Man With A Plan, Sex Addict, Strange Pounder, Adventure Seeker, Crazy Asshole, Hormone Crazy, Pitiful Loser... What kind of Hobbyist are YOU?

DocHolyday's Avatar
SL, I appreciate you adding a description to your categories. I found them quite entertaining. I fell in with MWAP.
Art Vanderlay's Avatar
It would be interesting to see how the providers see us

Looks like 4 of the ladies voted.... Originally Posted by Still Looking
SL, whose to say that those four ladies are not out their looking for pussy on a daily basis.

Just for fun, name names. Only you as the OP can see who responded with what categories...
gelloinc's Avatar
Definitely a Man with a Plan!
Tequila Rose's Avatar
So where is the poll for what kind of provider I think I am? I've seen lots of polls about what guys have thought about local ladies rates ect. Maybe girls showcases are self explanitory to what they think. Eh IDK just a thought. If I was a guy I would be the Man with the plan that shopped around for the provider who did the things I liked.
PrettyBoyG's Avatar
Man With A Plan, Sex Addict, Strange Pounder, Adventure Seeker, Crazy Asshole, Hormone Crazy, Pitiful Loser... What kind of Hobbyist are YOU?

Man With A Plan

Hobbyists that realizes it much more cost effective to date hookers than bitches in the real world! Has lots of fun and LAUGHS all the way to the bank!

Sex Addict

Hobbys as many times as budget will allow. Spends most of his free time doing research and scheduling.

Strange Pounder

Hobbys but looks for unique ladies. Wants things he can't get at home.

Adventure Seeker

Hobbys on occasion but makes a big deal about it. If anything goes wrong he gets pissed.looks for AWESOME SEX but seldom wants to invest much money.

Crazy Asshole

Always negotiates. In most cases is on a budget and has no business hobbying. Try's getting sex for free.

Hormone Crazy

Can't help himself. Has one session after another but seems to be disappointed or almost feel guilty.

Pitiful Loser

Chooses fat, old and ugly chicks because he has NO GAME! Socially inept. Never been married or had a girlfriend. These low end hookers treat him like a KING and he lives in a fantasy world. Originally Posted by Still Looking
Just think how different the results would be if you included Pussy Whipped White Knight Johns and Pitiful Losers in the same category. In my opinion, the are the same. Just my .02.
Ollie Pop's Avatar
Definitely a "Strange Pounder." No plan, not crazy, and not a loser... Just a guy who has little disposable income, even less time, and wishes he had more of either.
Still Looking's Avatar
Just think how different the results would be if you included Pussy Whipped White Knight Johns and Pitiful Losers in the same category. In my opinion, the are the same. Just my .02. Originally Posted by PrettyBoyG
Still Looking's Avatar
So where is the poll for what kind of provider I think I am? I've seen lots of polls about what guys have thought about local ladies rates ect. Maybe girls showcases are self explanitory to what they think. Eh IDK just a thought. If I was a guy I would be the Man with the plan that shopped around for the provider who did the things I liked. Originally Posted by Tequila Rose
Here you go "Darlin"....not sure how you missed.
Little Monster's Avatar
Hmmmmmmm, Don't see a category for 55+, keyboard Warrior, overweight guys who are still paying 20 year old bimbo's to sleep with them, then brags about it while putting other's down for doing the same???? Those characteristics seem rather worthy of a category of their own, don't ya think????
Sex addict here!!! How did that happen??
Still Looking's Avatar
Sex addict here!!! How did that happen?? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Is some one going to tell her or should I?
Treetop78759's Avatar
I agree with Monster. The poll should be amended to also include bald fat ass white dudes and bald fat ass beaner dudes who can't even fuck their fat butt ugly wife.
fun2come's Avatar
I agree with Monster. The poll should be amended to also include bald fat ass white dudes and bald fat ass beaner dudes who can't even fuck their fat butt ugly wife. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Those are the male Unicorns !

We don't talk about those


Little Monster's Avatar
Those are the male Unicorns !

We don't talk about those


Originally Posted by fun2come