Providers wanting your personal information

txdot-guy's Avatar
Providers are small business owners. They define the product they are offering, They define the requirements for new customers, they define the price they charge. If you choose to pass on the product then they have to live with out your business.

What’s not to understand about this.
bigwill832's Avatar
If you don't like their screening requirements: Move along to someone else.
If you don't like their rates: Move along to someone else.
If you don't like their level of service: Move along to someone else.
If you don't like where they are located: Move along to someone else.
If she is not of your preferred body type, height, weight, race, nationality, ethnicity, hair color, tattoo status, or religion: Move along to someone else.

The comment about someone else seeing their well being and family being more important than yours is universal. You should have the very same attitude.

As already stated in this thread: This is their business. They can run it as they like. There is no "fair market value" on ass. If there were, we'd see those labels on the ladies like we see in the meat market at the grocery store. You could see what you like, see how much it is per whatever, scan it at the register and go to town. Each person, on both sides of the aisle, have their own reasons for participating in this hobby. So find someone who fits what screening you are willing to commit to, has the rates you are willing to pay for the services you like, is in the part of town that you are comfortable going to, and who fits your desired type of lady (or man). It's as simple as that.
bigwill832's Avatar
Providers are small business owners. They define the product they are offering, They define the requirements for new customers, they define the price they charge. If you choose to pass on the product then they have to live with out your business.

What’s not to understand about this. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
There are some ladies on these sits who I think would be amazing corporate sales types, given what I've seen on their tenacity and marketing of themselves. If someone could bottle that..they'd make a killing.