interesting read/watch

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I wanna see Kim Iversens boobs. Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet

this is about as close as you'll get ..

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... I believe Russia is committing war crimes and you don't get to commit war crimes because you have a better story about how it all came to be. Russia proper was not attacked. This sounds like it could be a civil war. There is no acceptable reason in my opinion, for the Russians to be bombing hospitals and shelters and humanitarian efforts... Originally Posted by HedonistForever
From Wikipedia (take with grain of salt):
A war crime is a violation of the laws of war that gives rise to individual criminal responsibility for actions by the combatants, such as intentionally killing civilians or intentionally killing prisoners of war, torture, taking hostages, unnecessarily destroying civilian property, deception by perfidy, wartime sexual violence, pillaging, the conscription of children in the military, committing genocide or ethnic cleansing, the granting of no quarter despite surrender, and flouting the legal distinctions of proportionality and military necessity.
Point being, separate war from war crimes. War crimes can happen during war. Frankly, sadly, war happens and prosecution of war crimes occurs after, if at all. Think of crime followed by punishment. Having a "believe ' that a crime occurred is not the same as proving it occurred, regardless of what the BLM may say or do. Other point to consider, war crimes are bilateral. Either party could be charged, not just the one that shot first or is widely considered the aggressor.

A different example: When we first learned of the covid, there was a splash all over the place about peoples dropping dead in the streets in China. Turns out it was all fake and is mostly been memory holed. But the fact is: There were graphic images implanted in to the social construct of dropping dead or people all masked up and starving and exactly none of those images had anything remotely to do with the covid. Do you remember them being outed as fake? Likely not.

Lastly (for now): Let us hearken back in time to almost 6 years ago. It has been Russia-Russia-Russia non-stop and been predominately harped boldly, loudly and repeatedly by one party in our midst. (consider the above paragraph visa-vi programming). So the knee jerk reaction is what? Russia-Russia-Russia, which somehow also canonizes Zelenshi to sainthood by default. What's up with that?!? Friendly reminder that he was in on the grifting gravy train with whom? Yup, the very same grifters that brought us Russia-Russia-Russia non-stop for six years now? All that is needed to reinforce that linkage/image is some graphic images to tie it all together with a neat bow. Case closed, guilty, full stop. BLM can now purchase another multi million dollar mansion. Thank you very much.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
thank you very much

this is about as close as you'll get ..

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Don't bother watching Trumptard crap Originally Posted by matchingmole
What crap do you bother watching?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Hey Hedonist, You may right, I don’t know. I did finish Baud’s piece. I believe he’s more biased on this than, say, Fox News or CNN. But he’s got some interesting points. About what he writes, I’m not sure what’s true and what’s fiction.

I don’t think historically we should have been sending lots of military aid to Ukraine. And I believe Trump in his heart of hearts would agree.

This war makes no sense for either side. Russians would be better off if Putin threw in the towel. Ukrainians would be better off if Zelensky et al exited by giving up eastern Ukraine and pledging neutrality.

The human and economic toll has been huge. But arguably not as bad as Rwanda or Yemen or the Congo or Iraq. We care a lot more about this because Ukrainians look like us. And because our military and political classes have convinced us Russia must be our sworn enemy. Originally Posted by Tiny

I'm admitting that I don't know either. What I'm saying is there is likely guilt all around BUT what about the civilians being slaughtered, who had nothing to do with the decisions that brought us to this point? Russia may very well have "points to consider" that favor them but their actions, alleged actions can in no way be accepted by a civilized people if that is what we are.

"we, they, should have never done this or that" while interesting to consider, there is still what I believe to be war crimes to consider and I have no doubt that after a full investigation, just like the Israeli's and Palestinians, war crimes will have been found committed by both sides but in this conflict the degree of one side to the other, will be "more culpable" and that will be seen by most of the civilized world as Russia.
  • Tiny
  • 04-20-2022, 04:33 PM
I'm admitting that I don't know either. What I'm saying is there is likely guilt all around BUT what about the civilians being slaughtered, who had nothing to do with the decisions that brought us to this point? Russia may very well have "points to consider" that favor them but their actions, alleged actions can in no way be accepted by a civilized people if that is what we are.

"we, they, should have never done this or that" while interesting to consider, there is still what I believe to be war crimes to consider and I have no doubt that after a full investigation, just like the Israeli's and Palestinians, war crimes will have been found committed by both sides but in this conflict the degree of one side to the other, will be "more culpable" and that will be seen by most of the civilized world as Russia. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I agree Russia is more culpable. Much more culpable. That said...

From February 24, 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine, until April 17, the UN estimates 2071 Ukrainian civilians died from the hostilities. The UN notes the actual figures, taking into account pending reports, would be considerably higher.

US intelligence esimates 5,500 to 11,000 Ukrainian combatants and 7,000 to 10,000 Russian combatants died up through about April 18.

Lancet estimates 601,027 people died violent deaths in the Iraq War. The Watson Institute at Brown University estimates 241,000 people died in the Afghanistan/Pakistan war zone since 2001. Vietnam's official estimate of people killed in the Vietnam war is 3.1 million people. That doesn't include South Vietnamese and U.S. soldiers -- you can add another 250,000 to 300,000 for them.

We massacred around 430 civilians at My Lai. How many civilians died as a result of our and British bombs dropped over Germany and Japan during World War II? At least 500,000.

And I'm not even counting deaths as a result of sanctions. UNICEF estimates 1.5 million Iraqis, primarily children, died as a result of sanctions. And just how well have our sanctions performed in getting people like Saddam Hussein and Fidel Castro to do what we wanted them to do? The leaders don't suffer. The people do. There will be deaths as a result of sanctions on Russia, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, because of worldwide grain shortages.

