I hate to even do it but...

caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Aidan I agree whats going on here would you guys really like it if we all just went away??? Brooke is gone Noooooooo!!!! There are alot of fellas who appreciate her saving them from wasted money,B and S,and worse robbing,physical harm so for those of you that dont you dont speak for all. This place is starting to feel like a forum for provider haters and bashers sometimes. I appreciate all the guys here who see me and are my friends but whether some of you are aware of it alot of the ladies may be giving you your wish soon enough. Dont jump down my throat either for simjply stating my freaking opinion good gawd!
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
So BW was banned for cockblocking? I liked her, but can understand the issues you are being cunty about oh wait, if guys do it must be dicky or something. I tend to thinck in broader strokes like prehaps the things that upset brother Wakeup were more a symptom than the root problem. If you don't like reading someone's posts then stop reading them, if everyone we disagree with is run off it may be easy to moderate but pretty damn boring.

"take that man outside and shoot him!" - Gen Dreedle, Catch 22 Originally Posted by Wayward
Thank you very well said hon
Tony Montana's Avatar
Nobody likes busybodies who constantly want to get into everybody else's business.

Especially fugly, annoying post-whores.

Mila, as far as I can tell, everyone seems to love you so I don't know why you would ever feel not welcome.
This place is starting to feel like a forum for provider haters and bashers sometimes. Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
Oh Wakeup isn't a provider hater, he just prefers strippers (probably because they don't post)... go figure.

And Gator42... pipe down over there prettyboy.
I always enjoyed Brooks post on bait and switch / fake pictures etc. I hope that she will back soon. I miss her posts
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Tony thank you for the reassurance sweetie Please dont say mean things about Brooke she is a dear friend of mine and she has helped alot of us providers and hobbyist alike. I fell that way because alot of the post are very negative towards us ladies. This is a forum for us all cant we all just get along and hump in happiness
Tony Montana's Avatar
Tony thank you for the reassurance sweetie Please dont say mean things about Brooke she is a dear friend of mine and she has helped alot of us providers and hobbyist alike. I fell that way because alot of the post are very negative towards us ladies. This is a forum for us all cant we all just get along and hump in happiness Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
I'll refrain from saying mean things about osama bin laden if it gets me on your good side Mila dear. I'm going to stfu now before I get placed on your dns list.