Social Networking - Hobby Friend or Foe?

CenterLock's Avatar
Having such functionality inside a board like ECCIE would be one thing, but the sheer dynamics of this preclude its effectiveness in a public forum such as Facebook or Twitter.

As a provider it could be a boon to open an alternate ad/feed venue where the goal is to reach as many hobbyists as possible.

As a hobbyist intent on secrecy and discretion I see no plausible way to convince them to delete portions of a site history (where an SO would expect to see you on her page but you don't want her to see you've been to yours) versus an entire site (eccie.*).

And these reasons are outside Gonzo's point - which is even more valid as LE/AG get involved in records and site closings.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Doesn't ECCIE chat fit some of that need? You want to get laid, go hang out in chat. lady has down time, go hang in chat.

Fucking happens.

both win.
Since so many other businesses use social networking to advertise it caused me to wonder how the average hobbyist felt about providers using such things to 'advertise'. Sites like Facebook do have their drawbacks like no nudity in photos but what are the advantages? As a client would you use a special hobby social networking account to keep track of what your favorite ladies were doing and when they would be in town or does it just seem like too much trouble waiting to happen? As a lady do you use Facebook and Twitter to announce tours and such? Originally Posted by wynterstark
Ok...gotta say this. Ladies forgive the word I choose...think it may be offensive...I know that the "c" word for women has been compared to the "n" word for blacks. So here it goes...the name for this new social network..."Twatter". If Twitter has Tweets...what would Twatter have?
Randall Creed's Avatar
It might work INITIALLY to put on your Twitter account, 'going to Shreveport' or wherever, and the right group of people may get it...BUT what happens when another friend on your account get a little curious as to why you're going from city to city. He may ask someone who'll ask someone else who may be able to put 2 and 2 together. Or you may just have a hobbyist who can't keep his mouth shut if the question comes up.

I think people are just curious about the business in general, and ANY clue that leads them think about it, they may act on it. To me, it's just trouble waiting to happen.
If Twitter has Tweets...what would Twatter have?
LOL, thats funny. I think Twitter isn't a bad idea so that we can send our established friends updates, specials, travel info, etc.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
f Twitter has Tweets...what would Twatter have? Originally Posted by cuckold4u
Reminds me of a question I have: What do they call the cockpit when the pilot is a woman?
TinMan's Avatar
I do not have a Facebook account in real life, so I'm ignorant as to the rules. I would not want the exposure if any of my real world information is available, so count me out if that is the case.

I don't understand why more women don't use Yahoo IM to signal when they're available. You can limit your contact list to those that know you, and it's available on virtually any platform. I have access to Yahoo on my IPhone, whereas I can't access Eccie chat on the IPhone.
berkleigh's Avatar
"Berkleigh" Now has a Facebook and has Always had a Myspace.

They are both very discreet especially the Facebook.

Take a look and see...I am still working on it...just busy at the moment

I redirect anyone who contact me to email me then go from there to screen.
daltxm4f's Avatar
Since so many other businesses use social networking to advertise it caused me to wonder how the average hobbyist felt about providers using such things to 'advertise'. Sites like Facebook do have their drawbacks like no nudity in photos but what are the advantages? As a client would you use a special hobby social networking account to keep track of what your favorite ladies were doing and when they would be in town or does it just seem like too much trouble waiting to happen? As a lady do you use Facebook and Twitter to announce tours and such? Originally Posted by wynterstark
Wynterstark this is a great idea!

According to American Express OPEN, their small business arm, one-third of small business use social networking to reach customers. This is up from one-tenth a year ago.

This is cutting edge stuff and not everybody will be comfortable with it, but that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with it. In fact in time most providers will be using it. You might as well get started. Given the fact the you are smart and well read you can execute this beautifully.

Yes, it is but with Facebook you could potentially get only ads from providers that you were actually interested in seeing or ladies that you had seen before. It can take a lot of time to sift through ads to find a lady you'd like to see. Like when a lady is touring to a different area she might post to her Twitter account "Going to be in Shreveport on the 26th & 27th" and then her fans in Shreveport would get that on their feed.

In part it's because I've heard that a lot of people don't check the boards that often and some places have hobby sites blocked completely. Would social networking be as useful as say, a Yahoo group? Because it sure is a heck of a lot easier to use. Originally Posted by wynterstark
It would save some time for hobbyist, and instant updates would be great. Also the social interaction would be nice. I would image a lot more personal feel than an ad page post. If it is easier for you then I say go for it.

Adding people is easier on those sites than it is on Yahoo and you can restrict your feed, photos, information and pages to approved friends only. I don't know if Facebook or Twitter casts a management shadow or not though, it will be interesting to hear what everyone thinks about this. Originally Posted by wynterstark
Restricting content is easy to friends only or friends of friends, etc. I would not worry about any mgmt shadow for using Facebook or Twitter, that seems redonkulous.
bradj639's Avatar
I think it would be a great marketing tool. Obviously don't use a personal one but a hobby account is great. I have a hobby twitter and facebook. On twitter I follow several providers who update their travels so I know when they are in town. They also tweet general non-specific information about their days that make them seem personable and allow themselves to seem normal and likable so I would call hem up more. Ladies should really thinl about it, I think there is actually some great utilityfor it similar to yahoo groups but more mainstream in the current times.