Rumor Has Charlie Weiss Is Coming To Town

I am excited to have Weis!!! I just wish we could get rid of that stupid Haley, but that isn't a reality at this time. He just rubs me the wrong way. Asshole ego with less than standard coaching skills, followed up with him flipping the bird to fans on Fan Appreciation Day. Then tries to make up for it by giving some guy money at the bus stop a few days later. To me that's like a guy who fucks up in his relationship, and then thinks going out to buy some jewelry will make it all better LOL. I think Charlie will make a great addition to a team in desperate need of some major overhaul. And for the record...Cassel isn't that bad of a QB. He just lacks a lot of confidence that say QBs like Manning (Peyton not Eli lol), Brady and Favre have. They know they are good, and therefor they play that way. If Cassel could gain a lil more confidence I think his game would greatly step up to being a better than average QB. Supposedly there is a lot of stuff in the works for the next season, but that is something I can't believe until I can actually see it. My faith in the Chefs has dwindled to almost nothing over the last few years. Even through all that, I still continue to watch them & support them as best I can every Sunday. But anyway more importantly.....I'm a Cowboys fan!! Kick the crap out of the Eagles tonight 'Boys!!!
dirty dog's Avatar
What you call confidence, I call talent, but you are right about one thing, he lacks it.
It doesnt matter who the QB or offensive cordinator is, without an offensive line to protect him and do some blocking for a running back they still wont put points on the board
Boots & Spurs Our line is semi-ok... They was just tired of Lj's Sh&@. Jamal Charles had a great yr. and we had the same line we been having. Our line is not the greatest but it had to be pretty good to have 6-8 100 yard plus games. Cassel is gonna have to do some major off-season adjustments Bottomless to become who you're describing lol Bubba I think I would make a damn good sports caster or one of them women who give you the injury report during the game. Dirty dog I just hope Cassel come into the same zone he was in when he was a Patriot.
Taylor you are right...Any job relating to football would be the most Fun & Best damn job in the world!!! Talk about a pipe dream....that would be it! Hell, I would just be happy getting a few passes into some of the NFL Locker Rooms LOL.
Thank you Bottomless! Now I might just get up enough nerve to send in my audition tape lol