Ah yes, about that.... Well ,as a matter of fact, I DID tell her she needed to raise her rates.

I have no bone in this dog fight but I'm missing the correlation between fewer new clients each month and higher quality of product or service. What exactly makes that a superior experience? Do you cook em dinner and go for a swim in that lake before play?

Fewer new add-ons per month doesn't necessarily mean fewer sessions per day than most Eccie providers. Even if it did does adding fewer new mongers each month somehow make the kitty any tastier, tighter or more talented?
Ms Francisca's Avatar
I may be back with a sarcastic comment later but for now.... Does the girl in white do couples? You met the young lady that lives with me the other night and she just saw that gals pictures and said.... "Can I have her? Pleeeeeeaaaasssssssseeeeeee!"
Originally Posted by Whispers

Fill out a booking form..... you might have a friend where you least expect it.
Jen is precious. I'm glad she's doing well. She deserves it
sixxbach's Avatar

Yeah kudos to W for letting you go the other night. How could you have said hi, if I wasn't there?

You found another young lady to piggyback off of? You're old news hun. You have not crossed my mind either. I know you have to remind us all that you actually still exist. It's good to know if I actually cared. Just don't sound so bitter like your fellow pimpette........

sixx Originally Posted by HunterGrace
you weren't even there? My bad, like I said, I didn't think to notice until I was long gone. And Whispers is NO YOUNG LADY.[/quote]

if the mods aren't pussy whipped by you, they will point you for your insult but anyway....

how would you not notice me if I had showed up at the social? I am a fat pig and besides you gave me a free overnight, we spent enough time together to not forget what we look like

WyldemanATX's Avatar
Are we gonna talk about freebies again?

Yes I did play nice with TMHG.

What the hell is this shit telling someone to raise their rates. Like WKs are bad enough. It is called supply and demand.

What is a Whore bath?

I like groupies and I consider them as used good, not used goods.

I would never consider any provider as a orgasm machine. I have connected and had a more than pleasurable experience with several moderately priced time providers.
HunterGrace's Avatar
I have no bone in this dog fight but I'm missing the correlation between fewer new clients each month and higher quality of product or service. What exactly makes that a superior experience? Do you cook em dinner and go for a swim in that lake before play?

Fewer new add-ons per month doesn't necessarily mean fewer sessions per day than most Eccie providers. Even if it did does adding fewer new mongers each month somehow make the kitty any tastier, tighter or more talented? Originally Posted by Codybeast
Without trying to turn this into a threAD, must I remind the board that the experiences I provide have always been of the highest quality possible. Tastiest, most talented to some. So in that respect, the service has not changed, simply the amount of requests I receive. It's not lonely at the top but it is much quieter. And no, I don't cook dinner for my clients but I understand Francesca offers an amazing dinner date experience.
HunterGrace's Avatar
you weren't even there? My bad, like I said, I didn't think to notice until I was long gone. And Whispers is NO YOUNG LADY. Originally Posted by sixxbach
if the mods aren't pussy whipped by you, they will point you for your insult but anyway....

how would you not notice me if I had showed up at the social? I am a fat pig and besides you gave me a free overnight, we spent enough time together to not forget what we look like


Awww, I'm just giving you a hard time. We are still buddies, right?
HunterGrace's Avatar
Are we gonna talk about freebies again?

Yes I did play nice with TMHG.

What the hell is this shit telling someone to raise their rates. Like WKs are bad enough. It is called supply and demand.

What is a Whore bath?

I like groupies and I consider them as used good, not used goods.

I would never consider any provider as a orgasm machine. I have connected and had a more than pleasurable experience with several moderately priced time providers. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
I wasn't talking about you, Wyldeman. I know you are a gentleman through and through when not behind your mean ole board persona. It just took me awhile to come around.
austinkboy's Avatar
Look what I started!

It was good to meet you Hunter. And thanks for leaving my date alone! You did, right? Whispers, thanks for approving Hunter. Now to kick back...
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I think Kboy is a florist. I think I saw him collecting money from the girls that sell roses at the clubs. LOL
specials going on now. if yes is that msog... looks like a yugo vagina vending machine [or as urban directory might refer to as yvvm]
I've been made! Oh my!

Or else you have me confused with an older lady. I have several years before I see my 40th birthday. It's no big deal, we all make mistakes, had you met me before, you would have known that already.

I think my point is that if I were just an orgasm vending machine, I would ask for the tribute to reflect that service. If someone just wanted transportation, they would just get a car or take the bus. For those that appreciate the luxury of a phenomenal experience, they understand that it holds a higher value. When I want to become a revolving pussy, I'll drop my rate and pack em in with back to back sessions and maybe I'll leave myself time in between to have a quick whore bath. Until then, a few new suitors a month is all I can accommodate so going through fewer prospects by increasing my tribute just makes good sense. I understand that all providers are just orgasm vending machines to some hobbiest's. But it's still up to the provider to define her own niche regardless of what a few bargain shoppers might feel about it.

Just as a person who doesn't appreciate the diversity of cars but still likes to use them, there are hobbiest's who are not into the diversity of providers but still like to use them. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It just shows how non-compatible we are. Originally Posted by HunterGrace
WyldemanATX's Avatar
If anyone knows anything about buying a car you never pay sticker price.
with this one is to hear her asking price then we can all dick her er dicker
If anyone knows anything about buying a car you never pay sticker price. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
HunterGrace's Avatar
Ahh, my apologies for getting your age wrong. As you no longer have a showcase (and I couldn't muster up the motivation to check your website), I had to go by how your pictures looked when they were last posted from memory. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
There are a lot of pictures that I'm sure have crossed your path since you've crossed mine. I forgive you for your ignorance.

I may have already known that, had I met you..but I've never had the interest. Originally Posted by Rand
thank you for having the foresight to see that we aren't compatible.

