Is it just me...

Hottassamelia's Avatar
There is an ignore button?????
Please,show me how!!

life on here has gotten soooooo much better since i found out how to use the ignore i dont have to hear all that "quiet" bullshit. im sure there will be a comment but, like i said " i found out how to use the ignore button" Originally Posted by knotty man
tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 02-06-2011, 11:55 AM
There is an ignore button?????
Please,show me how!! Originally Posted by Hottassamelia
Copy the handle you find annoying, on the left side of the page, click 'User CP' -> 'Edit Ignore List'.

It works great. Sometimes it is worth reading controversial threads just to find more to ignore.

As for this being like Jr. High, I would say it is more like High School to me. I don't remember disliking anyone in Jr. High as much as I do some of the people on here. That said, there are very few here that I dislike. I don't know many well enough to have a real opinion.

I think the anonymity of the internet often causes people to be more extreme than they would be in person, so I factor that in. I know if I have a few drinks and post something, it is often stronger than I would have posted otherwise.
greymouse's Avatar
There is an ignore button?????
Please,show me how!!
Originally Posted by Hottassamelia
It is not exactly a "button", more nearly a "procedure". Here is how:
Click on the offender's name - a list drops down
Click on "View Public Profile" - a page opens up with the time waster's Profile
Click on "User Lists" up in the upper left hand area under the troll's name - a list drops down
Click on "Add to Ignore List" - page opens up titled "Confirm User List Modification"
Click the "Yes" button underneath the question "Are you sure you want to add (Large Troll) to your Ignore List?"- A box will flash onto the screen saying " Large Troll has been successfully added to your ignore list" This box will vanish in a few seconds and you will go back to where you started on the user profile.

Now in any thread a message from Large Troll will appear as one line saying, "This message is hidden because Large Troll is on your Ignore List". Ignore List is a link, if you click on it you will be taken to your Ignore List. I currently have 24 time wasters on mine plus poor ole Grecco who I just added as an exercise.

I can take him off either by clicking on the check mark in the box in front of his name, or, going to any of his posts on any thread and clicking on the "remove user from your ignore list" line which appears just above and to the left of the "This message is hidden.." line.
Clicking on the remove line will bring up a window that asks "Are you sure you want to remove (user name) from your Ignore List".
Click on "Yes" -the same sort of transitory window will flash on the screen saying "(User Name) has been successfully removed from your ignore list. You will now be returned to your starting point" Or something similar. That is not actually the case since it drops you back on the User Profile Page of the person you just removed from the Ignore List but it is close enough by Internet standards.

I just took Grecco off the list BTW because he is reasonable person, so far anyway. So, not quite as nice as an actual "Ignore Button" but not that hard. After you have done it six or eight times it is second nature.

Happy Clicking!
DRorchia's Avatar
Copy the handle you find annoying, on the left side of the page, click 'User CP' -> 'Edit Ignore List'.

It works great. Sometimes it is worth reading controversial threads just to find more to ignore.

As for this being like Jr. High, I would say it is more like High School to me. I don't remember disliking anyone in Jr. High as much as I do some of the people on here. That said, there are very few here that I dislike. I don't know many well enough to have a real opinion.

I think the anonymity of the internet often causes people to be more extreme than they would be in person, so I factor that in. I know if I have a few drinks and post something, it is often stronger than I would have posted otherwise. Originally Posted by tron
I think that goes for real life as well as the internet these days. There was a time when MEN were willing to back up what they said, whether in person or in writing. I recall a time you could "take it outside" a bar, have a fist fight and it wouldn't be unusual after the fight for both men to walk back inside and have a beer together. The issue was resolved, no one was worse for wear other than the occasional black eye or broken tooth.
Too bad those days have passed. Now it's either hide behind the computer, call the cops or grab a gun.
levibob56's Avatar
Jr. high sicked back in my days and it still sicks today.All the BS was just that BS as it is today on this board! I do not have a agenda to change anything or anyone. i come here for the ladies that can provide a wonderful time with me. OMG have I found some super one here in Austin. Have fun and be safe! Everything else is just background noises.
Grecco's Avatar
life on here has gotten soooooo much better since i found out how to use the ignore i dont have to hear all that "quiet" bullshit. im sure there will be a comment but, like i said " i found out how to use the ignore button" Originally Posted by knotty man
Amen brother!

