Another food thing

motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-16-2016, 05:31 PM
I'm doing that today. I am going to grill a sourdough and wheat PB&J. LMFAO!!!!

Love it

That will be breakfast and lunch

I don't know about the mayo and banana sandwich though. Maybe ill try it tomorrow

FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!
SLUTS UNITED!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by daaaaaman
hey, let us know if you or anyone tries the mayo and banana sandwich
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
Add some slices of banana and strips of bacon, then you have a real sandwich there.
Generic White Guy's Avatar
NASCAR Driver Dale Earnhardt, Jr. recently said his favorite sandwich is banana and mayonnaise.. It sounds disgusting, but several people said it is really good...
I love the elvis sandwich
Shep3.0's Avatar
I like Castelle and Tess sandwiches.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-18-2016, 02:57 PM
I like Castelle and Tess sandwiches. Originally Posted by Shep3.0
Well now, hmmm, I am guessing Tess and Castelle would be the bread. I wonder about mayo on them, I mean

I tried the grilled PB&J on sourdough and on wheat. It was delish. I got to agree, sourdough is good with everything and the grilling, good call.

I'm a scared to eat the mayo with banana sandwich though. What if I grilled that on sourdough?

FUCK YA!!!!!!!
1 Robyn Rylie Sin RRS's Avatar
all things creamy and white so my vote goes for banana mayo gulp :-)
Shep3.0's Avatar
Hi Robyn.....we need to go do Korean BBQ again. This time leave daaaaaman at home. He keeps saying fuck yaaaa while he is eating.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-18-2016, 03:11 PM

I tried the grilled PB&J on sourdough and on wheat. It was delish. I got to agree, sourdough is good with everything and the grilling, good call.

I'm a scared to eat the mayo with banana sandwich though. What if I grilled that on sourdough?

FUCK YA!!!!!!!
SLUTS UNITED!!!!!!! Originally Posted by daaaaaman
Yea, I am not sure about that one either. I have never heard of it but that doesn't means it isn't good. I am not sure if I would waste the, maybe just try a piece of banana with mayo on it first. Dale Jr. says he uses Hellmans, so my miracle
whip won't cut it.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-18-2016, 03:12 PM
all things creamy and white so my vote goes for banana mayo gulp :-) Originally Posted by Robyn Rylie Sin
oh hell yea......damn
Hi Robyn.....we need to go do Korean BBQ again. This time leave daaaaaman at home. He keeps saying fuck yaaaa while he is eating. Originally Posted by Shep3.0
SHUT UP!!!!!

FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!
Hi Robyn.....we need to go do Korean BBQ again. This time leave daaaaaman at home. He keeps saying fuck yaaaa while he is eating. Originally Posted by Shep3.0
Lol, yeah I for one am officially never going to say "fuck yaaa" ever again, this cause guy has taken the fun out of using is so excessively.
Lol, yeah I for one am officially never going to say "fuck yaaa" ever again, this cause guy has taken the fun out of using is so excessively. Originally Posted by Gemineye
LMFAO!!!! FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!

Some things trolls will never understand, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHA!!!!!!!

Now let's try the mayo and banana sandwich

FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-18-2016, 07:45 PM
LMFAO!!!! FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!

Some things trolls will never understand, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHA!!!!!!!

Now let's try the mayo and banana sandwich

FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!
SLUTS UNITED!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by daaaaaman
come on Daaaaman, do it, get a banana and some Hellsman