
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Its always seemed pretty simple to me. If you want to see a provider, get screened. After you've been screened, work out a date and time to meet. To schedule and then worry about screening seems like putting the cart before the horse.

P411 is pretty great for this and since most of the reputable providers around are on it, I've never had a problem setting up last minute dates through them. Originally Posted by enderwiggin

I couldn't get replies and so on. You must have been are regular's at an agency. Our regulars make appointments within a few hours. I think it wise for everyone to make sure the guest is who he says he is..For the record, some ladies are right on top of this and do get back to me within 15 minutes or so, then your clear for the same day....

I can't believe I'm catching slack for catching a "possible issue" and them acting on it. No, we won't risk ourselves for anyone. If you all know ladies who are not so thorough please go ahead. I have to look out for everyone, the guest and the provider. better sage than sorry. It would suck if you as a male were in session and due to a "quick screen" everyone had "a problem" not so easily squirmed out of.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Sofia, YOU said YOU were NOT going to start any more posts! Originally Posted by Lustnotlove
I'd be gone for a while.....
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I'm sorry, I have no idea what this means? Originally Posted by simpleton
Neiman's only accepts cash or Amex, and to use an Amex they go through all protocal. Not like other stores that don't ask you to see ID........they follow the rules.......Go to Neiman's(the store) you'll see....
simpleton's Avatar
Really why, it was not you. If I decide to take a weeks vacation I can do so. If things don't add up in emails and texts, we will research it as most providers do...... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
I'm just saying if you want to be the Neiman Marcus of coops. Then you need to give great service to your customers and potential customers. Anything less would make you the Wal Mart of coops. Nothing wrong with either one, there just different.

You were the one that started the thread about returning pms. And there seems to be some drama with you. I don't mind the drama in fact I like it. I don't have the patience to jump through hoops. So for me, screening needs to very clear(as to what you want from me) and easy for to get you that information. IF I have to pm once, then e-mail and then text a code, then get a new code, click my heels three time, then text again. I'm not going to do it. I also won't be chasing anyone down. My attention span isn't that long and I'll lose interest.

Most of the time a business doesn't close up shop because someone takes a weeks vacation. Unless it's a mom and pop kind of company. Maybe you can get someone to fill in for you the next time you take a vacation.

And I'm sorry about your car accident. And hope your feeling much better. I give a great massage if you need one.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I'm fine now. i have to do the screening myself. it works like this. You either Pm or email me, give 3 refernces,I clear them, a cell number, give you a code for when you text ( I'll will know who you are. Then you are in.....Not that hard..
simpleton's Avatar
That seems easy enough.
Oh, no! Those two are falling in love!
simpleton's Avatar
Oh, no! Those two are falling in love! Originally Posted by The One and Only

Dude that's what you got out of my posts?
When we were on P411, we still contacted the ladies for confirmation. It's just an added measure we have always taken. I don't want to stir up a can of worms here but on HD there is a post of fake pics being on P411 and the hobbyist noticing it running them through tinyeye. That's all I have to say about that, you can read it on HD. But yes even of P411 we always contacted the ladies. Some are faster to get back to us than others. Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
Your personal agenda rears its head again? I saw that thread and it didn't seem like that big a deal. Gina herself responded to it and managed the issue and all the parties that complained seemed satisfied with the results. Its interesting how others can't even mention P411 near you without you taking the opportunity to disparage them...

Of course its a good idea to check out the hobbyists "OKs". But this thread was about how long it took. If you hadn't heard back from a provider in a day, I think it'd be a good idea to check back in with the hobbyist, let him know what's going on and ask for other references if he has them or ask him to be patient. That at least gives him the illusion that you give a shit about screening him, as opposed to him passing personal information on to you and getting nothing in return.
notanewbie's Avatar
as usual ender nails it.

at least act like you give a shit. Not just sophie and the coin op but any provider with a shred of sense and a mind for business. Guys really are easy to please at the end of the day. Even the WK's (should) have a hard time disagreeing with that.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Your personal agenda rears its head again? I saw that thread and it didn't seem like that big a deal. Gina herself responded to it and managed the issue and all the parties that complained seemed satisfied with the results. Its interesting how others can't even mention P411 near you without you taking the opportunity to disparage them...

Enderwiggin- Of course its a good idea to check out the hobbyists "OKs". But this thread was about how long it took. If you hadn't heard back from a provider in a day, I think it'd be a good idea to check back in with the hobbyist, let him know what's going on and ask for other references if he has them or ask him to be patient. That at least gives him the illusion that you give a shit about screening him, as opposed to him passing personal information on to you and getting nothing in return.

What makes you think I don't, email and text that is....? You know what they say about assumptions...

Don't bring P411 into this, leave in on HD....It's all there well and clear..

It's your money, spend it how you like....

What agenda....I did not even start this thread!!!
Sofia, Did you really just write "What agenda....I did not even start this thread!!!"?
ferdburf's Avatar
Yup, she really and truly did, and, sadly, she really and truly believes it, I'm afraid. Talk about opening yourself up for "split personality" attacks!
Now we have an impersonator of Sofia on the board. Maybe it was Sophia who started this thread. That would be the evil twin.
notanewbie's Avatar
Your personal agenda rears its head again? I saw that thread and it didn't seem like that big a deal. Gina herself responded to it and managed the issue and all the parties that complained seemed satisfied with the results. Its interesting how others can't even mention P411 near you without you taking the opportunity to disparage them...

Enderwiggin- Of course its a good idea to check out the hobbyists "OKs". But this thread was about how long it took. If you hadn't heard back from a provider in a day, I think it'd be a good idea to check back in with the hobbyist, let him know what's going on and ask for other references if he has them or ask him to be patient. That at least gives him the illusion that you give a shit about screening him, as opposed to him passing personal information on to you and getting nothing in return.

What makes you think I don't, email and text that is....? You know what they say about assumptions...

Don't bring P411 into this, leave in on HD....It's all there well and clear..

It's your money, spend it how you like....

What agenda....I did not even start this thread!!! Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston

that was SO CLASSIC I had to quote it.