Hate it when threads are locked...

caramelqtee mila's Avatar
I dont know you 16 yri but its very nice to meet you darling and thank you for making it so clear of whats obviously going on here
Wayward's Avatar
Please don't stop

Not directed at anyone, more like everyone, thanks in advance.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Because you are getting on my damn nerves to tell you the truth. You know I was invited to the SC last week but the thought of you running your fucking mouth about this shit deters me from it. You won honey you've garnered your applause and high fives why cant you stop? Honestly do you secretly want to run in a field of flowers with Ms. Wild and profess your love for her? Come on baby you can tell me! Ive never seen anyone here have such a disdain for someone but think of them enough to constantly bring em up. In elementary school there was a boy who snapped my bra strap daily and then on the last day of school he asked to be his girlfriend. You remind me of that kid,fuck her and get it over with you'll feel better promise Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
TFF. I think you nailed it.
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Sorry Wayward but im not getting in a pissin match with WU it will go on for days even after i stop responding,no thanks
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
CB I know i nailed it you only speak of someone that much when you want them so bad it keeps you at night,hence almost every damn thread thats started he post and throws Ms Wild in there somewhere. Hell at this point ill buy him an hr with her if he'll shut up. BTW WU do you know even bad publicity is good publicity you are probably doubling her appt book everyday you speak her name and spew this nonsense.
Wayward's Avatar
But it's Christmas and I asked nicely, you've always been so sweet to me *pout*
16yearitch's Avatar
I'm still laughing.

So, yeah. My thread has been jacked by WU. So let's go for it.
Wazup, Wakeup?
Member for 8 days, but you obviously have a thang for Brooke. What gives?
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Aww baby when you put it like that i can hardly resist maybe ill start a thread of my own hmmmmm....we'll see give me a minute and Merry Xmas darlin Im in yeah WU what is up? How many wet dreams have you conjured about my good friend. Aww come on darlin dont be shy now! With all the back to back shit talking you do how are you goin a whole 10 minutes without a response....
Wayward's Avatar
WU has been around for a bit more than 8 days 17weekitch, he was playing some stray cat games, guested his handle while posting a TexasGator alert for comic effect and then re-registered as the same handle to throw us off the trail. You're just going to have to trust me on this, further explanation isn't really going to help.

It sounds crazy and it is kind of crazy, but it was also really funny.

We and I'm now speaking for the voices in my head expect WU and BW to become a couple over the holidays. They will both fight us on this, but it is written in the stars.
do you know even bad publicity is good publicity you are probably doubling her appt book everyday you speak her name and spew this nonsense. Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
I learned that last week Though it's not good practice, sometimes it's good to use haters to make you famous. What Wayward said...
16yearitch's Avatar
WU has been around for a bit more than 8 days 17weekitch, he was playing some stray cat games, guested his handle while posting a TexasGator alert for comic effect and then re-registered as the same handle to throw us off the trail. You're just going to have to trust me on this, further explanation isn't really going to help.

It sounds crazy and it is kind of crazy, but it was also really funny.

We and I'm now speaking for the voices in my head expect WU and BW to become a couple over the holidays. They will both fight us on this, but it is written in the stars. Originally Posted by Wayward
It's obvious that there is much more going on here than I have a clue about but I agree, it is kinda funny. One expects the drama from the females (sorry, Ladies!) but most of the really good stuff comes from the males. Obsessive, much?

BTW, it's 18yearitch now. This is a very old handle.
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Thats funny 16 i mean 18 yri,lol! Oh looky looky you figure him out and he leaves the podium,isnt this what you live for WU? Speak sugar we all would love to be enlightened on your true feelings for my girl. Obsessive much indeed. Damn if i knew this was all it took to shut your ass up I would've said this last week
Wayward's Avatar
BTW, it's 18yearitch now. This is a very old handle. Originally Posted by 16yearitch

Join Date: 11-03-2008?

'Always a bridge to far...'
carkido45's Avatar
Thats funny 16 i mean 18 yri,lol! Oh looky looky you figure him out and he leaves the podium,isnt this what you live for WU? Speak sugar we all would love to be enlightened on your true feelings for my girl. Obsessive much indeed. Damn if i knew this was all it took to shut your ass up I would've said this last week Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
Yeah that WakeUp contributes nothing but crap and luvs to Hijack to get attention he is obviously stalking
Brooke Wilde'
Wakeup and his buddy WayWard stalk me in the other place also so I let it slide no biggie.
Back to the Thread....good to see you Itchy.
The Mods do close some threads early but they do so with everyones best interest at heart and usually try to stop things before they blowup!
I like that Caramelqtee Mila.... she's got some fight in her.
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Thanks baby always with the negative it can be a thread started about a beautiful rainbow filled sky and here he will come with "The rainbow is nice but look what Brooke said about you hobbyist,not so sunny now huh",lol! Its getting old come up with something else geez!