Muslims toss Christians overboard - 12 dead

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I can see the trail of morons from here. They don't want to talk or discuss, they call people racist and other names. You idiots have nothing to contribute to the discussion.

Why do we treat these people so carefully? Why don't we start treating them more like the way that they treat people. A reverse golden rule. It's getting to the point that they should prove to use that they are benign and stop assuming their peacefulness. Imagine treating a German soldier in World War II this way. You may be right some of the time (at least Hollywood would like to believe that) but at some point you're going to get shot in the back. Women and gay people should be up in arms and demanding that Obama take action against these barbarians. People who care about western culture should be demanding a push back with force. We like to be told that in the face of adversity, people will band together despite their we know that is just bullshit. These thugs murdered people just because of their religion by throwing them overboard. Of course, they may have cut their heads off first and just think to tell the authorities that. I say take the bunch out to sea (300 miles should do), blow holes in the bottom of their boat, and tell them that Allah is only a prayer away.
  • DSK
  • 04-17-2015, 05:35 AM
Are you really that dumb? Do you have any honor? So every muslim is out to get poor little you? Do tell- what atrocities have muslims committed against you personally? Or are you using isolated example and trying to make it fit a bigger situation? You have really stoop to a new low level and how dare you compare the atrocities of the holocaust or the civil rights movement to what is going on in your miserable life?
You act as if you can't walk down the street without a muslim attacking you? Are muslims harassing you at work? Are they preventing you from making an honest living? When you drive your car- are muslims trying to run you off the road? Do you need a police escort when you do simple everyday task?
So now muslims are your enemies huh? Have you enlisted in the armed forces yet? Or are you just talking tough big guy?
Also, aren't you agnostic or atheist? Since when are muslims at war with agnostics and atheist?
If you don't think "ragheads" is a derogatory term- go find a Mosque in a nearby city and on a Friday walk in the mosque and say "Hello Ragheads"..... than report back with the aftermath. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I don't understand how your point proves much. Sure, we aren't being attacked very often in America since 9/11, but that is because we have instituted policies and spent billions to prevent it. Do a few Muslims want to attack us and kill us? yes!!

Are they all bad? No!!

Are enough of them angry with us and want to destroy us that we should be wary of too many of them coming to the US? yes!!
LexusLover's Avatar
we should be wary of too many of them coming to the US? Originally Posted by DSK
Most of the folks "immigrating" (sneaking in many instances) just get here and whine about what a crappy place this is anyway. They want to "make it" like the place they left behind and thought was worthless enough to leave. I think they finally find out one has to "work" to get their grimmies into the "pot of gold" here!
I can see the trail of morons from here. They don't want to talk or discuss, they call people racist and other names. You idiots have nothing to contribute to the discussion. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Speaking of which, who was it that was critical of others for calling "people names" and in the same short paragraph labels them as "morons" and "idiots?"
TheDaliLama's Avatar
While you are on a roll why don't you call them Sand N***ERS you racist bastard!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
That didn't take you very long.
LexusLover's Avatar
Speaking of which, who was it that was critical of others for calling "people names" and in the same short paragraph labels them as "morons" and "idiots?" Originally Posted by bigtex

Speaking of which, ....... ?"

Oh, I forgot, it is Friday ... an early weekend drinking binge ... are you?
I can see the trail of morons from here. They don't want to talk or discuss, they call people racist and other names. You idiots have nothing to contribute to the discussion.

Why do we treat these people so carefully? Why don't we start treating them more like the way that they treat people. A reverse golden rule. It's getting to the point that they should prove to use that they are benign and stop assuming their peacefulness. Imagine treating a German soldier in World War II this way. You may be right some of the time (at least Hollywood would like to believe that) but at some point you're going to get shot in the back. Women and gay people should be up in arms and demanding that Obama take action against these barbarians. People who care about western culture should be demanding a push back with force. We like to be told that in the face of adversity, people will band together despite their we know that is just bullshit. These thugs murdered people just because of their religion by throwing them overboard. Of course, they may have cut their heads off first and just think to tell the authorities that. I say take the bunch out to sea (300 miles should do), blow holes in the bottom of their boat, and tell them that Allah is only a prayer away. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Again, you win the award for most words, least said. You're all over the fucking place. I know you're thinking about that 777 covered in bushes out there somewhere, but get it together. Why don't we start treating people like you how they should be treated? Maybe you should be ridiculed and scorned and forced back into your basement, with your tin foil and your rabbit ears. Islam has not undergone a renaissance period like Christianity. The very same things that Islam carries out are also present in the bible; killing of non-believers, etc. Islam is where christianity was about 600 years ago. Those things are not acceptable in modern society. That's why christians now act like the old testament is a pile of hot shit and won't touch it, except to rebuke the gays.
  • shanm
  • 04-17-2015, 08:55 AM
I can see the trail of morons from here. They don't want to talk or discuss, they call people racist and other names. You idiots have nothing to contribute to the discussion.

