"White trash" supports Trump

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
actually, Jackson was both. he embodied the best & worst traits of humanity.

Notice how the democrats have distanced themselves from Andrew jackson at certain party functions and put him on the back of the $20 bill. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Andrew Jackson 1845 photo the year of his death.
(didn't know they had photos that far back)
  • DSK
  • 08-07-2016, 09:19 PM
Are you THAT fucking naive??? It's over for white people???

Trumpolini doesn't give a shit where his votes come from: white supremists, bigots, racists, homophobics, neo-nazi's....try telling them "it's over"....they don't give a SHIT about ANYTHING being over. And Trumpolini is COUNTING on their vote. Originally Posted by Prolongus
They don't give a shit is right - because they know it is over for them anyway, so why not fuck it up for the people who hate them?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you THAT fucking naive??? It's over for white people???

Trumpolini doesn't give a shit where his votes come from: white supremists, bigots, racists, homophobics, neo-nazi's....try telling them "it's over"....they don't give a SHIT about ANYTHING being over. And Trumpolini is COUNTING on their vote. Originally Posted by Prolongus
That is JL's mantra. He's outraged because Drumpf has now become the white man's burden.
Are you THAT fucking naive??? It's over for white people???

Trumpolini doesn't give a shit where his votes come from: white supremists, bigots, racists, homophobics, neo-nazi's....try telling them "it's over"....they don't give a SHIT about ANYTHING being over. And Trumpolini is COUNTING on their vote. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Hahaha........ What a dope. It's over for everyone dude. They'll keep you guessing and keep you wondering what could happen next. While everyone is busy bickering about this and that, they are securing the fate of this country.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-08-2016, 03:57 AM
yup, they're naive & delusional. It would be a mistake to ignore them like what we did to them for 40 years.

those are the jackson democrats that basically got ignored because they are bigots, homophobes, supremacist.

They are voting for him not because he is in-articulate, not because he is rich, not because he is insider/outsider but he will fight. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
And that, in summary, is why the Reps are currently headed off the cliff voluntarily. They find a clump of humanity that are, as you say, "bigots, homophobes, supremacist", who make up far far less than the 40% number being thrown around, and lose sight of the 60-80% who want no part of bigots, homophobes, and supremacist.

If it were a rational Dem in the race (and Clinton is anything but that) Trump would be >20% behind in the polls.
  • DSK
  • 08-08-2016, 07:49 AM
And that, in summary, is why the Reps are currently headed off the cliff voluntarily. They find a clump of humanity that are, as you say, "bigots, homophobes, supremacist", who make up far far less than the 40% number being thrown around, and lose sight of the 60-80% who want no part of bigots, homophobes, and supremacist.

If it were a rational Dem in the race (and Clinton is anything but that) Trump would be >20% behind in the polls.
Originally Posted by Old-T
All we need to do to win is to persuade Trump to quit (I think a 5 billion dollar loan from the Koch Brothers would do it) and put Kasich in the race...easy victory.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 08-08-2016, 10:05 AM
Andrew Jackson 1845 photo the year of his death.
(didn't know they had photos that far back)
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The first photograph was taken around 1826. The first color one was 1861.

We ain't racist and we ain't stupid

Kasich is more milquetoast BS


An Election Eve Message To Wisconsin Voters…
Posted on August 8, 2016 by sundance
…”Meet at The Old Mill, We Ride at Midnight”

In January of 2015 we gave the GOP control of the House of Representatives.

What have we gained?

After nineteen consecutive months of the Vichy Republican political class ridiculing patriotic Americans, nipping at us, sniping, belittling, marginalizing and poking their finger in our chests…. Well, now, our brothers and sisters in Wisconsin Congressional District #01 have a moment to have their voices heard.

This is a visible and quantifiable moment to rise, push-back, join with common sense fiscal conservatives and break the cycle of battered conservative syndrome.

By choice Representative Paul Ryan is the visible face of the Open Borders wing of the republican leadership team. Ryan previously championed the senate Gang-of-Eight bill through the House of Representatives in 2014. Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Cantor, House Whip McCarthy and Chairman Ryan’s efforts were foiled when Eric Cantor lost his seat to the insurgent challenger Dave Brat on the issue of immigration and the Gang-of-Eight Bill.

♦ More recently Paul Ryan has structured a Puerto Rico financial bailout which suspends the fifth amendment right of municipal bond holders for repayment. Ryan’s PR bailout strips property rights without compensation and blocks bondholders from seeking redress in the courts for compensation. Effectively he suspended the 5th amendment right of citizens who invested in Puerto Rico municipal bonds.

rat finks 2♦ As Chairman of the House Budget Committee Paul Ryan failed to propose a federal budget for fiscal year 2015, and further failed to secure a budget for fiscal year 2016.

Instead Ryan passed a ridiculously massive $2+ trillion Omnibus spending package which funds all of President Obama’s agenda items including his executive orders on immigration amnesty programs through March 2017.