And my point is that taking a Kia, prying off the Kia emblem, then gluing on a Mercedes ornament does not warrant Mercedes prices. For those that appreciate true quality, not just name recognition, just a price difference for a change of emblem is laughable. You can slap on as many Lexus emblems on a Camry, I'll pass on that Lexus ES. True value is not in the name or the price. Originally Posted by Rand
I'm glad we are in agreement! I knew you would come around! Since you have only reviews to base your opinions of me and no personal one on one experience, I know that you can't be insinuating that I am a Kia with a Mercedes emblem. Let's keep this on topic and leave other girls out of it for now.

So were you a revolving pussy or an orgasm vending machine when your rates were lower? Originally Posted by rand
I've worn many hats and yes there were days that I wore that one too. But for the most part, I enjoyed the luxury of choosing my suitors from many prospects, not unlike most hobbiests. I had a plethora of prospects with the lower tribute meaning that my lovers were profiled and handpicked by me prior to our session resulting in the best possible lovers and experiences. It gave me a feeling of POWER and CONTROL which as y'all know, turns me on a lot.

Whore bath? That's what that's called? So how much time between clients is required for it to not be called a whore bath, 3 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours? Originally Posted by rand
A baby wipe takes but a minute. Mouthwash can be swishing simultaneously. When I ran the glory hole, I was so busy that one day I had to tell clients to make a block if the porch light was on. Poor Karma (now retired), my glory hole girl that day, was exhausted.

It's always been up to the provider to define her own niche as she can. However, some of those bargain shoppers you mention just might be the ones who can see true quality and value. Originally Posted by rand
ThreAD alert! Those who have seen me once at the elevated rate are usually offered a returning rate that is much more affordable. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to advertise that.

I'm happy with my one car, it gets me where I want to go while providing me with the excitement of driving a responsive and powerful machine when I want it. I also rent cars when I travel for business - I look for value in those rentals. Depending on my mood, I might pick up a luxury sedan, SUV, and sometimes a sports car. When I'm only there for a short time and not driving much, I may even opt for a comfortable economy car. I don't tend to rent mini vans. You shouldn't confuse someone who understands what they want and sees value in quality with bargain hunters. Originally Posted by rand
And we come full circle to you making my point for me.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
There are a lot of pictures that I'm sure have crossed your path since you've crossed mine. I forgive you for your ignorance. Originally Posted by HunterGrace
I tend to have a pretty good memory, and make a habit of remembering pertinent facts. I do remember your pictures being associated with controversy for having your midriff covered and that your disclaimer that pictures may have been modified being an understatement. I also remember you having the body and face of a 40 year old, thank you for forgiving my ignorance of your real age.

thank you for having the foresight to see that we aren't compatible.
I'm shocked that you have to thank me for that "foresight". I would think it's common for someone to look at your offering and know that the value isn't there before and now.

I'm glad we are in agreement! I knew you would come around! Since you have only reviews to base your opinions of me and no personal one on one experience, I know that you can't be insinuating that I am a Kia with a Mercedes emblem. Let's keep this on topic and leave other girls out of it for now.
You would be wrong. I hope I was doing more than insinuating, I thought I was pretty obvious. Taylor Maiden - Kia, Hunter Grace = obviously rebranded/rebadged Taylor Maiden. Since you've already told us that you've worn the hat of being a "revolving pussy" or an "orgasm vending machine", and even have come up with the term "whore bath" to describe what you've done between clients before, I'm sure you can see the comparison.

As for what I have to base my judgement on... Since we're beating this car analogy to pulp, let's go with that, shall we? There are cars that I don't have to test drive to know that I don't want to drive, rent or purchase it. I can look at brochures, specs, pictures, and read reviews. As such, without having had personal one on one experience, I can say that I have no interest in partaking your offering. I have seen pictures, reviews, measurements, your personality on the boards, as well as opinions of others I trust to base that on.

I've worn many hats and yes there were days that I wore that one too. But for the most part, I enjoyed the luxury of choosing my suitors from many prospects, not unlike most hobbiests. I had a plethora of prospects with the lower tribute meaning that my lovers were profiled and handpicked by me prior to our session resulting in the best possible lovers and experiences. It gave me a feeling of POWER and CONTROL which as y'all know, turns me on a lot.

A baby wipe takes but a minute. Mouthwash can be swishing simultaneously. When I ran the glory hole, I was so busy that one day I had to tell clients to make a block if the porch light was on. Poor Karma (now retired), my glory hole girl that day, was exhausted.
Glad you see that you know you've been the revolving pussy and orgasm vending machine. I thought for a minute that your pompous attitude would cause you to deny that.

Thanks for the baby wipe and mouthwash comment, great imagery. As for Karma, weren't you the one that wanted to leave other girls out of this discussion, especially retired ones?

ThreAD alert! Those who have seen me once at the elevated rate are usually offered a returning rate that is much more affordable. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to advertise that.
You're welcome. I'm glad to see that you realize your value is somewhere south of your rates as well. I'm sure letting others know helps, or you wouldn't be thanking me for the opportunity to advertise that fact.

And we come full circle to you making my point for me.

The best I can summarize your exchange with me in this thread is to compare you to a slimy used car salesman or a politician. "What? Rebadged? The guy down the street might do that, but not ME!" "First of all, any coupons or offers made as Taylor Maiden are voided as TM Inc went out of business." You might want to look up what going out of business means (it's not a one person business closing doors for a month and reopening under another name), and what a business does when it takes over all assets of another business, key employees, and reputation. (hint: assumes obligations regarding warranties, service contracts and even verbal contracts made by employees - you)

I'm glad I'm making your point for you, thanks for letting us know how you view your "past" and how you view other women in the business.