Accusing Trump of trying to manipulate Votes

flows-with-water's Avatar
Oh you guys must have thought I was talking about how good Biden is going to be running this country. I must have wrote that all wrong. There are plenty of other trends bashing Biden. You can bash him for the next eight years. Doesn't matter, he is still going to be the president even with Alzheimer's and I bet a good one or shell I say a lot better of one than what we have had the last 4 years. A little bit more honest. This is what I was referring to. Trump trying to cheat.
Wow, not only are you gullible but you seem to be suffering from delusions. Too much listening to the DNC and Fake News media talking points. Try educating yourself and read the transcript. But I know that is beyond you Originally Posted by berryberry
Once again, you're speaking form a position of ignorance. I listeded to the whole call. It was shameful. You trumpsters love to make erroneous assumptions. I don't watch cable news. I look for original source information. With the scum bag trump it's easy because he never stops publicly acting like a buffon. There's a glutton of evidence that shows he's a scumbag. It's easy to see if you're not under his spell.
LOL - this coming from the guy who has posted just one single AMP review in the Pittsburgh forum in all of 2020. Pot meet kettle Originally Posted by berryberry
I'm averaging 3 reviews per year. lusty is averaging less than one. Why do you continue to display your ignorance?
Was that not because the Ukrainian prosecutor was known to be corrupt. That was the impetus for forcing him out. Ukraine was ripe with corruption Originally Posted by flows-with-water
Really that was his job?
To flush out corruption in the Ukraine, no it was extortion pure and simple, just like the current phone call in Georgia?
And if that were his task I'm sure Vindman would have been made aware of this flush out the corruption operation!
He did what he did because he is a corrupt POS!
He knew it wasn't going to go well for him this election, hell it barely went his way in 2016 with the Russians helping him!
So he started laying the ground work for this election fraud bullshit!
I saw him spouting this shit in August and recognized it for what it was!
It really was so predictable!
And now the whole of the United States is disenfranchising poor little picked on Donny!
Its just one big conspiracy!
What a load of shit!
I can't believe how people can defined Trump when it is in black and white. When they do it is showing the people what they really are. When Obama was elected how people cut him up, him and Michelle. She is super smart and caring person. They cut her up one side and down the other. He was a radical Baptistl he was a Muslim they couldn't say enough bad about him. Just because he was black. This POS they will fist fight for him, actually I am sure their are people who would kill for him. I can't see it or get it.

Ted Bundy killed girls and got arrested for it. He was going to beaches and girls dorms. When they caught him and he escaped he ended up going right back to the same type places. Maybe if he would have never done it again they would have never caught him. Trump got away with corruption and got away with it because the Senate wouldn't allow witnesses. 4 years later he can't help himself and is doing the exact same thing with the phone calls and trying to bribe people to get his own way, after losing big time. He lost by 7 million votes and still trying to say he won. Funny part is how many people are fighting for him while by losing by that many votes. I understand why he would lie, he has the possibility of going to jail for tax evasion just like Al Capone. Why a stranger would lie for him I will never know. He has done nothing for the working class. He went as far as to lower our taxes for two years then raise them more than what they were before he started. Go figure.
lustylad's Avatar
The check I got is from Nancy's doings. She fought long and hard for it. Originally Posted by bypass
You couldn't be more wrong. Nancy blocked a $1.8 trillion covid relief bill prior to the election. She let people suffer because she wanted to hurt trump's re-election chances. She put party ahead of country. That's truly scummy behavior, even for a politician. She is completely lacking in empathy or compassion.

After the election, she accepted a relief bill that is half the size of the one she blocked before the election.

The only thing that bitch "fought long and hard for" is to postpone the fucking check you could have received months ago!
lustylad's Avatar
...he averages less than one review per year on here and hasn't done a single review in five years, so his main "contribution" is coming on here and praising a buffoon. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Stop lying, 1pitts. I haven't praised you once on this board. And you have to belong to the right club in order to benefit from my hofo.
lustylad's Avatar
Was that not because the Ukrainian prosecutor was known to be corrupt. That was the impetus for forcing him out. Ukraine was ripe with corruption Originally Posted by flows-with-water
Yes, and Burisma was well known to be corrupt to its core. That was the original impetus for Hunter to join its board back in 2014. His daddy did his homework first!