This approach ensured President Obama will have completed his entire eight year tenure in office without a federal budget on a single day. The last federal budget (fiscal year 2008) was signed into law in September 2007 by then President Bush. Worse yet, this approach ensured the 2009 trillion dollar “Stimulus Bill” was spent again for the seventh consecutive year.

♦ Paul Ryan has been in Washington DC for the past 18 years, and has structurally promised to pass all the legislative priorities of Wall Street and the crony capitalistic U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The most consequential of those agenda items is the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal (TPP) which Ryan champions and is maneuvering through congress on behalf of Wall Street Global Interests.

We well remember – December 23rd 2009 when Majority Leader Harry Reid passed a version of Obamacare through forced vote at 1:30am. The Senators could not leave, and for the two weeks previous were kept in a prolonged legislative session barred returning to their home-state constituencies.

It was, by all measures and reality, a vicious display of forced ideological manipulation of the upper chamber; shared again as a constant reminder for what set the stage, and what followed.

Riddled with anxiety we watched the Machiavellian manipulations unfold, seemingly unable to stop the visible usurpation. Desperate for a tool to stop the construct in December 2009 we found Scott Brown and rallied to deliver $7 million in funding, and a “Kennedy Seat” victory on January 19th 2010.

scott brown he did it

Unfortunately, the trickery of Majority Leader Harry Reid would not be deterred. Upon legislative return he stripped a House Budgetary bill, and replaced it with the Democrat Senate version of Obamacare through a process of “reconciliation”. Thereby avoiding the 3/5ths vote rule (60) and instead using only a simple majority, 51 votes.

Angered, we rallied to the next election (November 2010) and handed the usurping Democrats the single largest electoral defeat in the prior 100 years. The House returned to Republican control, and one-half of the needed Senate seats reversed. Within the next two election cycles (’12 and ’14) we again removed the Democrats from control of the Senate.

Within each of those three elections we were told Repealing Obamacare would be job #1. It was not an optional part of our representative agreement to do otherwise.

With control of the House and Senate did Majority Leader Mitch McConnell or House Speaker John Boehner, or later House Speaker Paul Ryan use the same level of severity expressed by Harry Reid to put a repeal bill on the desk of Obama for veto?

Simply, NO.

Why not? According to the lead pundit voices within the core of the visible republican party the removal of Obamacare is the “core tenet of American conservatism”.

If for nothing else, but to accept and follow the will of the people. Despite the probability of an Obama veto, this was not a matter of option. While the method might have been “symbolic”, due to the almost guaranteed veto, it would have stood as a promise fulfilled.

Yet the professional political class speak of “core tenets” and question our “trust” of Donald Trump, or our support of Paul Nehlen?


We are not blind to the maneuverings of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and President Tom Donohue. We are fully aware the repeal vote did not take place because the U.S. CoC demanded the retention of Obamacare.

TPP trade 2Both Mitch McConnell, and later Paul Ryan follow the legislative priorities of Tom Donohue as opposed to the will of the people.

This was again exemplified with the passage of TPA, another Paul Ryan republican construct which insures the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal can pass the Senate with 41 approval votes instead of 60. This is limiting government? No, this is usurpation of the will of the people. However, the TPA bill passage provides both an example and a contrast.

We are not blind to the reality when republican leadership chooses to change the required voting threshold they are apt to do so. Not coincidentally, the TPP trade deal is another legislative priority of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Yet the professional chattering class questions the “trustworthiness” of Paul Ryan’s challenger Paul Nehlen?

Another bill, the Iran “agreement”, reportedly and conveniently not considered a “treaty”. Again, we are not blind; nor are we blind to Republican Bob Corker’s amendment (Corker/Cardin Amendment) changing agreement ratification to a 67-vote-threshold for denial, as opposed to a customary 67 vote threshold for passage. A profound difference.

A truly representative political body would be questioning the “ideological conservative principles” of their leadership, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. Both leaders working actively to deny the voice of the electorate they are supposed to represent.

Of course, the republican party needs to remain willfully blind. They need to keep acting as if we are not aware of these closed door machinations. If they actually faced us, if they opened themselves to being questioned by us, it would force them to admit some uncomfortable truths….. Their is only one political ideology within Washington DC.

In years past our confrontation would have included tar and feathers.

The “protectionism” and “isolationism” they rail against, in the few media appearances where they are brave enough to raise your head, is simply them projecting their own concerns for their own political interests. In essence, their necessary isolation to retain a very lucrative status.

We do not forget the professional republican machine working to re-elect Senator Thad Cochran, fundraising on his behalf in the spring/summer of 2014, even after Cochran lost the first Mississippi primary to the challenge of Chris Daniels.

We do not forget the NRSC spending money on racist attack ads. We do not forget the GOP paying Democrats to vote in the second primary to defeat Republican Chris McDaniel. We are well aware the “R” in NRSC is “Republican”.

Perhaps the leadership in Washington DC prefers to think we forget. We do not.

