How many providers offer a discount for reviews?

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
idk i thought it would be nice to offer one, just because it takes time to write a review and i know they help our business a lot. i like for a guy to know what a session with me would be like. its not being "desperate" imo but i can see where someone might look at it that way. ive never asked any of my clients to write a review all the oned who did offered to. some have even offered and never followed through but im not one to bug anybody. in my case i was just trying to be nice and maybe give a little incentive for someone who likes to write reviews.
Guest081910's Avatar
I'd be happy to discount my $75/hr photo fee for a good review and return business. Does that count? OK, just shoot me!
Guest101610-2's Avatar
You guys should have some thread in the locker room with all the new pussy on a list that needs their first review and have a contest on who can get the most. There are sooooooooo many new girls... Did I mention there are sooooo many?

With the influx I've seen, and being the quiet observer that I am <-insert chuckle here- and If I were a bettin man, I'd say only about 20% of the new ones are going to be good enough and only about half of them will stick around.

So hurry up already and get through the chaff. The fillies are anxious for new worthy blood....

Oh god can you imagine... the whores have standards. (You all better be getting my jokes tonight.)
Guest101610-2's Avatar
I'd be happy to discount my $75/hr photo fee for a good review and return business. Does that count? OK, just shoot me! Originally Posted by Risky1
I'd say that counts. Are you serious? I think I can hook you up.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I see nothing wrong with the idea. Yes, it does take effort and time to write a review. For me, I also have to be in the mood to write it. By that I mean having the right mindstate to recall the events well enough to parlay to others. Some times it takes me hours to write a 'story' that might take 3 minutes to read. During the process I copy and paste as I go along, in the event electricity blinks or I accidently hit the back button a split second after hitting the 'copy all' button (yes, it's happened before...dumping hours of effort ).

Yeah, I like the idea, and if such a deal is agreed upon by me I would make every effort to write the review...because it'd be the right thing to do.
  • Sami
  • 06-29-2010, 09:57 PM
I like most lady's feel good to have a nice review every now and than. I have had 3 and Thankful to these guy's. I run specials not for a review. Because I want to, I have seen several gents that said they was going to do a review. In my mind that's a nice thought and I would be grateful. But then review is never done. Hummm.... I think well they are coming back, "Right" But no review ever follows. Now I am reading that it's alot to write one. Well it takes alot for most of us ladies to get ready, screen for every one's safety, work you in because we have seen you before and your calling last minute, look beautiful, smell good, be on top of our game, totally spoil, pamper, give you thing's some are lacking in the civie world that your not getting, or the gents that want no relationship attachment w/all the fantasy. OK we book A hour with you. But keep in mind, It is at least 1 hour and 45 mins dedicated just t to you. And more!! At the very least if you left happy just maybe she is worth a nice review. Just my thoughts...
daty/o's Avatar
So you look at my profile and it says "0" reviews. OK, truth is, I have seen two girls in the last two weeks and written one review. It failed to pass muster because I was newbie enough to fail to include an ros section. Lesson learned. I only learned that it failed because I was informed that I did not get "premium access credit" due to my omission. Sorry, I didn't realize that was why people wrote reviews. I have been operating on the misguided assumption that reviews were designed to help out the community in general, not to further my own agenda. As such, my reviews have, and always will address two priorities; keeping my brothers adequately informed and out of harms way and glorifying, promoting and protecting those providers that make this such an enjoyable...hobby. E
verygood69's Avatar
Sabrina, i will review you on your computer my dear.
jrewing's Avatar
I think it's the provider's decision on how she want's to get her phone ringing, a discount after writing a good review is good, a discount card is ok too, i even think a military discount is a terrific idea for any guy who like myself can show his retired military card or any non retired veteran would have a universal veterans id card with a picture, so whatever works Sabrina go for it girl, i just know you are a fun visit, JR
pmdelites's Avatar
as jr said, it is up to the woman to decide how to run her business.
that doesnt mean it's correct, appropriate, desperate, underhanded, stupid, warren-buffet-like, or greek-like [referring to their economy, not the act], etc.
it just means that's her business model, which may be the same or different than another woman's business model. you've heard of diversity??

several woman, including gina of private connection, have offered a discount for a future visit if you send a link to your review. and if you write it before you post it, you can even send the woman the bcd/rest of the story part, if you care to.
i think more than a review discount, you should have a repeat visits discounts, like JR said, a discount card of sorts. there are sooooo many providers out there and more joining the hobby daily, so a lil "we appreciate you" discount of short for repeat clients could go along ways, know what i mean?
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
i think more than a review discount, you should have a repeat visits discounts, like JR said, a discount card of sorts. there are sooooo many providers out there and more joining the hobby daily, so a lil "we appreciate you" discount of short for repeat clients could go along ways, know what i mean?
Originally Posted by latinfever
that is a really good idea i think i may use it
  • Sami
  • 06-30-2010, 03:01 PM
I was thinking of doing that, get a business card of a cookie that way it looks like your earning punches at bakery for free cookies

I think it's the provider's decision on how she want's to get her phone ringing, a discount after writing a good review is good, a discount card is ok too, i even think a military discount is a terrific idea for any guy who like myself can show his retired military card or any non retired veteran would have a universal veterans id card with a picture, so whatever works Sabrina go for it girl, i just know you are a fun visit, JR Originally Posted by jrewing03
what hot sexy Jules said, its not being desperate, on that note, I've only seen two well established providers and they never asked for one but I wrote honest reviews both times.

Repeat visit discounts? I'm in!

Discount Cards? it could be like the ones at quiznos where they poke little heart shaped holes in...... maybe not....
Kayla cracks me up!

Okay so I will try to write in 'their' lingo (Kayla, this saves you the time of writing in another language. They have one of their own):

Ummmmmmmm.......Like...ohmygos h.<<<{{{yOu ShOuLd PrObAbly OfFeR A DiScOuNt AfTeR yOu SeE A ClIeNt InStEaD Of *~BeFoRe~*>>>>}}}}!!!!!!!!

*shaking my head* <<I've always wanted to do that because I hate it so much.