Review Kinky Layla: I Am A F-Ing DumAss!!! / JWB Was Off His Game.

johnniewalkerblack's Avatar
Wow that is not cool.

Originally Posted by zoro2010
Got moved to CoEd after I wrote the review.
FunInDFW's Avatar
I understand what you're saying, but you can get robbed anywhere. All you can do is take precautions and don't trust anyone. Originally Posted by johnniewalkerblack
Yeah... and a precaution would be to avoid areas where bad shit often happens.
johnniewalkerblack's Avatar
Yeah... and a precaution would be to avoid areas where bad shit often happens. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
I've been in worse areas. Houston's 5th Ward. Chicago's Southside. East St.Louis, Memphis. No problem.

It's not the area, it's the person.

You can't dump on an area due to the actions of one sorry-ass person. All areas have good people and bad people.
JackHammer007's Avatar
Glad I saw this post. It definitely needs to be added to her reviews. No longer on my TDL. Thanks
ManSlut's Avatar
Where's her White Knight, Chung Tran, when she needs him?
mrredcat43's Avatar
He's chasing another one
Against my better judgement I am going to wade into this cesspool. I have known her for about a year. This is totally out of character for her. I call Bogus on this scenario.
ManSlut's Avatar
Against my better judgement I am going to wade into this cesspool. I have known her for about a year. This is totally out of character for her. I call Bogus on this scenario. Originally Posted by dallaswill
I take it you don't remember her and her sister stealing money from a dude's car when he took them to a Comedy show? Dumbass had money stashed in the backseat area of the car and the sister stole all that shit.
Nope, don't know nothing about that. Just telling you what I know. In the time I have known her I have never felt unsafe, never felt my valuables were in jeopardy, or I was being taken advantage of. All I can comment on is what I know. And I am finished with this discussion. Have a good evening.
I knew it was a reason I only saw her once... Gut feeling...
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
My incall location is off forest & audelia. Not the best neighborhood however not all people are violent over here. I have a beautiful apartment & friendly neighbors. Don't let this thieving hoe scared y'all away. Xoxo

Sorry this happened to u OP. stop by my place for a makeup session. I'll be sure to take excellent care of you
johnniewalkerblack's Avatar
Thanks Nina. I could use another session with you. We'll get together soon.
debeter's Avatar
Too late she's already bought dope with it, got high and came down and now she's doing the same exact thing to some other unsuspecting Hobbyist. Jules is correct, 635 & Forrest, 635 & Coit, 1-75 just south of the interchange heading south on the service road there is 2 or 3 low budget motels.

Hey save yourself some grief, read a ladies reviews, if she has had more than three /four positive reviews in a month and advertises some what frequently then the lady is most likely dependable. The Search Feature (Top of page) and extended research is the key to my success here on Eccie