Ryan stands jaw agape, in admonition of those who have had enough and are willing to support candidate Donald Trump.

Intentionally Ryan must refuse to accept how intensely angry we are. However, specifically because of his refusal, he has taken himself further into the bunker and doesn’t realize the scope of our assembly.

five stooges never trumpThe post Boehner attempt to quell the rising pitchforks was Speaker Paul Ryan; who became the arbiter of who is allowed to call themselves republican, or conservative.

However, those definitions are ill placed when you consider the majority of conservative republicans who supported Chris McDaniel and found their own party actively working against them.

Oh, we understand republican definitions.

Where is the historical republican “character” in any of the fact-based examples outlined above?

In 2014 representative David Brat was part of the lessons we learned and answer delivered. In 2016 candidate Donald Trump is similarly an outcome of those lessons learned and answer delivered. Yet these same professional GOP political voices refuse to hear the message because it doesn’t fit with the pre-scripted legislative agenda needs of Wall Street.

Collectively the professional republican punditry speak of concerns. But who among them is concerned about the lack of a federal budget for the past seven consecutive fiscal years?

The “Bush Tax Cuts” were, in essence, created to stop the post 9/11/01 recession – and they contained a “sunset provision” which ended ten years later specifically because, if the baseline budget spending continued, the tax cuts were unsustainable.

paul ryan mitt romney - selfie tweetThe expiration of the lower margin tax cuts then became an argument in the election cycle of 2012. And as usual, the GOP, McConnell and Boehner were insufferably inept during this process.

The GOP (2002) removed tax liability from the lower income levels, and President Obama then (2009) lowered the income threshold for economic subsidy (welfare, food stamps, ebt, medicaid, etc) this was brutally predictable.

This ‘baseline-budget’ approach means the 2009 “trillion dollar stimulus” has been spent each year, every year, for seven consecutive years. Yet we never once heard budget committee chairman Paul Ryan speak about it?

As a consequence what’s the difference between the Republicans and Democrats on taxes? All of a sudden Republicans are arguing to “broaden the tax base”. Meaning, reverse the tax cuts they created on the lower income filers?

This is a conservative position now? An argument to “tax the poor“? How nice of the Republicans to insure Hillary Clinton held an atomic sledgehammer to use. This was a winning strategy? This is the “conservatism” DC is defending because they are worried about principles, character or trustworthiness.

Here’s a list of those modern conservative “small(er) government” principles:

• Did the GOP secure the border with control of the White House and Congress? NO.
• Did the GOP balance the budget with control of the White House and Congress? NO
• Did the GOP even pass a FY 2016 budget with control of the House and Senate? NO.

• Who gave us a $2.5 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill in December 2015? The GOP
• Who eliminated, not just raise but eliminated, the debt ceiling? The GOP
• Who gave us the TSA? The GOP
• Who gave us the Patriot Act? The GOP
• Who expanded Medicare to include prescription drug coverage? The GOP
• Who created the precursor of “Common Core” in “Race To the Top”? The GOP

• Who is working against Donald Trump? The same GOP

And, you wonder why we’re frustrated, desperate for a person who can actually articulate some kind of push-back?

Here’s a shock – We are not just pushing back against the left side of the UniParty (Obama, Pelosi and Reid), we are also pushing back against the right side of the UniParty, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.

Inasmuch as President Obama is our fiscal enemy, so too are Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan who have funded each and every spending priority of President Obama. Which leads to the next of the GOP talking points. Where McConnell/Ryan opine:

“Politics is a game where you don’t get everything you want”

Fair enough. But considering us “whacko birds” have simply been demanding common sense, ie. fiscal discipline, a BUDGET would have been nice.

The last federal budget was passed in September of 2007, and EVERY FLIPPING INSUFFERABLE YEAR we were forced to go through a predictable fiasco of a Government Shutdown Standoff and/or a Debt Ceiling increase specifically because there is NO BUDGET!

That’s a fiscal strategy? That’s the GOP strategy?

Essentially: Lets plan for an annual battle against united and articulate Democrats and Presidential charm, using quisling Ryan and a muttering fool McConnell – knowing full well the media is on the side of the other guy to begin with?


Don’t tell us it’s not, because if it wasn’t there would be something else being done. And to make matters even more brutally obvious – when given control of the House and Senate in January 2015 what did Boehner/Ryan do?


Paul Ryan eliminated the entire debt ceiling, passed a $2.5 trillion omnibus spending bill, and kicked the fiscal can of responsibility all the way to March 2017.

That’s a flippin’ solution?

That’s a republican solution?

That’s a conservative solution?

And don’t think we don’t know the 2009 “stimulus” became embedded in the baseline of the federal spending, and absent of an actual budget it just gets spent and added to the deficit each year, every year. Yet this is somehow smaller fiscal government?


18 years!… It’s time for a change:

Trump was right, if he went to fifth av and shot someone, whiffy would clean his gun for him.

Right after the BJ.