Eyes bigger than your stomach?

MrClark's Avatar
YM I'm from West Texas ,if I cum I'm bringing a link for you to put in the oven. I usually make it through to desert.If I don't make it all the way through it has to be a good fisrt course.You sound like a talented chef.
tikkler33's Avatar

3. If a lady is sooo good at the first course, should she be labeled as a master of first courses when so few have had the stomach to sample the entire menu? Is that fair to her when she undoubtably is amazing at preparing the other 4 courses? Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Interesting way of wording a threAD.
Yes, I MIGHT be construed as slightly interesting to some, modestly entertaining to others, and mildly talented to the rest...

But two things are CERTAIN...Chef Marie is never dry and always mischievous ;-)
boardman's Avatar
Is dearhunter paying???
Huh? Lol
whitechocolate's Avatar
I think YummyMarie is up for a group buffet allowing the guests to sample all areas of her huge deliciousss menu at the same time
Eccie Addict's Avatar
"mildly" talented? I think it's a very creative thread
carkido45's Avatar
Nice but we need more pics of the Yummy cook and her menu items... one is not enough
Pyle1's Avatar
  • Pyle1
  • 06-18-2012, 09:16 PM
Appetizers are okay but I prefer the main course, in fact I may skip dessert to get seconds on what should be the chef's specialty.
YummyMarie's 5 star Eccie guide to culinary satisfaction is assured. The master Chef Marie has a unique blend of Latina seduction and modern eroticism. Her menu is unique and begins with the "el aperitivo". Served in it's most elegant form from experienced Chef that relishes in you receiving pleasure while enjoying her delicacies. The second course called "el comienzo" is meant to stir the soul with it's visually stimulating presentation. the third course "el viaje" is meant to transition the visitor from simply enjoying the feast into participating. The fourth course is labeled "el más allá" in which both the Chef and the customer become transformed into one. He trying to ascertain the heights of her talents while she reads his every thought and tailors the evening to his wishes. The fifth course "el griego" is a succulent treat reserved for the finest connoisseurs who tastes deviate from the normal dessert to a more stylistic rendering.
Sorry I am on Nyquil... and Shiner.
Lmao...tff...you're hired chaser!!!
boardman's Avatar
Sounds way better than that shit Wakeup and Val have been feeding me. I'm talking about the Nyquil and Shiner. I don't know anything about that culinary crap.
Boardman you're cute :P
Thanks for chiming in.
blowpop's Avatar
There are times when I've gone to a well reviewed restaurant and enjoyed the appetizer so much that it's all I order when I return.

Am I missing out? Perhaps. But I am enjoying myself immensely, and that's why I dine.