Global Warming MUST be Real!

burkalini's Avatar
Global warming is killing my state. It was -45 windchill last night and the high today is -6. I was sweating my ass off. The snow might melt in fucking May . The last two days it's been colder than Antartica for real .
Climate and weather are not the same thing.
Absolutely true. However, people on both sides want to use the 2 interchangably when it fits their argument. For instance, yes, climate is the conditions typical for a given season/area over a long period of time. (The average conditions during a given time period historically). Problem is, some want to cite hurricanes, wildfires, etc. But those are more closely tied to weather (short term/atypical weather patterns not typical of a given region over a period of time) until proven to be a common occurrence in a region ovet a long period of time. However, you have one really unusually busy hurricane season (2005), then relatively quiet hurricane seasons for tge following almost 10 years. So, while they are different, you can't have your cake and eat it, too.
ICU 812's Avatar
Over two thousand years ago in 218BC, the European climate was warm enough for Hannibal tp cross the Alps from what is now France into Northern Italy dur with 20,000 soldiers and 40 Elephants in the winter.

Don't think that would be possible now.

In the same general time period, the climate in England was mild enough for the Romans to grow grapes for wine. The climate is does not support wine grapes anywhere in the UK at this time.

In the AD 800-AD 900 time frame, Vikings settled on the Southern West coast of Greenland. The climate then was warm enough to allow establishing towns and a farming economy. By 1400 or so the climate had turned too cold to support that manner of living and the Inuit people moved in as arctic hunter-gatherers.

There isC-14 datable evidence for large lakes and rivers in Sarhan Africa and ocean sediment cores that indicate that North Africa has experienced alternating wet-cool periods and hot-dry periods lasting thousands of years. these periosds seem to change from one to the other within a two hundred year transition time.

No climate modeling that I am aware of has ever explained these documented historical observations let alone the scientifically observed paleo-climates swings.
ICU 812's Avatar
Sorry that was so long, but I just had to do a reality vent.
Over two thousand years ago in 218BC, the European climate was warm enough for Hannibal tp cross the Alps from what is now France into Northern Italy dur with 20,000 soldiers and 40 Elephants in the winter.

Don't think that would be possible now.

In the same general time period, the climate in England was mild enough for the Romans to grow grapes for wine. The climate is does not support wine grapes anywhere in the UK at this time.

In the AD 800-AD 900 time frame, Vikings settled on the Southern West coast of Greenland. The climate then was warm enough to allow establishing towns and a farming economy. By 1400 or so the climate had turned too cold to support that manner of living and the Inuit people moved in as arctic hunter-gatherers.

There isC-14 datable evidence for large lakes and rivers in Sarhan Africa and ocean sediment cores that indicate that North Africa has experienced alternating wet-cool periods and hot-dry periods lasting thousands of years. these periosds seem to change from one to the other within a two hundred year transition time.

No climate modeling that I am aware of has ever explained these documented historical observations let alone the scientifically observed paleo-climates swings. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Spot on.

Somehow, I don't seem to remember an overabundace of SUVs or complex fluorocarbons back then, either
ICU 812's Avatar
With all of that said on both sides above:

I am convinced that there should ber a national strategy to minimize the use of fossel fuels and conserve these resources for the future. In the short term, I do endorse facilitating the use of petroleum based resources. However in the long-term, I strongly feel that every other energy technology should be supported and facilitated in the private sector through government incentives and direct Government programs.

This should include Solar, Fuel Cells, Wind Power, Geothurmal . . .all of it.

Additionally, there should be a Manhatten-Project DOE effort to develop Fusion power for the future. Any country that can exploit fusion power will be ascendant.

Non of this has anything to do with Global Warming, Climate Change or whatever the lefty buzz. It has everything to do with colnserving a finate energy resource. Reducing or elimionating olur reliance on fossel fuels will also change the geopolitical landscape. Practical Fusion Power (and all the other non-petroleum energy technologies) would free the USA from the burden of dealing seriously with any of the shit-hole third-world countries that we screw around with now.

think of it; no Desert-Storm, No Iraqui Freedom . . .we could have just delt with Al-Qaida with overwhelming force without walking on eggshells diplomatically.
dannyboy13's Avatar
The alarmists are saying the oceans will rise as much as two feet in the near future! I think I have a solution...”Hey, everybody who lives on the coast; pick up your shit and move back 25 inches!”
On a less sarcastic note, the earth has always gone through climatic cycles. In the Jurassic period the average temperatures were 3-5 degrees Celsius higher than today. There was a Little Ice Age from about 1200 AD until about 1600 AD. We are probably warming just a bit right now. But the effect that humans have on the climate is very negligible. Scientists have reported that the polar caps on Mars are shrinking. Is that our fault, too?
ICU 812's Avatar
During the last glacial period, the sea levels were more than 200 feet lower and the Black Sea was a fresh water lake.

Niagara Falls did not exist till the Ice melted . . . . No humans lived in North America but Elephants did. Now it is switched.

Climate is not static. Civilization has risen during this most recent inter-glacial warming, and recorded history is a small fraction of that time.
Guest010619's Avatar
The sun is getting hotter and the earth is spinning off its axis and slowly falling into the sun.
We must do something immediately!!!
pyramider's Avatar
The ladies must post taint photos to appease Mother Nature.
burkalini's Avatar
Like, every two years, the united nations releases an article that claims to statistically prove that the average global temperature of the Earth is increasing at an accelerated rate that is unprecedented and “unequivocally” caused by human activity. Originally Posted by yitzchak

If you believe what the UN says then I have some swamp land I want to sell you