Cruz admits he'll be getting his insurance through OBAMACARE!

I believe the word you're looking for is 'disingenuous'.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Come now... ONLY Obama is allowed to disobey "The Law of the Land" when he doesn't like a law. Cruz on the other hand, has to FOLLOW the law... or are you Obama Supporters claiming people are free to disobey the ACA if they don't like it and want it legally repealed??
You don't get your HI THROUGH obamacare. That's not how it works. Obamacare is simply a set of rules. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Really, what are the rules?

gfejunkie's Avatar
What laws has he broken? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
The easier question would be 'Which ones has he not?'.
  • shanm
  • 03-25-2015, 06:19 PM
The easier question would be 'Which ones has he not?'. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Are you wearing the bracelets of submission? Because that was a damn nice deflection.
Would you rather he pay the fine and leave his family uninsured? Originally Posted by gfejunkie

Wouldn't that be exactly the thing to do if he is what he claims? A "principled conservative." Cruz quacks about that shit all the time. Suddenly, he is a government ass-kissing bitch.....when it comes to ensuring his and his family's health.

Which has always been sort of the point.

The irony on this one has so many angles that it is difficult to comment.
Really, what are the rules?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
If you can't be bothered to go google it and find out, why should I give a shit if you know the rules that insurance companies have to follow? Or just keep spouting off, like you know some shit. It's the internet, after all. That's what we're all doing.
The easier question would be 'Which ones has he not?'. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
No it isn't. You couldn't even name one? Or do you just listen to what Limbaugh/Hannity/Levin tell you and parrot it back to us? It's the same shit with the 'he's a muslim' bullshit. You figure if you just say it enough, people will believe it. And goddamn if you dumbasses don't fall for it.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Wouldn't that be exactly the thing to do if he is what he claims? A "principled conservative." Cruz quacks about that shit all the time. Suddenly, he is a government ass-kissing bitch.....when it comes to ensuring his and his family's health.

Which has always been sort of the point.

The irony on this one has so many angles that it is difficult to comment. Originally Posted by timpage
The guy works for the Federal Government!

To stay legal he has no choice, you fuckin' moron!
The guy works for the Federal Government!

To stay legal he has no choice, you fuckin' moron! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Which is fucked up. Especially considering how much he has blasted it in public. He had insurance through his wife's job at Goldman Sachs before this, so his employer has nothing to do with it. He could easily afford private insurance.
Thanks for HELPING Ted Cruz... Ozombies
The guy works for the Federal Government!

To stay legal he has no choice, you fuckin' moron! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Are you really so stupid that you don't get your own guy's message?

He claims to be a "principled conservative".....doesn't that person, if he's serious, stick to his principles? Cruz has quacked about the healthcare act and how it is unconstitutional and he has made that the centerpiece of his political message.

Now, he is enrolling in it. Are you so seriously stupid that you can't appreciate the irony in that?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Are you really so stupid that you don't get your own guy's message?

He claims to be a "principled conservative".....doesn't that person, if he's serious, stick to his principles? Cruz has quacked about the healthcare act and how it is unconstitutional and he has made that the centerpiece of his political message.

Now, he is enrolling in it. Are you so seriously stupid that you can't appreciate the irony in that? Originally Posted by timpage
You really don't get it do you, numbskull?

Until the law is changed he has to live with it.
Just like the rest of us.

He is 'sticking to his principles' by obeying the law.
Something you and Obie know nothing about.
You really don't get it do you, numbskull?

Until the law is changed he has to live with it.
Just like the rest of us.

He is 'sticking to his principles' by obeying the law.
Something you and Obie know nothing about. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
No... he's probably got some pussified shooting instrument hidden away in those shitkickers. Sticking to his principles? These people can't even bring themselves to SAY that word. Kinda like you can't make yourself say the word 'no' in the presence of a gaggle of dicks.

Sticking to your principles means doing what's right, the law be goddamned. That's what this country was built on. Didn't we break the law to throw off the yoke of oppression? Then Teddy can say a big 'fuck you' to Odumbo by not doing it. But he won't, because he's a pussy and isn't fit to carry George Washington's jock strap.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Sticking to your principles means doing what's right, the law be goddamned. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
So that's why you like Obama breaking the law.. its what you like to do. Tell me, when the cops pull you over for speeding.. do you tell them to stick it, you are just "doing what's right.. the law be dammed"?