PT No More?

GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-03-2014, 12:54 AM
Trust me, the old GP (as some would say) thought this was the stupidest rule ever. I still do, but it is not going to change and quite frankly, there is no sense in getting all worked up over such a simple little thing that will get you no where. It is not that hard to just say "pt" in place of whatever. Most (???) people here are smart enough to read between the lines.
gaijin1969's Avatar

Can't argue with your logic at all. The govt. does take regardless of what the parties position is!

The issue here though is that we can't discuss or display specifics! That is the rule and it gets enforced.

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness
True true.... went off on a tangent at the mention of taxes, sorry! ;-)
Guest042416's Avatar
my taxes are good cant complain
go live in Canada or in Europe and see their taxes and their salaries then you get back to me.
Guest042416's Avatar
gp, yep pt is the reference got it.
Pizza delivery?

ffreddyy's Avatar
Several years ago I went to Europe on business, and made it a point to make a stop in Amsterdam. It was really cool to be able to hit the coffee shops, and then go window-shopping in the red light district! I figured that this would be a once in a lifetime experience, so why not live it up a little. Looking to score with a duo, I was very fortunate to find two sisters, and it was one of the best experiences that I have ever had. It cost me 400 Guilders, which was equal to $$ at the time. After finishing up with the sisters, I headed back to the coffee shops…I probably had a perma-grin on my face for at least a week after that.
Dutch prostitutes are campaigning for the same pension benefits as football players:
pyramider's Avatar
Follow the money ... if you were to figure out who loses if all the states legalized herb you would see why its not legal. Big Pharma and the liquor industries have lobbies are working hard to keep other states from following suit.
Why the fug a thread on a topic we can't discuss naggers?

Clean up


Uh ... thanks! But the PT REFERENCES are not allowed!

Read your PM's

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Government does nothing but take take take. Losing cigarette tax revenue..... its purpose was to make people quit smoking by making it too expensive. Well it worked.... but they got addicted to the revenue.

Any legalized PT will only be taxed and everyone will be for it. Lol till they can't afford it. Then the black market or Indian Reservations or any other loop hole to avoid the oppressive taxation.

And the key word folks is oppressive.

Be very wary of ever being happy with any new revenue stream for the government. Stop feeding the pig.

All the lotto revenue for the schools. Remember that shit? How are your property taxes? School taxes? Etc. How about our failing schools?

Be on the left or the right, it doesn't matter. Government is a taker and is taking enough! Massive cuts have to be made.... somewhere and that is open to debate. Taxing new legalized substances is just a stop gap. Even if you don't use, don't worry.... they'll come after something you do use next lol Originally Posted by gaijin1969
Right on brotha, but when are we going to stop complaining and throw some tea into the harbor! Shits outta hand, but as long as we have HD and iPads, we'll continue to wuss out.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Any legalized PT will only be taxed and everyone will be for it. Lol till they can't afford it. Then the black market or Indian Reservations or any other loop hole to avoid the oppressive taxation. Originally Posted by gaijin1969
Never understood the whole legalize drugs argument. Can't see having a government that makes money off drug addicts as ever being a good thing.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Right on brotha, but when are we going to stop complaining and throw some tea into the harbor! Shits outta hand, but as long as we have HD and iPads, we'll continue to wuss out. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
You said it. HD, iPads, internet, tweets, facebook, you tube. A lot of distractions. People get caught up in their own distractions and don't care about the big picture.
Guest042416's Avatar
people like freedom
so they like some err ehh funny stuff once in a while
that's their choice.

let em have it,
Guest042416's Avatar
now the taxes we pay and where the money goes, yes that's a great debate or all the wars and money where it goes, etc on and on yep that's a good debate.

this pt that a lot of people do anyway , hmm just legalize it, and be done.

not hard stuff but the soft stuff, let it go

and while they are at it, legalize prostitution, get it done