Recs for spinners who love greek

Very well said darling. After seeing so many of his negative never ending misogynistic comments on what seems to be every single post on here. I’ve added him to my ignore list Lol. Also I second that post a pic of yourself. What’s the point of being on this site if you hate it so much? Originally Posted by KellyKiss
Scratch this one off the list.
Funny how you've been on this site for 10 years and have yet to grasp what it was intended for and how most of us utilize it. The fact that you've proved your incapable of even producing a grammatically correct sentence, free of irony and oxymorons nonetheless, already tells me not to expect too much intellect coming from the likes of you.

MOST of us companions WILL certainly comment on an ISO or post, if we feel it applies to us and our services, EVEN if we won't or don't plan on seeing that particular client who posted it....

If you have any understanding of how a business is ran then you would realize this is simply another strategic form of advertising, (that still manages to follow the new guidelines set in place, might I add.)

This practice allows OTHER hobbyist here (who are interested in the same things that the OP listed) the ability to see what companions are available and who offers the services they seek, as well, without having to post a similar iso.

For you to suggest that my feelings are even INVOLVED in my work, nonetheless hurt, is amusing at best.
It's just business luv.
I doubt any companion gets her panties in a bunch if a hobbyist doesn't want to see her. Because what one guy doesn't like, will definitely appeal to the next.....and I'm more concerned about how to spoil and cater to the needs of those that I DO appeal to, rather than to be hung up on those who I don't.

BTW the cum dumpster reference truly tickled me... I'm surprised it's not printed on a T-shirt somewhere!!! Lol....
Don't worry though ,when I see that request, I'll make sure to respond to it as well... Because frankly darling, I DONT GIVE A seriously
It's 2023, come on .....not a single companion here is offended by those terms.
Unfortunately for you, labels like slut, bitch, whore, hoe etc... no longer hold the type of power over us that you seem to think they do.
But, nonetheless, I admire your sad attempt at trying to hurt my feelings..... ONCE AGAIN ...����

And you mean to tell me, that ME not wanting to see YOU is the "definition of desperate for attention and pathetic"!!! Lol... PLEASE !!!! Make it make sense!

I mean English is my second language and all, but I'm quite fluent in it ...what's your excuse though BLM, because I truly can't comprehend lol ....

I'm sure everyone tuned in here could assure you, that my preference of not EVER wanting to meet YOU, a misogynistic "hobbyist" (who NOT ONLY harasses and bashes me, but doesn't miss a beat disrespecting my fellow contemporaries as well), is based solely on your repugnant attitude and distasteful comments on the board, rather than an urge to ellicit attention from the lurkers and spectators here.

I've never ONCE stated that "you couldn't live without me". Nor have I ever once offered myself or my services to you.

It seems that the delusions you are suffering from are something only a trained professional can help you deal with. Unfortunately for you, I AM NOT that professional.....

You'd think with all that time you spend looking for deals on the track, you'd have less time to come on this board, spreading your negativity, whilst seeking attention and the approval of your male counterparts. But NO!!! You literally came online yesterday and immediately posted on several threads, back to back....but yet I'm "the one" seeking attention huh?!

To be quite frank,...I pass up more offers than I accept for various reasons (whether they have alerts, refuse to properly screen, or I'm unable to satisfy their needs and requests, etc)....

And my block list, at the moment, is about a mile long ....I'm actually quite picky and low volume, to be honest....

I may be a nymph who enjoys threesomes, and loves ALL of her holes fucked and filled. BUT at the end of the day, I'm exxxclusive NOT inclusive, and I still have standards to uphold..... because if I didn't, you might've had a chance.
But, alas, I could NEVER, and it's still a pass for me....

PS. Aww, you read my fantasy stories, didn't you !!! Lol

I know, I know, you just can't help yourself huh...but unfortunately that's as close to me and this pussy as you'll ever get. So enjoy! And stay tuned for more ! Originally Posted by Deja Tha Doll
Scratch this one off the list.
Damn Deja Tha Doll, how you write and express yourself (not to mention how you look) is turning me way the fuck on! KellyKiss, too! Originally Posted by ManSlut
not me man, not me. Scratched them off my list
You're sounding like the other trick that invites whores to hockey games, I thought you were here for the Pussy? I missed the Tara entertainment, maybe there's hope with this one...

Simps are to blame for blowing up their heads, they seem to think that every trick is interested in them, the lying that I wanted something was comical through �� lying hookers are the funniest Originally Posted by BLM69
these bisches don't realize that we control the $$
I would rather make love to a cold peach pie than have anything to do with these two.
Deja Tha Doll's Avatar
not me man, not me. Scratched them off my list Originally Posted by jiu jitsu king
these bisches don't realize that we control the $$
I would rather make love to a cold peach pie than have anything to do with these two. Originally Posted by jiu jitsu king

It seems like you'd rather make love to BLM at this point tbh

I promise your opinion doesn't sway me nor does it control my VARIOUS venues of income in the slightest. But you go right ahead and tell yourself whatever you need to help you bust that nut, and feel superior over us women. Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy.

