NCNS Review by JohnJo...The Truth

caroline!'s Avatar
. I want to see that Originally Posted by berkleigh
that's the DOMINATRIX side of me trying to come out again... : )

Look, this biz is biz. The ladies love the men just as the men love the ladies.
When a guy still THINKS in that little brain of his that we ladies need to kiss ass or do what he says or "he's going to write a bad review..." you better think again. This is 2010. The ladies, like myself don't give a shit about reviews. And we don't submit easily to threats or bulliness. IF you intentionally write a bad or FAKE one out of spite, I do tell the ladies to speak up.

And... the ladies don't need to be acting crazy, making it difficult for the rest of the providers as well. Everyone is suppose to be having a good time and being courteous w/ communication. Not trying to act out re-runs from the Jerry Springer show.

Most ladies are cool and sexy as hell like me, I just don't like when guys think they can...
St.Mateo's Avatar
Better than daytime TV. Originally Posted by Gonzo DFW

how bout "fucked up shit providers have to deal with on a daily basis"
Sorry it aint no catchy TV show title but I think you get the point...
Hawkeye9's Avatar
I just stumbled on this post. i dont know anyone in it or anything about it. but my name has gotten confused before with the other person. Just making sure everyone knows , my screen name is Johnjojo, (2) jo's . like i said i dont know anything about this or anyone involved, i dont have a side either way. if my name keeps getting confused i will talk to Mods about changing. Everyone stay safe and have a good day. Originally Posted by johnjojo
Being a nuetral party to everything in here I suggest you change your name.
Seems the other guy may hurt your hobbying, just from all the drama from this post. I bet most provider will not think how many jo's are in name and just may being worried in general cause of the common thing.

My 2 cents
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Being a nuetral party to everything in here I suggest you change your name.
Seems the other guy may hurt your hobbying, just from all the drama from this post. I bet most provider will not think how many jo's are in name and just may being worried in general cause of the common thing.

My 2 cents Originally Posted by Hawkeye9
I might want to change that to avoid any confusion.

As for public rebuttals....well you just open yourself up for mass ridicule and arguments. I've yet to see one where everyone wins, and unfortunately it becomes a "he said, she said" thread full of the DRAMA that everyone hopes to avoid. Why call attention to a blemish?
Hercules's Avatar
cause it's fuckin fun to watch train wrecks....
Guest012211-3's Avatar
LOL, shame on you!
xperiment's Avatar
Being a nuetral party to everything in here I suggest you change your name.
Seems the other guy may hurt your hobbying, just from all the drama from this post. I bet most provider will not think how many jo's are in name and just may being worried in general cause of the common thing.

My 2 cents Originally Posted by Hawkeye9
Johnjojo may i suggest some of these names:

Hope that clears things up.
Peanut's Avatar
and I thought johnjo and johnjojo was the same person with a split bad and one a gentleman
well whatever one it is one of them are friends with fortwortholdguy and they are both in this together they are getting called on there bs and its about time.
snowking2010's Avatar
I am going to contact mods about changing name. thanks for advice from all. i have never met you Nicole, but you always speak with a lot of reason. i will miss your posts when you are gone.

Lustychick2010, im not sure what you are saying. you are confused which party this thread is talking about after i explained the similar names and the difference in them ? i dont mean anything bad by it, i just got a little confused reading what you said. maybe its me, i have never been acused of being too smart.
shooter6.5's Avatar
closed as is the review.