I can see the republicans want utilize that information once they take control is they are crooks amoungthem that fear being found guilty as well.

There is amble reason to impeach the bastard but what does that gain you, Kamala? Can’t impeach her she hasn’t done anything.

I don’t want that bastard impeached, I want him and his entire crime family behind bars Originally Posted by oilfieldace
According to Schweizer, the author of the books, Senator Mitch ("The Turtle") McConnell is doing just as well with China as Joe Biden.

Should McConnell be in jail as well? Just asking for a friend.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The answer is yes, and I tell the RNC that every time they ask for a donation.