If the only measure of quality a guy has is how a lady performs in bed, overnights are not for him--he would likely walk away disapointed in what he got. It is much more the whole experience,........but you have to be into the romance.....
Originally Posted by Old-T
Speak for yourself there....lol. Sex of course isn't the only measure of pleasure, but its damn sure an important on if I'm booking a large portions of time. I'm into GFE and do BFE activities as well, but as far as romance that's a little far fetched. I'm a young buck and principally above and beyond anything else that will occur, I want to be rocked BCD. Plenty of time for pillowtalk, sleeping, and cuddling between sessions.
Even going out to dinner is not a certified thing I always seek on overnights. It all depends on the look and the ladies demeanor. Some ladies are chameleon and can adapt to a situation where they are in public.....and others are just more reserved to providing their best talents in the bed room. As far as going out to dinner is concerned, and or talking long "timed" walks on the beach in your pursuit of romance,......anything other than mutual satisfaction BCD to me should be encouraged as gratutity when it happens, not just expected.......sometimes I just want to be rocked BCD for a large portion of time in increments during the night. If she has limitations about sex, required uninterrupted sleep, and then onee sex session in the morning she would not be the type of woman Id want to see. There would be no values in booking that large portion of time.
Usually during a twelve hour overnight I'm actively engaged, massaging, and doing fourplay for 6 of the twelve hours. Sleep is usually intermittent and I usually have 3 to five seperate sessions
During that period. I'm really not seeing why guys are seeing ladies who have an uninterrupted sleep clause in their oernight rate structures........lol. Seems real wifey to me.....
it would be reasonable to pay $1,000 to $1,200 for the encounter. That would be $250-$300 per play hour. Now, if the provider goes north of $1,500 for an overnighter, that enters the unreasonable range.
Originally Posted by Cpalmson
I like your first range of rate structure better but sadly most reputable independents don't consider 1 grand an some change (about 88 dollars and hour for ten to twelve hours) as resonable compensation for 10 to 12 hour bookings anymore like they used to about 3 years ago. Usually with a relative unknown on backpage I can go as low as between 700 to 1000max as a start asking price. Reputable independents (who don't have a rate posted) I can usually get between 800 to 1300. But it seems the new norm rate for ladies who post their overnight packages in many cities beside Texas seems to be 1500. The allure of 1000 isn't so strong as it use to be, but also my initial asking price is usually defined by how much her initial rate is.
and maybe it is just me but i love getting woken up by a hard dick poking me in the morning. I don't know what it is about getting poked in the back but I guess it turns me on that my date desires me from the second he wakes up.
But that's just me.
Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Yep sounds like the type I would seek lol.
That depends on her 1h rate, does not? I personally set my overnight rate at 5x hourly
Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Well your hourly rate is 400. Your situation is very different because your initial hourly rate is also exclusive to only certain types of clients in an of itself. The biggest thing for me is booking more time for a slight monetary values in your rates for more time. Five times your rate structure is 2G's..........my initial offer (since its not on your website lol hypothetically would have been no less than 1400). But let's just say hypothetically your hour rate was 200....in that case I could not justify paying 2000 or even as low as 1700 because their is no monetary incentive in her rates for more booked time. She would just be multiplying her rate by the amount of hours booked.....and in that case only id be paying her to sleep lol.
For me a lot factors in for me for paying 1500 or more.....a full menu with swallows and drop dead gorgeous appearance would only influence that tremendously for me.