Republican idiots strike again

Yeah, it's nice when they work together. That's how we get such wonderful legislation like the Patriot Act, the NDAA, CISPA, and similar anti-liberty legislation. Don't you find it odd that the only things Congress can agree on are measures which take away or limit our freedom?

We don't need bipartisanship. We need them all out of office, replaced by individuals who love freedom and will defend the Constitution, like they're oath requires. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Clearly, it would have been better for me to say that it would be nice to see at least some congressclowns work to meaningfully address serious problems, rather than just engage in raw partisanship and the sort of logrolling that exacerbates existing problems while creating new ones. (Although given today's dysfunctional, polarized political climate, I don't expect to see that happen any time soon.)

That way I might have pre-empted some fatuous prattling by one of the forum's most prolific practitioners of the art.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I just gave you some examples of the bipartisanship you so desperately crave. Government does not exist to solve problems. Government exists to preserve liberty. At least that is what the Founders planned. We screwed it up by demanding government solve problems. Whenever government "solves" a problem, it creates many more, which, of course, government has to solve, and so on, and so on, ad infinitum.
I just gave you some examples of the bipartisanship you so desperately crave. Government does not exist to solve problems. Government exists to preserve liberty. At least that is what the Founders planned. We screwed it up by demanding government solve problems. Whenever government "solves" a problem, it creates many more, which, of course, government has to solve, and so on, and so on, ad infinitum. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Translation: We should purge the House and Senate of all Democrats and Republicans and replace them with Libertarians, while electing Gary Johnson to the presidency.

Good luck with that! You might as well fantasize about winning a $500 million PowerBall jackpot. At least the probability of that occurring is not a flat, absolute zero, assuming that you bought a ticket.

It must be pleasant to remain cozily ensconced in a fantasy world, but most of us live in the real one. We've been gradually expanding government and turning into something more closely resembling a European-style social democracy for quite a few decades now, and the nexus of voters and politicians ensures that will not be reversed. You may not like it, but you'd better get used to it.

(Somehow that last sentence reminds me of a terribly impolitic gaffe committed by Texas gubernatorial candidate Clayton Williams about 23 years ago!)
Translation: We should purge the House and Senate of all Democrats and Republicans and replace them with Libertarians, while electing Gary Johnson to the presidency.

Good luck with that! You might as well fantasize about winning a $500 million PowerBall jackpot. At least the probability of that occurring is not a flat, absolute zero, assuming that you bought a ticket.

It must be pleasant to remain cozily ensconced in a fantasy world, but most of us live in the real one. We've been gradually expanding government and turning into something more closely resembling a European-style social democracy for quite a few decades now, and the nexus of voters and politicians ensures that will not be reversed. You may not like it, but you'd better get used to it.

(Somehow that last sentence reminds me of a terribly impolitic gaffe committed by Texas gubernatorial candidate Clayton Williams about 23 years ago!) Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Last sentence- But I can't lay back and enjoy it... I just won't. We got woke up and there are millions just like me. We have become enlightened.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Translation: We should purge the House and Senate of all Democrats and Republicans and replace them with Libertarians, while electing Gary Johnson to the presidency. Works for me.

Good luck with that! You might as well fantasize about winning a $500 million PowerBall jackpot. At least the probability of that occurring is not a flat, absolute zero, assuming that you bought a ticket. Somebody has to win.

It must be pleasant to remain cozily ensconced in a fantasy world, but most of us live in the real one. We've been gradually expanding government and turning into something more closely resembling a European-style social democracy for quite a few decades now, and the nexus of voters and politicians ensures that will not be reversed. You may not like it, but you'd better get used to it. No. I will never get used to tyranny. You can, if you want. But I refuse. We are becoming a police state, not a social democracy. I, for one, do not accept it. I will not lay back and enjoy it. I will use all non-violent means to oppose it. And remember this, they don't respect you any more than they respect me. When they come for me, you will be next, no matter how much you tell them you love them.

(Somehow that last sentence reminds me of a terribly impolitic gaffe committed by Texas gubernatorial candidate Clayton Williams about 23 years ago!) Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Feel better now, Captain Halfbright?
When they "come for you," I will be next? What the hell are you talking about?

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot! You think we're going to be hauled off to "FEMA camps!" Now I remember the thread you started on that very subject.

And you say you will use "all non-violent means" to oppose tyranny? How are you going to do that? By incessantly prattling every night on an SHMB? LMAO!

I don't know how "old" you are, CuteOldGuy. But for your sake, I sure hope you inherited a home from your mom.

That way you'll be able to stay holed up in mom's basement, securely covered with tinfoil, until you're 90 years old!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Pork Barrel politics need to stop and the country needs approve line item veto for presidents.. Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire
Something Ronald Reagan, a Republican, wanted during his terms as President.

Reagan was right then and now.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Last sentence- But I can't lay back and enjoy it... I just won't. We got woke up and there are millions just like me. We have become enlightened.

WISH US LUCK! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
1. You don't have to enjoy it, you just have to endure it. Might be hard for you, though, since you are about as big of a pussy as George Zimmermann.
2. "We got woke up"??? Wtf were you doing when it was happening? Perhaps you were waiting for the horses to leave the barn so you could shut the door?
3. You'll need the "luck" if what you are is called enlightened. Millions of you? I think not. That little feel good coalition will last right up until the time one of your favorite boondoggles (DoD anyone?) comes under the axe. Of course, "millions" of you Teawipe Parrotriots think that Social Security and Medicare aren't government programs (you remember, don't you, your fellow travelers screaming "Keep the gumment out of our Medicare," don't you? -idiot, no, make that fucking idiot). With "enlightenment" like that, who needs to know anything? Just keep on making that shit up as you go along.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Reagan was NO saint and IFFY couldn't be more wrong...

But don't blame him ... He's living on the government dole.