Mexican drug cartel activity in U.S. said to be exaggerated in widely cited federal report

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  • WTF
  • 08-27-2013, 11:13 AM
If you ran a charity you would be the chief beneficiary.. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Not me personally but my dick for sure!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Assup wrote, "You don't even support American principles ... Or the fucking constitution."
Ok - you got me there. I do not support the current American principles of fags welcome in the military, gay marriage, affirmative action, third world immigration to destroy white America, rampant welfare and government benefits to a bunch of fat, lazy fuckers gaming the system, and all the other liberal policies which are effectively destroying a once great nation.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If JL truly supports "American principles... Or the fucking constitution" he should voluntarily pay American taxes following his planned October defection to the Middle East. Originally Posted by bigtex
Fuck paying taxes - my advice is that your fucked up government keep on printing the money - some of which is going to flow my way via social security..hahahahaha
JCM800's Avatar
I do not support the current American principles of fags welcome in the military, gay marriage, affirmative action, third world immigration to destroy white America, rampant welfare and government benefits to a bunch of fat, lazy fuckers gaming the system, and all the other liberal policies which are effectively destroying a once great nation. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
was this all part of your last Klan meeting?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
was this all part of your last Klan meeting? Originally Posted by JCM800

More like the JDL.