Hobby banned in Texas? Felony now.

Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Stay with who you know ,Not who you want to know ! Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
I completely disagree. The fun part of the hobby is meeting a variety of people. Everyone is freaking out for no reason. Screen/Do Your Research and all will be fine. No one can tell anyone how to hobby. I'm personally not changing a thing and I damn sure don't want to hobby without meeting new people, I would be bored as hell.

Variety Is The Spice Of Life!
Grace Preston's Avatar
I completely disagree. The fun part of the hobby is meeting a variety of people. Everyone is freaking out for no reason. Screen/Do Your Research and all will be fine. No one can tell anyone how to hobby. I'm personally not changing a thing and I damn sure don't want to hobby without meeting new people, I would be bored as hell.

Variety Is The Spice Of Life! Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO

Yes and no. I read her post more as a "stay with what is known" than literally "stay with who you know". Which... is solid advice. If I had a dick, I wouldn't be out there on LC looking for someone "brand new" with no history to speak of. But someone "new to me" with a decent track record? Game on.

It honestly depends on each individual and their aversion level to risk. The less a person has to lose-- the more risks they can freely take. Some guys have a lot more to lose than others.
gimme_that's Avatar
I’m wondering if a lady get turned and snitches and they use her to take johns down, would that be a felony for them too.
…. These Dicks Won't Suck Themselves... Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
This is the true.
If it wasn’t, I’d never leave the house.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-16-2021, 02:27 PM

Your thoughts? Originally Posted by gimme_that
Why is it always the street walker image when describing hookers and tricks lol
Grace Preston's Avatar
Why is it always the street walker image when describing hookers and tricks lol Originally Posted by BLM69

Because to a lot of folks, that's what they associate with when they hear about prostitution. Can you imagine the pearl clutching that would come with some people finding out how things really go down in the modern world?
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar

Yes and no. I read her post more as a "stay with what is known" than literally "stay with who you know". Which... is solid advice. If I had a dick, I wouldn't be out there on LC looking for someone "brand new" with no history to speak of. But someone "new to me" with a decent track record? Game on.

It honestly depends on each individual and their aversion level to risk. The less a person has to lose-- the more risks they can freely take. Some guys have a lot more to lose than others. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-16-2021, 07:24 PM
I completely disagree. The fun part of the hobby is meeting a variety of people. Everyone is freaking out for no reason. Screen/Do Your Research and all will be fine. No one can tell anyone how to hobby. I'm personally not changing a thing and I damn sure don't want to hobby without meeting new people, I would be bored as hell.

Variety Is The Spice Of Life! Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
I agree, who wants the same old pussy all the time? This stick with who you know is a hooker scare tactic so she doesn't lose her tricks to something better, I'm always on the look out for the next Ms. Thing
TinMan's Avatar
I’m wondering if a lady get turned and snitches and they use her to take johns down, would that be a felony for them too. Originally Posted by gimme_that
Stings like this have been known to happen, so, yeah, it’s possible. I’m not sure the risk of it happening is any higher after 9/1. But, boy, the consequences sure are worse.

Which is why Grace’s advice is the best way to mitigate the risk outside of quitting altogether.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I’m wondering if a lady get turned and snitches and they use her to take johns down, would that be a felony for them too. Originally Posted by gimme_that

She may be, but if she cooperates to help bring johns in on her client list, then I am sure she will get some deal for a lesser charge if not probation.
Because to a lot of folks, that's what they associate with when they hear about prostitution. Can you imagine the pearl clutching that would come with some people finding out how things really go down in the modern world? Originally Posted by Grace Preston
And now they’re making a big push to call it all “human trafficking” along with the misleading picture they portrait that all the women are enslaved into the practice, being chained to the bed and forced to put out. Totally ignores the independents, the traveling women who do this by choice. But then again if they can keep painting the scene as forced sex and rape.......just another way to get the Bible thumpers and the morality crowd behind the effort.

I have no problem with LE going after the true underage and enslavement scenes but let the rest of the consensual scene alone and go after violent criminals. Tough concept, I know.
ICU 812's Avatar
After thinking this over a little, what I see happening:

LE will do the easy thing or the obvious thing. It is my thinking that at AMP operations it will be fairly easy to nail clients then ever before.

Quietly operating independent providers will do OK. Higher volume ladies will be more atg risk from arrested clients trying to plead to a lower offence.
TinMan's Avatar
After thinking this over a little, what I see happening:

LE will do the easy thing or the obvious thing. It is my thinking that at AMP operations it will be fairly easy to nail clients then ever before.

Quietly operating independent providers will do OK. Higher volume ladies will be more atg risk from arrested clients trying to plead to a lower offence. Originally Posted by ICU 812
If I were to lay odds, I’d say this is the most likely scenario.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-18-2021, 05:17 PM

Quietly operating independent providers will do OK. Higher volume ladies will be more atg risk from arrested clients trying to plead to a lower offence. Originally Posted by ICU 812
When it's your day, it's your day! You may beat the charges with a lawyer and by keeping your mouth shut, But you're taking the ride + go though processing to get that mugshot

I've seen the more desperate providers get popped, I remember reaching out to one to see me at a lower rate. She was stuck on her higher rate and risking seeing non verified guys to make more $. How that work out? LoL
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
What I was saying by staying with who you KNOW
Is stay with providers who been around long time .. Not someone who just starting out ..
Stay with who you know ,Not who you want to know ! Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF