Are you tough enough?

  • Vyt
  • 06-25-2011, 01:48 PM
This thread itself seems more appropriate to said special forum than this one....

(wonders when he'll *matter* enough to get an invite!)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
"CUNT?" Been reading again, Whispers? Been using that word a lot lately.

I remember only a few months ago when "ASSHAT" got you a slap on the pee pee!

My, my now children!
I've noticed that I come off as hella aggressive, maybe even shrew-ish? on the boards simply by standing up to whispers in public so it works for me to berate him privately instead...but to each her own and I understand why you don't want to divide your attentions.

I was told by the invitee, that it's a place where I & other ladies can stand up and say whatever we wanted to w/o recourse, to the man who "beats up women" (whispers was the name mentioned). Because as I was told. He's done enough beating up of me and other women that's it time to give it back to him.
In an underground forum? Hell no. I'll proudly stand up to whispers in public!!! He don't make me. He don't break me! Rather he being the bully he is, makes me proud to be a strong woman who doesn't put up with men's shit!! Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's a forum on here not viewable to the general public. We take the gloves off in there and really let it all out. Only Rule Don't talk about fight club and NO OUTING. Are you tough enough to hand with the big dogs? Do you have a hobby rep? Been around for a while? PM me. I am a mod there. Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston

So much for the secret society....

I prefer to duke it out in coed personally. What fun is it to act like an asshole (like normal for me) and not earn warnings or points???

Sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
No doubt. If you can't do it here, with real words, (you know, dude, like BIG words..) instead of having to resort to Cunt, and Asshat, then what's the point.

""All of you stay up here on the level ground. I'm going to go down in the dark little hole with these select few, and spit venom at each other....""

Sounds dull to me.

Oh, its an act? Originally Posted by Smokin Joe

"ASSHAT?" Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's just a damn funny word.

I've noticed that I come off as hella aggressive, maybe even shrew-ish? on the boards simply by standing up to whispers in public so it works for me to berate him privately instead...but to each her own and I understand why you don't want to divide your attentions. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
What have you been doing to Whispers in private??? DO TELL!!!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
"ASSHAT?" Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Love that word... only I sound about 6 when I say it

I am curious of this forum cause I have a few choice words for someone thou I doubt said person is underground.... I have one set rule for myself I have always followed ..Never say anything about anyone I wouldn't or already haven't said to their face....Its how I like to be dealt with..
If you knew it'd probably give you night terrors.

So much for the secret society....

No doubt. If you can't do it here, with real words, (you know, dude, like BIG words..) instead of having to resort to Cunt, and Asshat, then what's the point.

""All of you stay up here on the level ground. I'm going to go down in the dark little hole with these select few, and spit venom at each other....""

Sounds dull to me.

It's just a damn funny word.

What have you been doing to Whispers in private??? DO TELL!!! Originally Posted by Damon Bradley
budman33's Avatar
instead of a spider hole it sounds like a glory hole, and you fellas can have fun there. But it does explain some of the holier than thou mentalities. I highly doubt that forum is more a measure of toughness than it is a venue for verbal diarrhea.

And I don't really understand why an extra moderator would lead anyone to think they could start more inane hateful shit, to me it seems more likely it would be quite the opposite. But meh, I guess on a boring day there's more stupid shit to read so carry on.
Whispers's Avatar
I've noticed that I come off as hella aggressive, maybe even shrew-ish? on the boards simply by standing up to whispers in public so it works for me to berate him privately instead...but to each her own and I understand why you don't want to divide your attentions. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy

Shhhh....... We had this discussion about the potential negative impact on your business by coming out about us......

But ......

Now that we are "out".....
One could only hope that those who matter would descend into the spyder hole and leave the more visible forums to those who also don't matter. That way those who feel like this is a place to duke it out could share some space with like minded individuals who matter and those who have a more mature view of the world would not be subjected to such nonsense.
Believe me when I say this Whispers baby- I would rather masturbate with an ice pick than see you naked or have you see me naked. However, if and when the price is right I would consider meeting you for drinks in a public place(not a strip club, they depress me).

Shhhh....... We had this discussion about the potential negative impact on your business by coming out about us......

But ......

Now that we are "out"..... Originally Posted by Whispers
knotty man's Avatar
Believe me when I say this Whispers baby- I would rather masturbate with an ice pick than see you naked or have you see me naked. However, if and when the price is right I would consider meeting you for drinks in a public place(not a strip club, they depress me). Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
damn! hannah likes ridin the fence. ouch!
Not ridin' the fence exactly...I'm just of the(perhaps mistaken) opinion that I can disagree with the way someone treats other people but remain tolerant and friendly enough to maybe show them an example of another way to live their life.

Plus, whisper's money will spend just as well as anyone else's as long as I never have to go BCD with him.

damn! hannah likes ridin the fence. ouch! Originally Posted by knotty man
Yssup Rider's Avatar
An icepick? DAMN GIRL! How about a plunger? Or a weedeater? Or ... wait for it.

...wait for it...

budman33's Avatar
I think i understand the 'supposed' attack pack now. in the regular forums where they may not hang out in RL ever then its.. odd. but in a lord of the flies forum where they can stroke each other sufficiently, then come here... makes perfect fucking sense.

I would welcome an invite though so I could puzzle out people who have been so brain fucked by women that they have decided to focus on ladies one fourth their age. revenge? angst? ED? only the spidey hole knows.