Sorry for not pinging MIA guys :(

Mr. Rogers's Avatar
Since I am engaging in illegal activity, the last thing I want to do is carry a firearm into a session. I'm all for concealed carry but I don't want anyone knowing that I have a gun on me, anyway.
GingerKatt's Avatar
It doesn't bother me at all when a client pulls out his handgun and places it on the dresser. Most of the ones that have are licensed to carry, and I don't invite people over that I don't trust. I have a regular who's a Sheriff and one who's a cop, so they are required to carry. And my ex husband was a cop and taught me to shoot, and my daddy was a sniper/sharpshooter (two tours in Vietnam) in the Marines for 22 years. So I guess I'm just very comfortable with them! They make me feel safer, not scared.
BluesMan's Avatar
I carry concealed almost always when I'm out in public, but like some guys who have already posted, I do not carry into a session. If I'm not comfortable enough in the lady I'm going to visit to not carry, I don't need to be seeing her in the first place. I also don't like the idea of open carry for myself because I don't want a potential bad guy knowing he's got competition.

Mini Rant: What really irks me is that idiot who was walking around the Atlanta airport the other day with a fully loaded AR15 just because he could. I know we need to protect our 2nd amendment rights but people like him give gun owners a bad name.
Rant Over:
OnTheSpotCorrection's Avatar
BluesMan, I concur. I carry almost everywhere that is legal anyways but don't feel I should to a session. If I am uncomfortable with where I am then I don't need to be there and will remove myself from the equation. And your rant is spot on
rexdutchman's Avatar
I agree with seanj317 , I carry and if a bad guy is going to do something I want the shock when the tables turn !. Also I'm sure more provides in call have hardware, however I don't think its to go into appointment armed. (unless the provide is ok with that)
I'm not a carry guy (my hands are lethal weapons) but I'm curious about this. Providers how would you feel about a client walking in the door with a Dirty Harry cannon strapped to his hip? Clients how would you feel about a provider having that same cannon sitting on the night stand?
It's legal so there is nothing wrong with it, RIGHT???
Could make arguments over services and donations more exciting. Originally Posted by atf searcher
Past experience has proven to me that it's always the element of surprise that will get 'ya. Having a gun doesn't help unless you're prepared, and trained. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
This, 100%. Being aware has saved my skin at least 2 times.

Cooper's 4 Stages of Awareness

And if you do carry and leave your gun in the car, please don't be the idiot who sticks it in the center console or glovebox. Have a small car safe, they're inexpensive insurance when compared to losing a gun that could later kill someone.

I'm ambivalent towards open carry, I can see the pro's & con's. At the end of the day it's what the provider is comfortable with that matters.
Since I am engaging in illegal activity, the last thing I want to do is carry a firearm into a session. Originally Posted by Mr. Rogers
That's wild - my hobbying is 100% legal! I meet beautiful women, set up a date, have a date, then leave some money for their companionship! But I agree about not taking weapons of any kind to a session. I think it's asking for trouble.
  • !VI!
  • 06-16-2015, 07:19 AM
That's wild - my hobbying is 100% legal! I meet beautiful women, set up a date, have a date, then leave some money for their companionship! But I agree about not taking weapons of any kind to a session. I think it's asking for trouble. Originally Posted by Alastair

all this time i thought it was legal lol
uncle buck 50's Avatar
Open carry is a tactical disadvantage. I want the bad guys to see my gun when I want them to see it.

If you need to carry your gun into a session, you need to upgrade the quality of your provider!
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I'm not a fan of firearms, but completely support people's right to carry and I'd prefer a gent to not bring a weapon into a session.

A loaded gun is another story ;-)