Divorced after 30+ years, where to start.... Suggestions?

TexTushHog's Avatar
My advice would be to withdraw a good sized chuck of money and set up abiut six or eight sessions with the best review, best looking gals in this board. Two hour sessions. And jet them fuckmyour brains out to the point of exhaustion. Four to sux weeks non-stop.

Then dip,your toes into the civi dating pool. That way, the first time you get a civil who treats you reasonably well and isn’t a dead lay, you wing be so tempted to get married right away. You’ll know that there is better out there.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 08-29-2018, 11:53 AM
My advice would be to withdraw a good sized chuck of money Originally Posted by TexTushHog
He's recently divorced...…...
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 08-29-2018, 01:16 PM
He has had an account since 2011...lmao I'm sure he can figure it out. No lurks that long.
If you're single get on POF. I know friends on it and all the free pussy you could ever want with minimum effort. You dont even have to take these middle aged desperate ladies out on dates. They'll bring the pussy to you.
Take a trip to Thailand!
CG2014's Avatar
Marriage is a scam started by the church.

Just a way for a woman to take everything you own.

No one ever abide by their vows anyway.

For better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in health and in sickness, until death do us part.

First time they have an argument about money or anything trivial, instead of working it out and agreeing to disagreeing, someone brings up the D word.

In a divorce, even when the man didn't cheat or do anything wrong, the courts always rule in favor of the woman and awards her everything: money, material things, children custody, etc.

I seen friends and my own brother divorce many times and they didn't cheat on their wives.

The marriage and relationship just wasn't there anymore, it was time for them to part ways.

Every time they left with the shirt on their back.

Their ex got the houses and everything in it and cars and child support and alimony and even a lump sump check at the divorce paper signing.

One of them who didn't do anything wrong, one day she just said this is not working out and she wanted a divorce, he had to bring a $130,000 check at the divorce paper signing plus she got everything else: house, cars, everything in the house, custody of their son, and stipulation on how much money he is supposed to pay her monthly until the kid turns 18.

This was in the early 90's. $130,000!!

Even after the kid turned 18, she was still calling him for money:

his car needs repair, he needs money for college, he needs a new laptop for his dorm room, etc
I'm happily married, just need some side action to keep me happy.
My advice would be to withdraw a good sized chuck of money and set up abiut six or eight sessions with the best review, best looking gals in this board. Two hour sessions. And jet them fuckmyour brains out to the point of exhaustion. Four to sux weeks non-stop.

Then dip,your toes into the civi dating pool. That way, the first time you get a civil who treats you reasonably well and isn’t a dead lay, you wing be so tempted to get married right away. You’ll know that there is better out there. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I like this idea a lot....

Go get your feet wet OP....experience all the shit you haven’t in 30 years
TexTushHog's Avatar
He's recently divorced...…... Originally Posted by L.A.
You don’t have to be broke after a divorce. You just have to plan carefully. First, dint get married until you have already accumulated significant wealth thatbis seosrate property. Second, don’t commingle that separate prioerty and treat your dividends (community) and you capital gains (separate) according to the law. Thirds, don’t get married without a prenup and make sure you don't cheap out. Get a good lawyer and do it right. And don’t overreach. Tailor your prenup to the facts in your marriage, and don’t use a generic one. If it’s set aside — and There are 27 grounds to set one aside in Texas — it’s useless. Finally, keep records meticulously and accurately like your financial future depended on it. Because it does. An extra $600-1,000 spent on an accountant per year to keep a full set of household books can save you hundreds if thousands of dollars.
  • DDuck
  • 08-29-2018, 03:48 PM
Go see Lisa at Pearls
Enough said
I went 35 years before divorce
Lisa got me back on track
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
@ For better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in health and in sickness, until death do us part.

Not said at weddings any longer lol
It's funny. My first programming effort in college, in the prehistoric age, (in Fortran) was a dating program. Professor thought I was crazy. Maybe I should have stuck with the idea. :-) Now, looking around, I had no idea there were so *many* dating apps out there....
Wow, you have been a member here for 7 years and this is your first post.

Interact on the board and see who here has the posting style and carry themselves to your liking.

Physically attractive to you.

Just have fun and relax here.

Real world is a different ball game this day and age. Originally Posted by Bazztex
Yes, have been in the background here for a while. My observation has been that this community has a unique perspective on issues and a certain kind of frank honesty. I'm really touched by everyone's replies and kindness.
Dating is awkward as hell at our age. I know things certainly changed a lot during years I was married. Where to start? I guess that depends on what you are looking for. Our Time is a dating site for the 50+ crowd (don't know if it's free) and POF (Plenty of Fish) is a popular free one. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
Where to start indeed! I guess I need a post-divorce version of a bucket list....
No one can tell you what will make you happy OP....I know that doesn’t sound helpful at all...

Divorce isn’t always a bad thing...I’ve been through two of them ...and I’ve always come out on the other side happier, healthier and I get hotter!

If the nsa route is something you’re interested in...this could be the place for you...just figured out what you’re looking for...your boundaries and stick with them..

Burner phone is a fantastic idea! That way if you get a BSC ....you can just change your number or throw the phone away and get a new one and she just goes away too..

the best way to get over a “breakup” is to get under someone else. Meaning if you want to move on, the best way to do so is by having rebound sex. It comes from the notion that having sex without feelings is the most cathartic way to forget about the person whom you felt everything...

Have fun...and play safe Originally Posted by Analeese
Ohh.... While the privacy aspects of an 'alternate' phone made sense, I had not considered the possibility of a need to cut a connection by killing the phone number itself... Now that I think about it, I recall friends who had related horror stories about, uhm... crazy women -- or their crazy ex's. Food for thought....