For the Guys: Is a provider attacking another provider a turn on or turn off?

Drama a bad way. Deflates the a bad way.

It boils down to assertions, followed by opinions and speculation....followed by learned pontifications from the masses.

Like Jerry Springer, it has its appeal, but........
liquor1's Avatar
When I see drama on the board, I assume there will be drama in real life. Big red flag for me.
ps...BB and I are both out of wine and it's Sunday. If anyone has any pinot grigio in their fridge please, email me at BB will let you do him with a strap on, and I will flash my tits. Originally Posted by sadie
Just so everyone knows . . . I avoided Sadie's strap on by switching to bourbon to support the Saints! Who dat?
Nobody likes drama... so, turn off. It's childish which tells me that it would be an immature session.
Good MOrning GUys Thanks for taking this in the manner it was intended... OK i have an idea..We can buiild a ring complete with oil. The guys can draw tickets and lucky ticket winner can get in the ring with either SHelby Sadie or both... Ladies preferance of course.. Yes HS I am trying to start something this time hopefully it wont get me into to much trouble....If I am blame Sadie her post gave me the idea lol
Drama is always a turn off and annoying.