Joe said, "Son, I found the most corrupt company in Europe for you. They will pay you more than anyone else for a no-show job that requires zero experience and has zero responsibilities other than collecting a fat paycheck - it's perfect for you!"
lustylad's Avatar
I listeded to the whole call. It was shameful. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
You "listeded" to the whole call?

It sounded kinda like a coach arguing with a referee over a bad play ruling, didn't it?

Gee, that's just gotta be impeachable, dontcha think?

Maybe you can get Nutty Nancy to impeach him again before Jan. 20!

It's worth a try.
berryberry's Avatar
Once again, you're speaking form a position of ignorance. I listeded to the whole call. It was shameful. You trumpsters love to make erroneous assumptions. I don't watch cable news. I look for original source information. With the scum bag trump it's easy because he never stops publicly acting like a buffon. There's a glutton of evidence that shows he's a scumbag. It's easy to see if you're not under his spell. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
You "listeded" to the whole call - sure you did - LOL You aren't fooling anyone. If anyone is speaking from a position of ignorance it is you. You are just so so gullible and ill-informed.

Try educating yourself for a change instead of continuing to embarrass yourself
berryberry's Avatar
I'm averaging 3 reviews per year. lusty is averaging less than one. Why do you continue to display your ignorance? Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
You had ONE review in the Pittsburgh forum in 2020. ONE. That is a fact. You contribute basically nothing here in terms of hofo so it is laughable that you call out someone else for his lack of reviews.
Lusty keeping it real, Nancy is almost, I say almost a big POS just like Trump. Unlike you and the true GOPer's I call it like I see it. Pretty much all of them are IMHO To me they all need voter out. A real job if they can't get along and pass bills like they were hired to do, they need to clean house. Problem is they keep voting them back in. Just like they had a dream they would vote Trump back in. To bad he lost. So if you think I like her you are wrong. When most of us who voted for Biden, we voted for who was the smallest lump. As far as for Hunter as you guys keep saying. Why wouldn't The Attorney General knowing he would get fired if he wouldn't say he was investigating Hunter say their was nothing there. Now think of it, he knew he would lose his job if he wouldn't at least say Hunter was under investigation. He wouldn't lie. Believe that? But that's right he wouldn't lie for Trump and he lost his job because of it. Their is nothing their. So if you want people to believe you tell the truth not BS. Things you want to be true is not the truth. Why did Trump fire Jeff Sessions, he would not lie for him. Why is his personal attorney in jail, he lied for Trump and admitted that he did it. Trump is corrupt and should have been totally impeached. Hunter hasn't run for president he is a civilian. What has Trumps kids done besides being stupid? Other than Ivanka, she perfect. Piece.
lustylad's Avatar
Lusty keeping it real... As far as for Hunter as you guys keep saying. Why wouldn't The Attorney General knowing he would get fired if he wouldn't say he was investigating Hunter say their (sic) was nothing there. Now think of it, he knew he would lose his job if he wouldn't at least say Hunter was under investigation. He wouldn't lie. Believe that? But that's right he wouldn't lie for Trump and he lost his job because of it. Their (sic) is nothing their (sic). So if you want people to believe you tell the truth not BS. Things you want to be true is (sic) not the truth... Originally Posted by bypass

Bill Barr never said there was nothing to investigate Hunter for. In fact, we now know the FBI has been investigating the corrupt little punk since 2018. In line with long-standing DOJ/FBI policy, Barr didn't confirm anything prior to the election. However, anyone who paid attention knew Hunter was being investigated, because the FBI subpoenaed his laptop from a Wilmington repair shop owner in December 2019. The shop owner released a copy of the subpoena to the media 2 weeks before the election, along with thousands of compromising emails and photos from the hard drive. Because most of the media is corrupt and in the tank for Biden, they suppressed the story when it broke.

At this point, the only question is whether the investigation should remain in the hands of the US Attorney for Delaware or whether a Special Counsel should be appointed. But everyone knows Hunter is under serious investigation by the feds. Everyone except you, apparently.
Hunter isn't the new president, Big Bad Joe is. Trumps kids look at them if you want to investigate someone. Erik could be lock up for being down right STUPID. A constant source of embarrassment. Their not the president, DONNIE is. And Billy Barr did say it, look it up, turn off Fox and read.