If Slavery Was A Choice...a dedication to Kanye West

If you believe it is a myth then live with that belief. There's real work being done in universities by the newer generations(of white students) to root out your brand of in-denial thinking.

Ohh and check out my knowledge transfer thread in the Sandbox. Great expose on the Black Man that invented digital cellphone technology. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

That may be your problem. You see a black man invented cellphone tech and I just see a man, not that he's black.

Look up Morgan Freeman's 60 minutes interview. I think hes got it right.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
No wonder you never move forward. Originally Posted by WARHEAD
Hey Warhead no offense and I'm not claiming to be smarter per se but I'm absolutely more advanced than you guys by virtue of being a Progressive. Yall are mostly stuck in a 1950's mindset about America and its true and real history. You guys will die leaving so much untold truth and knowledge on the table. All I'm merely doing is letting you know that's what will happen. I'm not angry at all I just find the white washing of history to be fascinating and I understand why yall believe it. They teach specific tailored curriculum at State universities such as A&M and UT for example. The good old south with industrial industrials supporting your lifestyles and sending your kids to college. I get it. I'm extremely in tune to what's going on out here. I have white Republican and conservative friends and I know how they live and what motivates them...i also know how much of what they believe is rooted in a alternate reality of basic historical facts. It happens in all communities even regarding Black history. I'm well aware of these facts.

I do enjoy educating racists and bigots. It as wickedly entertaining and hilarious to me but I mean well. For example the thread I started in Sandbox..yall live on your cell phones 24/7 and it permeates every corner of society around the globe. I bet you had no idea a black man was the inventor and brain child behind it. Of course you didn't know that. How could you when black inventions arent considered a reality or even acknowledged.

Similar to most reading this who wont give me credit for bringing the black history of this major technological accomplishment to mankind to their attention. Some may even be angry because it doesnt fit their narrative that blacks dont contribute to society. ;-)
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
That may be your problem. You see a black man invented cellphone tech and I just see a man, not that he's black. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Dont be purposely obtuse. I wont allow you to bait and switch out of convenience. All scientists and engineers put their names on things such as for example the Hubble telescope, they even name meteors after the scientists that discover them through a telescope. To ignore the systemic conspiracy against black contributors is a dereliction of reality. Just like you dont have to worry about cops murdering you after a routine traffic stop because they dont see your skin as a weapon like they do mine.

Point is for people that are minorities it is absolutely imperative that its known dont try to foolishly act like there's an equal playing field out here. Hell we can even use NBA policies as the most basic of examples. ;-) you feel me dawg
But everyone is a racist or bigot to you.
You took my calling out a racist comment to cry and whine about blacks.
Who gives a fuck?
Put your energy into something else, your preaching only makes people dislike you.
Pretty sure no one wants to be friends with Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson either.
Has nothing to do with the color of their skin.
It's the shit that flows out of them.
Dont be purposely obtuse. I wont allow you to bait and switch out of convenience. All scientists and engineers put their names on things such as for example the Hubble telescope, they even name meteors after the scientists that discover them through a telescope. To ignore the systemic conspiracy against black contributors is a dereliction of reality. Just like you dont have to worry about cops murdering you after a routine traffic stop because they dont see your skin as a weapon like they do mine.

Point is for people that are minorities it is absolutely imperative that its known dont try to foolishly act like there's an equal playing field out here. Hell we can even use NBA policies as the most basic of examples. ;-) you feel me dawg Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

I dont even know if the guy that made the Hubble telescope is black or white.

When you say a black man accomplished this or that it makes it seem like you're saying, can you believe that a black man was able to do that?

Know what I'm saying?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
But everyone is a racist or bigot to you.
You took my calling out a racist comment to cry and whine about blacks.
Who gives a fuck?
Put your energy into something else, your preaching only makes people dislike you. Originally Posted by WARHEAD

I believe you give a fuck...and the only people that dislike me are people that suffer from cognitive dissonance. A few others may not like me because of old silly and meaningless board drama...but a fact you should be aware of is that I'm not here to make friends. Not in the least. There is a mild trolling aspect to my nature but it is truly to educate you. And lastly people that know me they love me. I'm a rare soul and good friend. I'm complicated in that I could be engaged in intellectual discussion one minute and die in a street brawl the next...life is very complicated...but the only thing arrogant about me is that I question why God put me down here with mortal men. I do see myself as a God-figure and when I die I fully expect a place on the throne. ;-)
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I dont even know if the guy that made the Hubble telescope is black or white.

When you say a black man accomplished this or that it makes it seem like you're saying, can you believe that a black man was able to do that?

Know what I'm saying? Originally Posted by Kickrocks
I hear what you saying dawg but it's musings in your head. I've always known and I will slow roll out these accomplishments over time since people say all I do is complain...hell I may even share my own patent with you someday...ans yes I have one too. ;-) I bark but I also bite. ;-)
Yay!!!! We're all here for the all Sistine Chumple show.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Mods when are you going to shut down this cry baby thread hijacker?

Yay!!!! We're all here for the all Sistine Chumple show. Originally Posted by WARHEAD
You know I'd respect you more if you just exposed your true nature instead of begging mods for help. You want to silence me like they did the history of all those black inventors. why dont you just say that you want this thread closed because a black guy is schooling you and you cant believe this is happening because it's not supposed to happen. Just be honest with who you are. People like you dont offend me at all. Just be a man about what you do...dont talk shit and then try to run away with your tail tucked between your legs. If so then keep your fucking mouth shut and your opinions to yourself. Thanks
Why don't you come make me shut my mouth wannabe gangsta.

Don't want the thread closed.
Just point the living shit out of you every time you bring up race.

Removed the thread hijacker because you posted the thread.
But every time you try to turn everything into a black race issue I would ban you for couple weeks. Increasing every time!

You aren't a black man schooling anyone, just a fucking cry baby stuck on why he is so worthless to society.
Never once realizing this is why.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Don't want the thread closed.
Just point the living shit out of you every time you bring up race.

Removed the thread hijacker because you posted the thread.
But every time you try to turn everything into a black race issue I would ban you for couple weeks. Increasing every time!

You aren't a black man schooling anyone, just a fucking cry baby stuck on why he is so worthless to society.
Never once realizing this is why. Originally Posted by WARHEAD
I can respect how you feel. I even understand it....Its typical of people who are angry at decency and common sense. They want to see it silenced and / or punished in some way. You validate so many of my working assumptions.
Do you actually believe your bullshit?
It would make you an even bigger sad sack.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Do you actually believe your bullshit?
It would make you an even bigger sad sack. Originally Posted by WARHEAD
Hey my brother why wouldn't I? Lol

Just remember from now on everytime you pick up your cell phone to text, make a call, surf the web or schedule an appointment with your favorite escort...you will think: "Wow a black man invented this"..and then be reminded of me. I guess I'd be angry too.

Now you can run and tell your friends in the political forum or not. They're all gonna go nuts like the nuts they are. Lol
I hear what you saying dawg but it's musings in your head. I've always known and I will slow roll out these accomplishments over time since people say all I do is complain...hell I may even share my own patent with you someday...ans yes I have one too. ;-) I bark but I also bite. ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

I wouldnt show your patent, may disclose rw info, idk. But you say it like I'm supposed to be surprised by it because your black.
No I will think of the actual inventor
Not the guy who invented the electric gama cell (battery)