Also might I add, I find it rather interesting that you "just" made your account less than a week ago, but yet you've managed to post (almost as much as BLM does a day, you know, the usual "I have no life outside of trolling strangers on Eccie to make my dull existence seem more interesting "'ve been super active in the studio section here as well, might I add .....

IDK, you sure sound like a troll if I ever heard one....Either your BLMs sidepiece, I mean **side account** just in case he gets banned sometime soon, OR you were recently banned and this is your newest handle that you've created, to allow yourself some more time to stir shit around here before you're next ban.....hmmmmm

I'd take a poll on it, but to be honest, I could care less. I definitely didn't lose any sleep over the "off my list" comment either, though it did evoke a slight chuckle from me.

They say that the sagging of your pants was created as a sign to show that someone is available, on the prowl and that their ass is ready to be taken and fucked .....the equivalent on Eccie is to diss the women here, whilst seeking approval and high fives from all of the other misogynistic trolls.
ManSlut's Avatar
these bisches don't realize that we control the $$
I would rather make love to a cold peach pie than have anything to do with these two. Originally Posted by jiu jitsu king
Enjoy that cold peach pie! Kroger’s is cheaper than WholePaycheckFoods, so you have options to control your $$.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-19-2023, 10:55 AM
This whore is already dreaming of BLM thinking everyone who disagrees with her is me LMAO, comes in here here with the feminist mentality, you sell pussy for a living! take that away and you'll be at McDonald's flipping them burgers, you know that. Maybe I remind her of her father, Daddy issues? He always told you stay in school but instead you blow cheese cocks and get stuffed by fat old Men

She got butt hurt for being called out for not fitting the OP's request of a Greek loving spinner, she lost it after that. Thinking she's gonna make a change here, I'll call you out on your next thirsty whore post where you don't fit the request, I love it how worked up you get.
Deja Tha Doll's Avatar
This "whore" actually graduated high school at 16, at the top of my class, might I add. Then I went along and earned several degrees after that. I have 6 different avenues of income currently, all of which allow me the independency of choosing my own schedule and some even operate passively.

With 2 vehicles, a 3 bedroom house, along with a huge backyard, I'd have to say that I'm doing pretty good for myself. My family agrees as well.

So, either you enjoy hobbying or you're just upset that paying SWs is the only way you can satisfy your needs?!?

How is it that by definition, you're a trick, who pays SWs with one hand, but with the next, you're denouncing them and poking fun at the profession in disgust, even though you utilize it as well?!?
You utilize the same ones, doing the same things you're supposedly disgusted by.....Soooo doesn't this make you disgusting as well then?

I guess we're ALL just some nasty ol' freaks, in here together, huh?! Lol

Also, I'm not exactly sure why you think I'm a "feminist" .....Do you even KNOW the literal definition of that word .......I'll wait ...but I highly doubt it must have heard people using it on social media and thought if you use it, it might help you sound "EDGY"?!?

So in your eyes, BLM, I'm a feminist because I won't sit quietly, as you provoke and harass me. ... How interesting lol

So I guess if you hit me and I dodge it, and then I proceed to swing back, I'm also a feminist, correct...?!
I'd probably be considered a "SUPER FEMINIST" at that point, by your standards and definition..?!?

Knowledge is power. And self hate is real. Take time to heal, educate yourself, and then get back to me, because I know you will


P.S. We're still waiting on you to post that picture btw, Mr.Bigshot

And one more thing, if I weigh 130lbs and love having all of my holes filled, (especially this tight juicy Puerto Rican ass!) what would that make me then, if not a G.L.S.!? Lol

And thanks for FINALLY admitting that you follow me around Eccie, and how you'll CONTINUE to do so, stalking my posts, spreading your hate and negativity....
I'm sure everyone can clearly see who the problem is here.......
This whole thread is pure gold.
I saw the lovely Deja this week because of this thread.
She is superb. Keep up the good work Deja. If you weren't a bad ass you wouldn't have haters.
See you again real soon.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
Just when you think Deja might be out of mics to drop, a loud "thump" echos throughout all of eccie...
Damn Deja, dropping mic after mic. Takes no shit what so ever.
Ima just go grab my popcorn and watch the fireworks in here.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I saw the lovely Deja this week because of this thread.
She is superb. Keep up the good work Deja. If you weren't a bad ass you wouldn't have haters.
See you again real soon. Originally Posted by Hurry Fast
That is exactly right. If you have haters, then you are doing something right and some just can't stand others who succeed despite their efforts to keep you from doing so.

As far as the question the op has asked, I am definitely into spinners, but not Greek so I'm not going to be able to help you.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-19-2023, 08:58 PM
This whole thread is pure gold. Originally Posted by DFW_Ladies_Man
All the simps that I clown are chiming in now, impressed with a airheads whore SMH
All the simps that I clown are chiming in now, impressed with a airheads whore SMH Originally Posted by BLM69
LMFAO you sure are full of yourself. From where I sit she and what I read she owned your ass. Now that is some funny shit.