If Putin and Russia were out to commit genocide as Joe Biden alleges, to eliminate the Ukrainian people, the UN's estimate of civilian deaths would be a hell of a lot higher than 2071.

I don't think any rational person in the USA would accuse George W. Bush, or Lyndon Baines Johnson or Harry Truman or Winston Churchill of genocide. And many, many more civilians died as a result of their decisions than Vladimir Putin's.

We have a long history of overthrowing regimes we disagree with, not only in places close to our borders in places like Mexico, Central America and Grenada, but far away like Iraq.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Peace and Love,

eccieuser9500's Avatar
I agree Russia is more culpable. Much more culpable. That said...

From February 24, 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine, until April 17, the UN estimates 2071 Ukrainian civilians died from the hostilities. The UN notes the actual figures, taking into account pending reports, would be considerably higher.

US intelligence esimates 5,500 to 11,000 Ukrainian combatants and 7,000 to 10,000 Russian combatants died up through about April 18.

Lancet estimates 601,027 people died violent deaths in the Iraq War. The Watson Institute at Brown University estimates 241,000 people died in the Afghanistan/Pakistan war zone since 2001. Vietnam's official estimate of people killed in the Vietnam war is 3.1 million people. That doesn't include South Vietnamese and U.S. soldiers -- you can add another 250,000 to 300,000 for them.

We massacred around 430 civilians at My Lai. How many civilians died as a result of our and British bombs dropped over Germany and Japan during World War II? At least 500,000.

And I'm not even counting deaths as a result of sanctions. UNICEF estimates 1.5 million Iraqis, primarily children, died as a result of sanctions. And just how well have our sanctions performed in getting people like Saddam Hussein and Fidel Castro to do what we wanted them to do? The leaders don't suffer. The people do. There will be deaths as a result of sanctions on Russia, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, because of worldwide grain shortages.

If Putin and Russia were out to commit genocide as Joe Biden alleges, to eliminate the Ukrainian people, the UN's estimate of civilian deaths would be a hell of a lot higher than 2071.

I don't think any rational person in the USA would accuse George W. Bush, or Lyndon Baines Johnson or Harry Truman or Winston Churchill of genocide. And many, many more civilians died as a result of their decisions than Vladimir Putin's.

We have a long history of overthrowing regimes we disagree with, not only in places close to our borders in places like Mexico, Central America and Grenada, but far away like Iraq.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Peace and Love,

Tiny Originally Posted by Tiny

My mofo, Chiquito!

Entertaining and informative.
I like how she says that Russia never interfered in the Donbas, and there were never any Russians in the Donbas.

I guess maybe they forgot that Russia brought down a commercial airliner using a missile launched from the Ukraine. I guess it is possible that that Airliner destruction was just made up. lol
  • Tiny
  • 04-21-2022, 09:50 AM
My mofo, Chiquito!

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Eccieuser, I've got a great idea. Do you remember the "Suicide is Painless" scenes from MASH, the movie? A dentist thinks he's become gay or impotent and decides to kill himself. So they stage an elaborate ceremony and give him a "suicide pill." Well, the suicide pill is really a knock out pill. He wakes up in bed with a drop dead gorgeous nurse. He bangs the hell out of her and all is well -- his impotence and gayness are cured and he no longer wants to kill himself:

Well, we're going to marry that to the John Lennon Give Peace a Chance video.

We're going to tell Vladimir Putin you've scored some adrenochrome through your connections with the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton. And we're going to have a an adrenochrome party with hot babes in Moscow. Nobody's going to pass up adrenochrome and hot babes!

When Vlad gets there we slip him a mickey to make him pass out. So we gather together some Nobel Peace Price winners, along with the Dalai Lama, the Pope, George and Amal Clooney, and a few anti-war politicians like Gary Johnson and Bernie Sanders. We also bring in Volodymyr Zelenskyy. And like in the video we inject a bunch of photographers and cameramen.

Now we take off Vladimir's clothes (that's your job) and stick him in bed with Zelenskyy. When he wakes up everybody will be singing "Give Peace a Chance". We'll coach Zelenskyy and get him to sing with a big smile and lots of gusto, while staring into Vlad's eyes.

What do you think? At a minimum we'll get the Music Video of the Year award. And with a little luck I figure we'll get Nobel Peace Prizes!!!

Peace and Love,


P.S. About the termites, thanks, that reminded me I need to call Orkin.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...When Vlad gets there we slip him a mickey... Originally Posted by Tiny
Errr... Uhhhmm... about that Mickey. Mickey sleeps with the fishes now. Had something to do with grooming and a new fangled law being passed and wokeness. Sorry about that Chief.

  • Tiny
  • 04-21-2022, 10:13 AM
Errr... Uhhhmm... about that Mickey. Mickey sleeps with the fishes now. Had something to do with grooming and a new fangled law being passed and wokeness. Sorry about that Chief. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
They killed Mickey?? Bastards!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
They killed Mickey?? Bastards! Originally Posted by Tiny
And Kenny too. Serial Bastards!!
texassapper's Avatar
I don't think any rational person in the USA would accuse George W. Bush, or Lyndon Baines Johnson or Harry Truman or Winston Churchill of genocide. Originally Posted by Tiny
Allow me to introduce you to Democrats... oh sorry, you wrote rational.. I missed that at first.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Allow me to introduce you to Democrats... oh sorry, you wrote rational.. I missed that at first. Originally Posted by texassapper
Yssup Rider's Avatar
this is about as close as you'll get ..

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
thank you very much Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I didn't think you were into girls.