Biden tells minority voters in Iowa that ‘poor kids’ are just as bright as ‘white kids’

bambino's Avatar
yup, you got it. and I was right.. then.. but that was last Spring. the metric no longer holds. as they say, the only poll that matters is November 3, 2020.

if I knew for sure last Spring, why keep having debates, and discussing? if I'm not fluid, why drink from the cup? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You’re never right till the election. The metrics always showed Beto is a beat off and Harris is a cunt. Just do yourself a favor, and everyone else and vote for Trump.......AGAIN. If you ever did. You have more reason to this time around.
are you saying that from your heart, or spewing it from your loins? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Yeah, I know she's attractive. She's not just another pretty face though.
Chung Tran's Avatar
vote for Trump.......AGAIN. If you ever did. You have more reason to this time around. Originally Posted by bambino
why do you keep doubting I did? I would have voted for him based on a single statement from Hillary.. the "deplorables" statement, which is, by a factor of 10 worse than anything Trump has ever said.

I have 15 months to decide.. that is a long time.
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2019, 06:04 PM
Discussion about a more moderate and centrist DPST opponent misses the point -
The DPST party is led by their radical leftist agenda newcomers - and the Party leaders are ancient and IMHO, unlikely to last much longer.

DPST's should nominate a radical leftist to reflect their values - not a fakepuppet moderate who will be overwhelmed by the radicals that are the heart and soul of the party
A reasonable representation of the DPST's imho is Warren /Harris - touches all the Race, gender, radical leftist giveaway and no common sense buttons. .

and would drive moderate Democrats into the Trump fold rather than that nasty, angry Warren.

Moderate DPST - no such animal.
Moderates have no chance at the DPST nomination.

DNC will find a way to tank Biden again, as it did for HRC. And other moderate candidates - and there are none who appeal to the moderate center of America.
themystic's Avatar
Discussion about a more moderate and centrist DPST opponent misses the point -
The DPST party is led by their radical leftist agenda newcomers - and the Party leaders are ancient and IMHO, unlikely to last much longer.

DPST's should nominate a radical leftist to reflect their values - not a fakepuppet moderate who will be overwhelmed by the radicals that are the heart and soul of the party
A reasonable representation of the DPST's imho is Warren /Harris - touches all the Race, gender, radical leftist giveaway and no common sense buttons. .

and would drive moderate Democrats into the Trump fold rather than that nasty, angry Warren.

Moderate DPST - no such animal.
Moderates have no chance at the DPST nomination.

DNC will find a way to tank Biden again, as it did for HRC. And other moderate candidates - and there are none who appeal to the moderate center of America. Originally Posted by oeb11
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only 6 references to "DPST". You DTDS are comical. Did a "DPST" steal your boyfriend oeb. You have a lot of rage in your heart. Calm down little man
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2019, 07:19 PM
Keep up with the personal insults.

Vacationland beckons you.

Biden made a major Racist gaffe - and the DPST
s are covering for him.

I am not sure he has the physical or mental stability and health to endure the next term as POTUS
Any constructive on topic DPST submissions - or just personal insults and ranting and raving!
Lord, that man is a train wreck coming down the tracks. I just don't understand why the Dems can't see how -- and I really don't say this in a mean way but -- he is just well....pitiful. Crap, I almost feel sorry for him.. Really.
Discussion about a more moderate and centrist DPST opponent misses the point -
The DPST party is led by their radical leftist agenda newcomers - and the Party leaders are ancient and IMHO, unlikely to last much longer.

DPST's should nominate a radical leftist to reflect their values - not a fakepuppet moderate who will be overwhelmed by the radicals that are the heart and soul of the party
A reasonable representation of the DPST's imho is Warren /Harris - touches all the Race, gender, radical leftist giveaway and no common sense buttons. .

and would drive moderate Democrats into the Trump fold rather than that nasty, angry Warren.

Moderate DPST - no such animal.
Moderates have no chance at the DPST nomination.

DNC will find a way to tank Biden again, as it did for HRC. And other moderate candidates - and there are none who appeal to the moderate center of America. Originally Posted by oeb11
Biden won't get the nomination. One more major Gaff and he's toast. Warren will get the nomination. Warren is a lot like Hillary Clinton minus the scandals. Once Trump finds her weak spot he'll pick her apart and expose whats underneath which is basically sludge.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
why do you keep doubting I did? I would have voted for him based on a single statement from Hillary.. the "deplorables" statement, which is, by a factor of 10 worse than anything Trump has ever said.

I have 15 months to decide.. that is a long time. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

possibly the biggest political gaffe in the last 100 years. right up there with "Read my lips .. no new taxes".

and to think, this cunt probably would have won if she had not said that and listened to Bill who told her you can't win without the white vote. yeah .. THE WHITE VOTE.

one also wonders why she didn't campaign hard down the stretch. Her health is certainly a factor. never mind all those rumors of her being a drunk .. bottom line Trump completely out-campaigned her when the horse race was on. the home stretch.

and then there is this ..

Mike Pence draws crowd in Williamsburg, despite rain

WILLIAMSBURG — The old capitol of Colonial Williamsburg served as a backdrop to Republican vice-presidential candidate Mike Pence, as he took to the stage in the midst of a downpour before a crowd of about 650 for a rally Tuesday evening.

and this ...

Tim Kaine just had the saddest rally ever

In a raspy, campaign trail-worn voice, Kaine still managed to work up enthusiasm for the few who turned out. "You really are a checkmate state," he said. "That's more than a battleground state … If we win for Hillary here, it's over. She's going to be president."

these rallies were days apart. Pence gets 650 in a cold October rain and Kaine can't get 20 people in sunny Miami.

you know what? I actually forgot Booker is Gay.

okay, who then? Beto doesn't mesh well with Warren. he does with Harris, but I gave up on her. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Can you find a hand to beat a royal flush...because the assclowns don't have one.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
are you saying that from your heart, or spewing it from your loins? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I think everybody knows the answer, CT