Does age matter to the providers?

I find that I have much more erotic fun with "older" gentlemen. Its a vibe thing for me and men 35-75 is definitely my forte!!
I'm pretty sure there are younger ladies out there that like their men seasoned too

CherokeeChiefs, that was a cute comment lol

+1Boredinop I would find it repulsive and disrespectful if my man friend came to me uncleaned, and breath smelling like shit!
I must say, I have been very fortunate with having awesome well kept up men friends!! Much gratitude Originally Posted by Zenovia
Beautifully put Zenovia. I would see ladies in their 20's but some are not ladies, some are still just girls. I don't mean any of that in a bad way, I guess just not mature enough maybe. As long as either of us respects the other and we know what we why we are there. I do love women that are more between the 30 to 50 or plus range myself, but love all women. Deffinately a vibe thing.
Seriously KcFalcon LOVE your response! You my dahling are sexy inside and out! Originally Posted by Zenovia
Thank you my dear, and right back at you as well. Certainly its been my pleasure to make your acquaintance on several occasions. One remembers quality encounters with a lady like yourself fondly.....