You do not have no reviews?

Be careful what you ask Nikki, sicko has a
Kermit the Frog avatar too.
Now that the image restrictions are lifted, make a new avatar of the guy in the dick costume inside the colon with sponge bob. Triple threat. Or a gif cycling all your favorites.
muffin101's Avatar
Now that the image restrictions are lifted, make a new avatar of the guy in the dick costume inside the colon with sponge bob. Triple threat. Or a gif cycling all your favorites. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
Lol PM those avatars to me and I'll make you a gif pyrimider
pyramider's Avatar
Thancks for all of your suggestions but this is between me and the kegelious NikkiWhite.
Wait.... You don't have *any* reviews or you don't have "no" reviews?
I think he meant to send this via PM.

With that kind of charm, I don't see how a girl could resist.
I would suggest that if not having any "No" reviews is upsetting you so much then write some.
I think we should all abandon this silly thread and charter a gulfstream and go to Sacramento to see NikkiWhite.
Ravasher's Avatar
Yes I think we all lost IQ points just by reading this thread
Randall Creed's Avatar
I'm sorry I hurt your feelings Bossy. I will send my best girl over right now.

Originally Posted by Von Spieler
Please tell me this pic is photoshopped.

I BEG you!! Please!!

Forget the guns. Look at those grabbers.
It/She/He is real.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Those are THEEEE most masculine arms I've ever seen on a woman.

Good Lord Almighty!!!

I just...can't...look...away.
She may have Man Hands, but look at her French Nails. Imagine the little Asian girl trembling in fear doing her nails if she were to fuck up. She'd go all Chuck Norris on her.
Randall Creed's Avatar

And her chin just might have another fist in it.