There is an ignore button?????
Please,show me how!!
Originally Posted by Hottassamelia
Amelia, I don't know about the location of the ignore button but i have a dumbass filter which limits my exposure of stupid comments! It resides in my brain you can probably get one at Walmart...
Whispers's Avatar
I think that goes for real life as well as the internet these days. There was a time when MEN were willing to back up what they said, whether in person or in writing. I recall a time you could "take it outside" a bar, have a fist fight and it wouldn't be unusual after the fight for both men to walk back inside and have a beer together. The issue was resolved, no one was worse for wear other than the occasional black eye or broken tooth.
Too bad those days have passed. Now it's either hide behind the computer, call the cops or grab a gun. Originally Posted by DTorchia

Not all of us hide behind keyboards......

I tend to be at gatherings and parties with members of the community every month and have lunch or drinks with others in the clubs weekly.....

I have no problems saying to anyone face anything I say on the board....

But the need to engage oneself in physical violence over words is the sign of a truly simple minded person with little to no ability to communicate. At the end of the day that person ends up behind bars and much poorer as the end result....

I'm surprised you find the quality of fighting over words to be a sign of manliness.....

By words I'm referring to the kind of things posted here.....

I can agree that some words and principles are worth fighting over......
I'm new but from the little I've read it seems that way
LadiesFan's Avatar
I have only put two people on ignore.. they were both TS providers who had naked photos of themselves for their avatars. I don't have anything against what they have to say, I just don't care to see a mans naked ass or his bush... ever.

DRorchia's Avatar
"I think the anonymity of the internet often causes people to be more extreme than they would be in person, so I factor that in. I know if I have a few drinks and post something, it is often stronger than I would have posted otherwise."

My response was to the general statement above which I don't thing was directed at any person in particular. I don't think the statement above was directed solely at this site but was a statement based on the internet and people's behavior on it in general. I based my response on my experiences with some people on the internet.

"Not all of us hide behind keyboards......
I tend to be at gatherings and parties with members of the community every month and have lunch or drinks with others in the clubs weekly
I have no problems saying to anyone face anything I say on the board...."

Nice to know but I don't think that goes for all people on the internet nor all people on this site even.

"But the need to engage oneself in physical violence over words is the sign of a truly simple minded person with little to no ability to communicate. At the end of the day that person ends up behind bars and much poorer as the end result...."

Call it simple minded if you like, some people may view it differently. There was a time when people were held accountable for their words and actions. I'm pretty sure that I specifically mentioned that men could have it out and be friends after the fact. No need to go to jail. So not sure where the "much poorer" part comes in. Regretfully, those days seem to be behind us. I stand by my statement and choose to disagree that it's a sign of "simple mindedness". Although I find the saying to be true that a person that has nothing to fight for has nothing to live for. Speaking in generalities of course. Not everything's worth fighting over to be sure.

"I'm surprised you find the quality of fighting over words to be a sign of manliness.....
By words I'm referring to the kind of things posted here....."

Again, I was not referring to anyone or even this site specifically. I was commenting on a sign of the times. The times that have passed and the times we live in now.
Having said that, there was a time when a woman insulted in a man's presence would lead to the offender receiving a swift kick in the ass so to speak. Call that manliness, or not, agree or not, it's the way things used to be.
Someone insults a lady on my arm and modern times or not, possible jail or not, the one throwing the insults will have no doubt where I stand on the issue.

And yes we're both in agreement that some words and some principles are worth fighting over.
governmentguru's Avatar
Much like Jr high there is a lot of 'look at me' attention seeking behavior. Yes ignore is your friend, more so than search...
Whispers's Avatar
Having said that, there was a time when a woman insulted in a man's presence would lead to the offender receiving a swift kick in the ass so to speak. Call that manliness, or not, agree or not, it's the way things used to be.