Why do we treat these people so carefully? Why don't we start treating them more like the way that they treat people. A reverse golden rule. It's getting to the point that they should prove to use that they are benign and stop assuming their peacefulness. Imagine treating a German soldier in World War II this way. You may be right some of the time (at least Hollywood would like to believe that) but at some point you're going to get shot in the back. Women and gay people should be up in arms and demanding that Obama take action against these barbarians. People who care about western culture should be demanding a push back with force. We like to be told that in the face of adversity, people will band together despite their we know that is just bullshit. These thugs murdered people just because of their religion by throwing them overboard. Of course, they may have cut their heads off first and just think to tell the authorities that. I say take the bunch out to sea (300 miles should do), blow holes in the bottom of their boat, and tell them that Allah is only a prayer away. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Wow what a crock-of-shit. Never have I seen so many words used to make so little sense.

You think "gays and women" aren't "up in arms" over militant groups like ISIS and fundamentalist Mulims? What the fuck do you base your facts on professor?
The difference between you and them is that they understand the difference between extremists and regular, hard-working Muslims that constitute the overwhelming majority of this country's (and the entire earth's) Muslim population.
I can see the trail of morons from here. They don't want to talk or discuss, they call people racist and other names. You idiots have nothing to contribute to the discussion.

Why do we treat these people so carefully? Why don't we start treating them more like the way that they treat people. A reverse golden rule. It's getting to the point that they should prove to use that they are benign and stop assuming their peacefulness. Imagine treating a German soldier in World War II this way. You may be right some of the time (at least Hollywood would like to believe that) but at some point you're going to get shot in the back. Women and gay people should be up in arms and demanding that Obama take action against these barbarians. People who care about western culture should be demanding a push back with force. We like to be told that in the face of adversity, people will band together despite their we know that is just bullshit. These thugs murdered people just because of their religion by throwing them overboard. Of course, they may have cut their heads off first and just think to tell the authorities that. I say take the bunch out to sea (300 miles should do), blow holes in the bottom of their boat, and tell them that Allah is only a prayer away. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Could we throw chum ( pigs blood and pork by products,unneeded colons and rectums, for example ) in the spot where the boat will be for a few hours before its " accidental " sinking ? Wonder how many of them will be hollerin about " Ollie's Snackbar " once they're in the water " swimming wit da fishes " ?
Go get jizzed on by one your whores. How is it taking the side of muslims? All religions are bullshit. As for oppressed twats committing heinous acts, how do the whores react when YOU show up? Borderline Atheist? Take the plunge you chickenshit. What are you worried about?

PS I don't give a shit what you and someone who's penis is so small he calls himself 'well endowed' on a hooker board, do in your spare time. Play tiddlywinks for all I care. Play with each other's balls... whatever. Ironic, you two, barely removed from the slime yourselves, talking about evolution Originally Posted by WombRaider
For someone who doesn't give a shit about things, you sure spend a lot of time posting on this whore board.

So what was your previous handle, asswipe?
We don't know what part religion played in it. Maybe the christians were total assholes, that's completely possible. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yeah, that's right. A dozen people were all assholes and deserved to die. Merely beating them up wasn't enough. And somehow, not a single Muslim got dragged overboard, huh?

Do you even pause to think before you post something that obviously stupid?

Anytime someone does something to someone else, you can reduce it to the lowest common denominator and make it sound like something it isn't. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Or, maybe you can reduce it to EXACTLY what it is. Muslims throwing Christians overboard because of their religion.

MUSLIMS THROW CHRISTIANS OVERBOARD gets people to click on the story. Originally Posted by WombRaider
And your point is?

EVERY headline is supposed to get people to click on the story, mope. Or haven't you figured that out yet?

But you avoid the question of why they did it.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
For someone who doesn't give a shit about things, you sure spend a lot of time posting on this whore board.

So what was your previous handle, asswipe? Originally Posted by ExNYer
The three faced liar used to be UC.

He used to be black.
Then he claimed he was a wet back.
Now he's just ashamed to be a white guy..
I wouldn't waste your time on him...or is it her?
LexusLover's Avatar
The three faced liar used to be UC.

Then he claimed he was a wet back. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Bet he didn't tell his Black GF he was a "wet back"!!!!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Yeah, that's right. A dozen people were all assholes and deserved to die. Merely beating them up wasn't enough. And somehow, not a single Muslim got dragged overboard, huh?

Do you even pause to think before you post something that obviously stupid?

Or, maybe you can reduce it to EXACTLY what it is. Muslims throwing Christians overboard because of their religion.

And your point is?

EVERY headline is supposed to get people to click on the story, mope. Or haven't you figured that out yet?

But you avoid the question of why they did it. Originally Posted by ExNYer
How do you know the Muslims who were more than likely outnumbered weren't getting harassed? Are you really suggesting that every thing that prints in a newspaper is honest and without bias ? Are you really that gullible? Make sure you post the link when Fox News promotes a news flat platform praising all of Obamas good achievements or quote me an article from an Isreali owned newspaper that talks about the struggle and discrimination that Palestinians endure on a daily basis. Go to a white supramacist website and quote me an article where they talk about how Blacks are murdered and profiled by the police. My point is you are taking a one sided article and accepting at face value- I thought you were smarter than that because I can easily go to Al-Jeerzera where they profile Christians and Jews as being the bad guy.
God, I will be happy when Obama is gone. Not even Hillary will put up their evil, bullshit religious practices once she doesn't have to kiss the ring.