Why was this in the speech?

You've already got the hook in your mouth. I just need to set it and then the fun begins.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
LOL you don't mind advertising you are dumb as a stump do you? Quack on Mcduck
One of the basic Tenets of any type of Socialistic Government is you have to be able to take something from one group and give it to another.

So, throughout History, when Demagogues and Future Dictators give speeches, they have to include the same basic ideas, as shown by the speech given by Hitler on his way to seizing power.

The problem with all of this is what you usually end up with is some type of "Thugocracy" that has a few people and charge, and more or less enslaving the rest.

President Obama, being the Demagogue he is, has to make the same speech as previous Demagogues throughout history have made. He promises a class of people that he will get them something for nothing, and they vote for him. Sooner or later, human nature kicks in and more and more people simply get on the bandwagon, and will be on it as it goes over the cliff.

We have already reached that point, and the rules of the game have not changed. Sooner or later, The Demagogue will run out of "other people's money", and the whole mess will collapse under it's own weight.
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Yes, I might as well admit it. Eva got away this time but he probably saw all the activity around him. Those quotes (are you watching FuckZup?) came from one of your favorite lefties in history; Adolf Hitler. FuckZup was all about that bitches, take that you bitches, listen to the man you bitches....well FuckZup. Time for you to go away.

A couple of others were not sure if those quotes were in there or not. That is pretty bad as well that you can't tell the real (which you could have looked up) from the history (which you probably could have looked up as well). I would say that they sounded a lot like Barry and that was the question mark in your minds. Maybe Barry did say this....
Yes, I might as well admit it. Eva got away this time but he probably saw all the activity around him. Those quotes (are you watching FuckZup?) came from one of your favorite lefties in history; Adolf Hitler. FuckZup was all about that bitches, take that you bitches, listen to the man you bitches....well FuckZup. Time for you to go away.

A couple of others were not sure if those quotes were in there or not. That is pretty bad as well that you can't tell the real (which you could have looked up) from the history (which you probably could have looked up as well). I would say that they sounded a lot like Barry and that was the question mark in your minds. Maybe Barry did say this.... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
btw JD I did not look that up