Someone insults a lady on my arm and modern times or not, possible jail or not, the one throwing the insults will have no doubt where I stand on the issue.

And yes we're both in agreement that some words and some principles are worth fighting over. Originally Posted by DTorchia
Well... If the woman in your arm is a whore..... and a man calls her a whore.... you need to be man enough to acknowledge his right to simply state a fact.....

That being said.... There are a lot of "ladies" in the mix around here that I have always respected and will continue to respect....Far more then the handful of those that get treated with disdain...... But there is a cunt or two around as well that will get what they give.....

Your seeing this site a bit too much as a social networking site vs the reality of the fact that these are women engaging in a business and if not for the hope of money leaving your pocket and ending up in theirs they would not give you the time of day.....
DRorchia's Avatar
Well... If the woman in your arm is a whore..... and a man calls her a whore.... you need to be man enough to acknowledge his right to simply state a fact.....

Well let's go with that line of thought. If a man acts like an ass and get's called an ASS than he should be man enough to acknowledge my right to simply state a fact? I'll go with that!

That being said.... There are a lot of "ladies" in the mix around here that I have always respected and will continue to respect....Far more then the handful of those that get treated with disdain...... But there is a cunt or two around as well that will get what they give.....

As I've stated before, I am not one to get in your personal vendetta's, corrections or whatever you call them. I have never commented on the issue between you and TM or some of the other providers you have issues with. That's your deal and in all honesty, none of my business.

Your seeing this site a bit too much as a social networking site vs the reality of the fact that these are women engaging in a business and if not for the hope of money leaving your pocket and ending up in theirs they would not give you the time of day..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Ok, you've had your 11 years of posting and hobby experience. I respect that. Understand that I'm new to ECCIE, NOT the Hobby. My Hobby experiences go back to 1983. I'm well aware of the business side of things. More so than you may believe.

if not for the hope of money leaving your pocket and ending up in theirs they would not give you the time of day

So that last sentence applies across the board, including the strippers you are fond of.
Whispers's Avatar
Ok, you've had your 11 years of posting and hobby experience. I respect that. Understand that I'm new to ECCIE, NOT the Hobby. My Hobby experiences go back to 1983. I'm well aware of the business side of things. More so than you may believe.

83 huh? I knew you were a youngster..... I got my start around 76.... Unless trading snacks from my lunch box for a look or touch counts in which case we can co back to around 64....

if not for the hope of money leaving your pocket and ending up in theirs they would not give you the time of day

So that last sentence applies across the board, including the strippers you are fond of.
Originally Posted by DTorchia
Absolutely...... The only difference being that strippers will give you a hell of a lot more time then Providers for the bucks you spend.... Same Game.. Different Value.....

Although occasionally..... You get some quality time without paying....... Some of the really pretty ones get pretty lonely at times.... But you don't land that time by chatting them up online usually....

DRorchia's Avatar
Absolutely...... The only difference being that strippers will give you a hell of a lot more time then Providers for the bucks you spend.... Same Game.. Different Value.....

Although occasionally..... You get some quality time without paying....... Some of the really pretty ones get pretty lonely at times.... But you don't land that time by chatting them up online usually....

Originally Posted by Whispers
LOL, Fair enough Whispers, fair enough. Definitely not trying to make this a contest of any sorts. You been around the game longer, then I tip my hat. Don't take the last part of my response as judgment. Dated several strippers in my time, (as in NOT paying, unless you count dinners and such), some providers too. If you read some of my other posts, you'll see at least one provider I've known for over 25 years. Friends to this day.
So there's no contest, just letting you know I'm not one of the "wusses" you seem to mention. Got no problem chatting up girls in "civvie" life, have a beautiful SO in my life, got no problems holding my own in the hobby world.

In the end, each hobbyist or ECCIE member will decide how the site works best for them. Live and let live, and I for one will try to play nice as much as possible.

I enjoy the Co-Ed but I frequent many of the other parts of the site just as often if not more than Co-Ed.

Enjoy the SuperBowl!

Ps: I guess I could be writing reviews for providers here.....but alas....there's no "Kabul" section on ECCIE